The Time Is NOW! Fund Our Schools!

HB 1010xx

In the spring of 2018 we tracked a series of bills the legislature passed. The revenue side was originally almost identical to the original Bartlesville/Time Is Now plan to begin rebuilding state schools.

The expenditure side in the linked bills provides an average teacher raise of $6,100 and a mandated school support employee raise of $1,250. There was also enough money appropriated to cover the school employee Flexible Benefit Allowance increase for FY19. It also restored $33 million in textbook funding.

Where the education funding plan fell short was it only provides $17 million in other operational funding, which is less than the $22 million in such funding the state cut in February 2018.

The initial revenue bills were a historic achievement: it was the first time since 1992 that a tax increase passed the legislature with the 75% super-majority.

So what was funded, and what was missing?

Governor Fallin signed into law about $530 million in new revenue, thanks in no small part to the original Time Is Now/Bartlesville plan.

$480 million of that new revenue was appropriated to fully fund the teacher pay raise, school employee pay raise, textbook funding, and a bit more operational funding, while paying for the increase in school employee Flexible Benefit Allowances for FY19.


HB 1010xx: $451 million + HB 1011xx: $89 million = $540 million

LESS the HB 1012xx repeal of $50 million in lodging fees = $490 million

PLUS $20 million more via HB 1019xx from 3rd party online sales = $510 million

PLUS $20 million more via HB 3375 from gaming = $530 million


Teacher pay raise: $353,501,793

Support pay raise: $52,000,000

Textbooks: $33,000,000

Flexible Benefit Allowance increase: $24,687,149

State Aid Formula: $17,000,000

TOTAL: $480,188,942


State Worker Pay Raise: $63,765,398

The State Department of Education has posted answers to some Frequently Asked Questions about the teacher pay raise.

The Time is Now, Oklahoma!

The school funding crisis is not over. Next steps:

Even teacher salaries are now $5,001-$8,395 higher this year have NOT stopped the ever-increasing numbers of emergency certified teachers.

The minimal amount of additional operational funding in the measures did little to repair the damage done over the past decade to class sizes, teacher training, instructional supplies, and lost electives. We still have more than 1 out of 6 districts with 4-day school weeks.

Bartlesville led this historic improvement for our schools from the start, and we will continue to lead.

Our state must identify the priority reforms which should be restored and how much funding would be needed. That will require another concerted effort to raise new revenues and/or direct growth revenues accordingly in FY20 and beyond.

Some initial reform targets could be:

  • Restoration of the old class size limits, with funding for all of the additional teaching positions that will require.
  • Revisiting curriculum requirements, with a focus on funding restoration of world language courses and other lost electives.
  • Reforming instructional time requirements by:
    • eliminating or restricting the days-to-minutes conversion method and/or
    • increasing the number of required minutes or days and tying that to continued salary increases and/or
    • eliminating 4-day school weeks
  • Restoration of the consolidation incentive to reduce the number of school districts statewide
  • Restoration of funding for mentoring and professional development, particularly for emergency-certified teachers
  • State funding for student instructional technology to support take-home 1:1 devices for all secondary school students, 1:1 classroom devices for upper elementary school students, and 1:2 classroom devices for lower elementary school students

Now we must demand that the legislature work to RESTORE THE REFORMS!

Here's the original "Bartlesville Plan" which morphed into what the House and Senate finally passed: