Why Hand Sanitizers Are the Best Possible Defense Against the COVID-19 Virus?

One of the best preventative measures amid the spread of the COVID-19 pandemic is washing your hands and most importantly sanitizing every now and then.

Undoubtedly, soap can thoroughly clean but cannot be carried to and for, whereas hand sanitizer turns out to be the most viable option to keep germs and viruses at bay. One of the best ways to stay healthy ahead of the curve and make amends to flatten lies in washing your hands with soap and water. But if soap can be accessed, especially when you are away, hand sanitizer may help rid your hands of germs that can cause COVID-19.

When selecting hand sanitizer, make sure you opt for the one that contains approximately 60-95% alcohol. When you use hand sanitizer, make sure you give a thorough read to the directions and follow the proper technique to achieve the desired results. FYI: Make sure you do not wipe the sanitizer off. That can make it less effective in killing germs and keeping you protected.

So, if you want to know more about foam sanitizer and how it can be the best possible armament to fight against infections, give the below discussed benefits a quick read:

  • Put a Full Stop to the Spread of Germs: A study conducted revealed that 1 in 5 people don’t wash their hands on a regular basis. And among those who do, 70% don’t use soap. Alas, keeping hand sanitizer in specific areas (including bathrooms and kitchens) will improve the chances of helping this portion of people to keep their hands clean and safe from the infection spread.

  • Promote Good Hygiene and Health: A healthy building promotes good health and keeps the mind in top working condition. One study found that encouraging the use of hand sanitizers in schools and workplaces reduced absenteeism by approximately 20%!

  • Reduce Waste: Being a step ahead in reducing waste can lay a positive impact on the overall bottom line. Amid the fall of the pandemic, many people were seen using paper towels to open and close doors. Placing hand sanitizers near exit doors can make it easy for people to guard themselves against germs without needing any additional product or equipment.

How Is Hand Sanitizer Most Effectively Used?

It’s important you use hand sanitizer properly to grab the best possible benefits it can offer– also help you get rid of germs before they attempt to spread in and around and inflict harm on a majority of people:

  • Don’t Use Hand Sanitizer if Your Hands are Dirty: Yes, you read it right. Make sure you do not use hand sanitizers to clean or wipe dirt off your hands. They’re meant to disinfect and residue like oil or dirt will prevent hand sanitizers from doing their job to sanitize your hands.

  • Use the Right Amount: When it comes to hand sanitizer, less isn’t more. You need to take the product in an adequate amount that can coat every part of your hands. Don’t forget to rub it at the back or spreading it evenly among your fingers!

  • Rub It In Until Your Hands Are Dry: This way you can be sure that the product has touched every important area of your skin.

Final Thoughts

When used with other preventative measures, hand sanitizer will help to keep you and every other person around you protected against the deadly virus.