The Weather App

Privacy Policy



The aim of this privacy policy is to provide an overview on the privacy practices exercised by me with respect to my Services, including my mobile applications, websites, and related services, unless terms and conditions accompanying an individual Service indicate otherwise.

I want you to understand my policies and practices when it comes to how I (my apps, websites, etc.) collect and use your information. Your privacy is important to me. I am dedicated to protecting your personal information and informing you about how I use it. Please review this Privacy Policy periodically as I may revise it without notice.

By visiting or using any of my Services, you hereby agree with the practices set out in this Privacy Policy.

What information do I obtain and how is it used?

My apps may gather certain information automatically from the Services including, but not limited to, the type of model of mobile device you use, the device ID, location of the device, the mobile network (mobile carrier) you use, installation and uninstallation rates, language, and mobile application resource information to analyze the performance of mobile applications.

My apps may collect any information voluntarily provided by you, including, but not limited to, your email address (such as Google account email).

My apps also use the collected information for the administration and operation of my Services, to generally improve the overall quality of your experience.

Only aggregated, anonymized data is periodically transmitted to external services to help me improve any of my Services. I do not share any anonymized or user provided information with third parties.

* You can permanently stop all collection of information from my Services simply by uninstalling (if such Service is a mobile application installed on your device), or discontinuing use (if such Service is a website or related service). For uninstalling, you may use the standard uninstall processes as may be available as part of your mobile device or via the mobile application marketplace or network.

Links to Other Companies

My Services may contain links to other websites or mobile applications. I am of course not responsible for the privacy practices of other websites or mobile applications. I encourage you to be aware when you leave any of my Services to read the privacy statements of each and every website or mobile application that collects personally identifiable information. Your browsing and interaction on any other website or mobile application, including those that have a link on any of my Services, is subject to that website’s or mobile application’s own rules and policies.

Third-Party Activities

My Services may also include features such as plug-ins or widgets operated by third parties not owned or controlled by me. Third parties may use these features to collect information like your IP address and the pages you visit on my Services. Similar to outside links in the previous section, I do not control or have access to the cookies, similar technologies, or other features used by these third parties, and their activities are covered by their own privacy policies and terms of service. I recommend that you review the privacy policy of the third-party website or service.


I may update this Privacy Policy to reflect changes in the privacy practices at any time without notice. I will aim to notify you of any changes to the Privacy Policy by posting the new Privacy Policy on this website. I will highlight that changes have been made to this Privacy Policy by indicating at the top of the Privacy Policy the date it was last updated. You are advised to consult this Privacy Policy regularly for any changes, as continued use is deemed approval of all changes.

Your Consent

By using any of my Services, you are consenting to processing of your information as set forth in this Privacy Policy now and as amended by me. “Processing,” means using or touching information in any way, including, but not limited to, collecting, storing, deleting, using, combining information.

Contact me

If you have any questions about this privacy statement, please contact me via contact form.