
Officers & Board

The Executive Committee holding the offices of President, Vice President, Secretary and Treasurer are volunteers voted into office and serve a one year term.

The remainder of the Board are volunteers offering their services to the club.  They can serve as many years as they want.

Officers and Volunteers


President Theresa Watson

Vice President Peggy  Flores  

Treasurer Gary T Williamson 

Secretary Gary T Williamson

Food Service Beverly Jacobs, Karen Jones, Judi Ney and Kay Wangen 

Ladies Luncheon Beverly Harvey

Membership George Harvey 

Website Gary T Williamson

Golf Paul Hackett

50/50 David Kimbell

Sunshine Comm. Debbie Edwards   

Past  officers and board members. From left to right:  Debbie Smith Edwards Sunshine Committee, Jimmy Williams and David Kimball 50/50, Beverly Adams Harvey, Ladies Luncheons, Debra Hackett , President, George Harvey, Membership, Gary T Williamson , Treasurer and Webmaster, Food Service Ladies: Judy  Ney, Kay Wangen , Bev Jacobs , and Karen Jones.  Not present was Kim Goodman Wilder , Secretary. After the meeting Theresa Watson has volunteered to be our Vice President and will be voted in at the February meeting! Congratulations  to all.