The Main Thing around which my Website Revolves-Internet Content Writing

I like to Write Blogs on the Topics and Ideas that Interest Me-So yes, I hope you Find them Interesting too-and if, then feel Free to Share 'em and stay tuned for New Blogs every Now and then😄


"Jack of All Trades Masters None"-perhaps, this is one of those Idioms that you have heard a million times-but I do not like it-because it is highly misleading for my personal Experience; which made me write this Blog

Head on to read my Blog 👉🏻 "Jack of All Trades or Master of One?" where I Speak about how the Idiom might be misleading, and my perspective on THE IDIOM, with an improvised version of it, which would be more apt for life!

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June 10th, 2024


It is one of the best Attitude of Not Quitting, and Chasing a Task/Work with your Full Potential. But is it always good to have that Nature? Or is it Good to Strategically Quit at the Right time? Is Quitting Actually that bad, or can it be a Life-Changer?

Head on to read my Blog 👉🏻 "Is It OK to Quit?" where I Speak How Quitting Can benefit someone-A Counter Intuitive Idea which many people are scared to take-just because they do not well understand this!

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aPRIL 13th, 2024


We all Work Hard-yet the results do not always come Great. Is there something more Important than Hard Work? What is Draining us, and How can it be Overcome?

Head on to read my Blog 👉🏻 "Focus over Hard Work" where I Speak On How FOCUS plays a rather Important Role than Your Hard work, and What to ACTUALLY FOCUS on!

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March 9th, 2024


The Feeling of Not doing Something Just before You are Supposed to do is something I have faced a lot of times, and I am sure you have too! But it is overcoming this we can truly explore the things on the other side!

Head on to read my Blog 👉🏻 "Overcome, Learn, Thrive" where I Speak On The Topic from a Personal Experience.

(This was a SHORT BLOG written by me-thus, is directly posted on Medium and haven't posted properly on this website)

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January 28th, 2024


We all have heard people saying- "Do what You Love", or "Making Your Passion and Hobby as your Job will make you love your Work and you won't feel it as work." For some cases, this is correct-but do we OVERLOOK something? And is this Universal, or does it come with Strings attached that go unseen?

Head on to read my Blog 👉🏻 "Let Your Hobbies be Hobbies" where I Speak On Your Hobbies, and why, for most cases, you should leave your Hobbies as a PURE HOBBY and not try to make it as your profession

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January 4th, 2024


In the past decade of my Life, I found out one thing the bitter way(which I am sure you all too would have learnt)- NO MATTER WHAT, HOW HARD YOU TRY-YOU WILL MISS OUT ON THINGS!

Head on to read my Blog 👉🏻 "Missing Out the Right Thing" where I Speak On The Inevitable Thing of Missing out on things and related to it.

(This was a SHORT BLOG written by me-thus, is directly posted on Medium and haven't posted properly on this website)

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December 23rd, 2023


We all know that what is the REGULAR ECONOMY-the money that you own and the Financials. But have Your ever heard of the term CIRCULAR ECONOMY? If not, then I am not surprised for this would be one of the most Under-rated alternative for an effort to help save our planet!

Head on to read my Blog 👉🏻 "Circular Economy" where I Speak on the Topic of Circular Economy.

(Kindly note that all the details provided herein are from a small session conducted in our College-and this blog was even published by me for a Competition by IEEE SPIT)

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October 31ST, 2023


Let us all accept the fact that we WEREN'T BORN AS EQUALS. All of us had our own Unfair Advantages while growing up. So, is Life Extremely Unfair? And if yes, then how come some individuals Attain Heights while coming from virtually nothing? Is there any Filter that LIFE inherently has which sorts the people?

Head on to read my Blog 👉🏻 "The Fourfold Filter of Life" where I Speak on the Filter that Life has-the filter that sorts out the ones who Go Ahead and the ones who don't! And luckily, we all have the CHOICE to fit where we wish to!

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October 23rd, 2023


We all know that in Order to Grow overall, we need a COLLABORATIVE Group-as that is how we, as HUMANS, have been growing for Years! But, at the same time, we also know-in order to Grow on a Personal Level, we have to be COMPETITIVE. This often creates a Conflict between being COLLABORATIVE and being COMPETITIVE which leads to an Imbalance! 

Head on to read my Blog 👉🏻 "The Imbalance Between Competition and Imbalance" where I Speak on the Imbalance and how it is affecting our Lives!

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September 28th, 2023


Since the day we were Born, the first things that we ever did was MAKE MISTAKES! But back then, we did not know it was called MISTAKE. Now that we do, do we make mistakes, or avoid them? Is Avoiding Mistakes Good? What is the impact of this? Curious, let's explore.

Head on to read my Blog 👉🏻 "MISTAKES, PSYCHOLOGY & INCOMPETENCY" where I Speak on the topic of MISTAKES, and the web that it forms and how it is affecting our Lives!

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September 2nd, 2023


We all Know How to READ-but let me ask this to you-WHEN WAS THE LAST TIME YOU READ SOMETHING? And when I say READ SOMETHING I don't mean reading the Subtitles of another Random YouTube Shorts or that of Instagram Reels; but actually read a Blog, an Article, or a Book! We are slowly Avoiding to READ, and this is has way more Downs, than Ups!

Head on to read my Blog 👉🏻 "Why You Should NEVER STOP READING" where I Speak about Perks of READING-and things related to Reading, Not Reading and the Impact on Our Daily Life and Brain!

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August 27th, 2023


We all Know How to READ-but let me ask this to you-WHEN WAS THE LAST TIME YOU READ SOMETHING? And when I say READ SOMETHING I don't mean reading the Subtitles of another Random YouTube Shorts or that of Instagram Reels; but actually read a Blog, an Article, or a Book! We are slowly Avoiding to READ, and this is has way more Downs, than Ups!

Head on to read my Blog 👉🏻 "Why You Should NEVER STOP READING" where I Speak about Perks of READING-and things related to Reading, Not Reading and the Impact on Our Daily Life and Brain!

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August 27th, 2023


Avoidance is amongst the First Resort we instinctively have when dealing with a Life-Threatening Situations; but is that confined to just Life Threatening Situations, or have we made AVOIDANCE our BASIC NATURE?

Head on to read my Blog- "The Tech-Backed AVOIDANCE Aftermath" where I Speak about How and What are the Consequences of Avoidance-something that we all are AVOIDING, but the fact that AVOIDING would bring no good, and that, Dealing with things & looking at things More Closely to solve them is the Best Habit we can make over making Avoidance as a New "Habit"!

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August 5th, 2023


Ever happened with you that a Seat or a Post that you missed by a few Credits, but later, the same was given to someone else with even less Credibility-all thanks to RESERVATIONS?!

Head on to read my Blog- "RESERVATIONS" where I Speak about Reservations-something that was earlier meant to make things Right, but HAS NOW RESULTED INTO SOMETHING THAT IS HATED BY ALL and also, contemplate that DO WE STILL NEED IT-IN THE WORLD WHERE WE TALK OF EQUALITY and there are Millions of Parades and Marches every now and then where People DEMAND equality, doesn't the Existence of Such Reservations SHOW HYPOCRISY and TWO-FACEDNESS of the actual Matter(as they never seem to speak of it when inequality benefits them)?

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July 20th, 2023


No System is Flawless, and for Most of the Time- Hear me out, and I always say- "Imperfection is the Best Perfection we are Ever Bestowed Upon by". But does this Mean we Blindly Comply with Flaws to Areas where Flaw is the Beginning, but eventually, Flawlessness is the Answer-A hard Answer, yet the one NEEDED?!

Head on to read my Blog- "The Undone Criterion Consideration" where I Speak of one of the Biggest Flaws we, as humans, live in-something we SHOULD HAVE IMPLEMENTED DECADES AGO, yet I challenge you, nobody has ever talked of it-not even in its basic Form!

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July 9th, 2023


Being in a Good Shape and having a Great Health is something that we all Want-but are we able to attain this, or it is seen as a Dream that only Exists in thoughts? Well, these are the 5 Easy to Employ Tips That I came across by Experimenting and Trying out Different Things-some of the tips that I feel might help you come on the track and start your Healthier, more Happier Life.

Head on to read my Blog- "The 5 Easy To Employ Tips for Feeling & Becoming Healthier" where I give the Basic yet most Important Tips that I feel Would Help You in your New Journey-Journey of Becoming Healthier, and Living Happier!

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July 1st, 2023


Almost everything that we know of and use on the Daily basis-from Walking to Talking, from Reading to Writing and even the Skills that we use in the Work Place-all of these things are ACQUIRED by us and By Repeated Practice. But, if they were Taught in a Wrong way, and that nobody ever Corrected it, we would eventually have ended learning and repeating the Wrong thing over and over-considering it to be Correct. I feel the same is what happens with DISCIPLINE-everyone wants us TO BE DISCIPLINED, but hardly has anyone defined it properly, and TAUGHT what Discipline actually is!
Head on to read my Blog- "The Misperceived and the Cryptic-DISCIPLINE" where I talk on the Topic of DISCIPLINE, its TRUE IMPORTANCE IN LIFE, and all about Discipline that I have learned so far!

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June 21st, 2023


What/Who Are You? Or rather, on what parameters, do you define yourself as you? What is that makes you call yourself as you-is it your face, your voice or Your Body As Whole-and if so, would you loose YOURSELF if your face, your Body or your Voice Changed? Well, Consciousness, our experiences, the Mentality, and the Way of Doing Things, etc., is what ACTUALLY makes us 'us'! But what if that Changes too, or has the change already Begun?
Head on to read my Blog- "Losing  Something Important?" where I talk on the Topic of Personal Uniqueness, and how we MIGHT slowly LOOSE(or have started loosing)it!

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April 22nd, 2023


This has often happened with me-Whenever I have some sort of New Idea on any of the Topics to speak/write about, don't know how, I always FIND OUT that something similar is already out there. This is something that kind of Demotivates me, for I think that no matter how hard I try, or whatever Idea I will come about would eventually end up being present on the Net. Thus, Producing something Original SEEMS hard nowadays.

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MAY 29th, 2022



It has been more than 300years, since we last saw the Dodo wandering Earth; 70 years since we had an Indian Cheetah Racing around our Diverse Jungles; 4000 years since the Great Ancestors of Elephant, the Mammoth went extinct. You see, Progressive Evolution and Survival of the Fittest are the Two Things that encourage us DEVELOPING, INVENTING in order to remain at the Top of the Food Chain-by being an Apex Predator(and rather maintaining that position for a much longer period of time). But, Earth and Life o Earth went through courses of Evolution and drastic Changes-not only in their Physical Features, but also, even the Ecological and Environmental aspects(because of the Human Intervention in the Nature). Human Intervention in all of this is something that carved out the Present time by making Small changes, that seemed insignificant at that time, but created a Significant effect over a brief time. The Changes made by the Early Humans are not Tales or any Myths-but are Real Events of the History(history of Earth, as well as Humanity)which is recorded by them in forms of  Paintings and Inscriptions on Boulders, Rock Surfaces, Cloth, Leaves and many more things which we now refer to as the ARTIFACTS.
The first Homo Sapiens were spotted around 200,000 years ago! Yes, that is the time, before the Mammoth went Extinct. So, over the past 200,000years, we have seen Development in Humanity-or better yet, in our Species-the Homo Sapiens. Though its initial rate of Progress and Development was very slow, but after a certain time in the Human History, we saw an Impetus to this Growth-all thanks to the Industrial Revolution. With bursts of Ideas and Increased Knowledge, Humans started their Journey on the Path of Fast and Rapid Development with Modernization in all the Regions and Area-from the Living Style, to even Languages and eating and living habits! But, while we were making Steps for a Better, a Newer Future, we started, what I am referring to as the VANISHING CURVE. In the name of PROGRESS and DEVELOPMENT, we started to lose the roots with our Past and the Ancestors-their Art, their Knowledge and all the Things that they Tried to pass on to us. We are so engrossed and excited to adapt to the Future that we did not think that we even had to MAINTAIN THE PAST and CARRY ON THE LEGACY of Humanity as whole(that is, while Progressing, we should not forget the Point from where we Started and the Past of Our Tribe)! This VANISHING CURVE is almost same as that of the Success Curve(this sounds Quite Ironic), in the beginning, there is not much effect, but, now, we might be at the Stage where it could gain its MAIN TRAJECTORY, if we don’t break the Curve!

Well, in the name of Progress, we adapted to easier things that made the life simpler, but we did not preserve some of the Main things of the Past which is TRULY and ACTUALLY the Culture and Heritage of Humanity as Whole! Say, the Mesopotamian Script, originally that was written on the Stone Tablets in Sumerian, cannot be comprehended at all. Having no Knowledge about a Single Letter of that Script, makes us INDIRECTLY FORGET the PAST. We cannot properly Comprehend and Visualize what Exactly was the Reason of Decline of the Kingdom, or What All Was Happening during that time-as those Scripts might contain some of the Documentaries by Official Emperors of that Era or Personal Documentaries by the People living in that Era . You see, regardless of the Time or the Era, the basic Human Nature to DOCUMENTING, and COMMENT on Current Affairs, Important Topics or any Subject has never Changed(and I think, this would never Change). For the matter of fact, people used to Document, and write about the Events in the Past; and even do that now-the only difference is that we now have a SUPER ADVANCED DATABASE HOLDER that can save Data for a Long Period of time, with very less Real World Space-in a Language of only Two Known variables-0s & 1s or better, in the Binary(and this could be Easily Translated into any of the Known Registered Language)! Having started the topic of Languages, presently, India has 121 Identified Languages, of which, many are not even known to me regardless I am Multilingual(able to speak around 5languages, 3 very Fluently, while the rest 2 not that well-and this is a PERK of being an Indian). Honestly, I don’t even know the Authentic Writing of my Language which is similar to that of Arabic, but not Exactly Same. And I know that it would be known only by the Grandparents who have less time to record the KNOWLEDGE on World's Biggest Known Database-the Internet. Once they are gone, my Ethnic and Original Script would be just like Sumerian-a language which would become long forgotten with Information Lost and Fading Away in the Past. All that we would do is ADORE the writing and Wish that someone knew that. Apart from the Land of Diversity, India, there are many other Places in the World which were/are or will be facing this Problem and if there is no Solution to that, we might be on the WRONG PATH OF PROGRESS AND DEVELOPMENT-as we do not account for what is being done, but rather, JUST CARE FOR WHAT NEEDS TO BE DONE!

The Above was the depiction of the VANISHING CURVE in the field of Linguistics-a Key for passing on the Knowledge from one Generation to the Other, and the Key Method because of which we can thrive! Apart from Linguistics, there is one more Field(of the many)where the VANISHING CURVE will assumingly create a Drastic Change-in the Field of Profession and Practicing Arts! One of the biggest clues that human brain has always bee thinking out of the Box is right in front of us-Those Old Paintings with Great Perspectives, Clay Models and Diagrams of the City in Miniature, Ability to think and Rather Cook Food over Eating it raw and what not! These are some of the Many things that Humans have done for great time-even the Cavemen used to REIMAGINE and tried to RECREATE THINGS that happened, while the Egyptians took this a step ahead, making Illustrations of the Things nobody saw-life after Death and the other things! But, this is something of which we are loosing the hold of. It is not just the Technology, but also the Education System we all are getting Accustomed to is making us more of a LABOUR and WORKER over INNOVATORS and THINKERS! Logic and other things are only restricted till the Exams-finding Innovative and Unique ways to Ace an EXAM(be it by Unique Cheating Ways, or Shortcuts to Memorize Those Many Formulae, Sequences and what not). And, to boost all of this-i.e., taking all this to another level, Technological and Overall Humanity Development is providing perfect succor(or succour).
Cooking Traditional Dishes and Cuisines in Traditional Ways, i.e., giving the Food its Authentic Taste(the way it was meant to be made and served)is something that was practiced over a Large Time and it was something that was passed from Generation to Generation, only to ensure that this Art of Cooking doesn’t become a Myth and that the Future Generation could know that How Food was Made in the Olden Times. But Machinery that make the Food in Minutes over Hours, just causes a Hinderance for the People to learn the Art of Cooking and Takeaways’ Convenience is just adding more to this*(I am not 100% against this, but I feel that there should be an equal importance given to the Authentic Way of cooking and giving the food its ethnic Taste).* Not just that, but also, the fact that we are Heading towards becoming Autonomous and Making more and more of the Factories for the Mass Production. This not only becomes a REALLY BIG COMPETITON for the Ethnic Handicraft Indies and the people that carry on their Family Legacies ahead-because the Factories can produce things in Mass, and sell off their Products in Less and Cheaper Rates, while the Indies cannot cut down on their Sale Price! These Ethnic Men who are carrying ahead their Culture and their Art so that the Future Generation can have the Chance to BUY it over seeing them in the Glass Protected Great Rooms, where People would pay MONEY in order to just have a glimpse of it, but never even touch that-or, better yet, in the Museums! As the Time have passed, Art is not the Only Field where the Vanishing Curve is taking place-even some of the Fields like Philosophers, Poets and Laurates. There are no much Known Philosophers, or Great and Well Known Poets in the 21st Century, as they were in the 18th and the 20th Century. Moreover to that, there is no Promotion or Encouragement to any of us to become a Professional in any of these Fields, or less, even to consider and think of these as FIELDS and some area where someone can make A CAREER(Although not denying, that in Present Times, these are the Fields where nobody would get enough pay-not enough to carry a hand to mouth relationship).

Big Picture in short, Money is something that we all need to live a Life-and considering the Present conditions and Lifestyle we all are having(and Extrapolating the Graph), it wouldn't be wrong to say that Money and Our Belongings are not just confined to stay alive or living a basic life; but it has become the very SYMBOL of Status and Position in the Society. But, if we all keep chasing the Money and become 100% Money Minded, then there would be no SCOPE FOR HUMNAITY TO EVOLVE AS A WHOLE-like it was doing in the Past! Evolution and Development would be Confined to the Areas where the Growth could be Achieved with Abundant Money as the Very First By Product; while the Areas where Money could be the last By-Product, those would be the Fields where(assumingly)we would evolve and develop the Least! Ergo, now is the Best time to break this Curve and bring our Upcoming Generation to the Correct Path and Trajectory! Let us Promote the Indie or Groups that are working hard to preserve the Art(here, Art does not refer to the Literal Meaning)they have gained and are trying to keep that Alive(or rather pass)

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Business Insider has Compiled videos showing How Some People are trying to "MAINTAIN AND PASS ON THE LEGACY OF TRADITIONAL FORM OF ART AND PRACTICES" in the Following Playlist[s]. So, if want to Look Deep into The Topic, Feel Free To See these Great Documented Videos by Business Insider


February 13th, 2022



Before starting My Blog, I would like to really Appreciate and Thank You(all who are Reading)for your Activity and Active Reading on My Website-Especially My Blogs, truly keeps me Motivated to Write and Put Forth my Perspective of the World, Ideas, Thoughts and Beliefs-one's which I am not Imposing onto anyone, but rather sharing with you all! Also, I know that this Blog is being Published after really long time, but the Fact that I am not getting any spare time(nor am I am Able to MAKE TIME to write and publish any Blogs, ergo, the only Option that I had was to take some small Break from it). Anyways, this was just the "FROM MY SIDE" of the Whole thing for which I was unable to UPLOAD much and be INACTIVE on the Site. 

Anyways, Starting with the Topic-we all have at least once Encountered that Moment with Our Friend(or Colleague)when on one's success, either they(or we), call  LUCK the Sole Reason for the Success over Actual Hard-Work; while the Other Completely Disagrees-claiming that it was ONLY the Hard-Work and Dedication which lead to the Success and there was a NEGLIGIBLE hand of Luck. Well, this arises due to the Different Perspective and Experience of the Same Scenario. The one who lost(or made an Unsuccessful Attempt)sees that the True reason for the Failure wasn't their lack of Training, or Dedication or Hard Work, but the reason was THEY WEREN'T THAT LUCKY! To understand what I am saying, let us consider a Hypothetical Incident-the Incident occurred with XYZ which was, there was an examination for which XYZ had prepared really Hard and he knew that he could easily crack it, but XYZ was unable to give examination-and the Reason was that XYZ FELL ILL AND WASN'T EVEN IN THE CONDITION TO REACH THE EXAMINATION CENTER! If one of the Classmates(who studied less than XYZ),but was selected for the Second Round by being at the Last Qualifier; for XYZ, the Classmate's success was nothing but a PURE RESULT OF GOOD LUCK while XYZ(and few other Smarties like him weren't even able to reach the Exam Center to give the Exam-just because of HARD-LUCK!)

But, this is the Story from XYZ's Perspective and the HARSH TRUTH, but what causes the Disagreement is this Moment- while XYZ sees the Fact of Classmate Being Lucky to get only those Questions which he Had studied, he sees this as HIS WISDOM OF CHOOSING THE MAIN TOPICS AND DOING THE PERFECT AMOUNT OF STUDIES REQUIRED TO CRACK THE EXAMINATION. It is completely ignored that he was Lucky Enough to somehow get only those Questions from the Whole Syllabus that he had studied and that he was able to answer-added to which, some other Tough and Better Competitors like XYZ, who had Hard Luck of not coming to the Examination Hall, made him get Selected! This is just one of those Many Examples due to which, Luck is overseen by a Person. A Similar Type of LUCK FACTOR is seen in a Really Famous Examination and its Marks-that is, in an Examination(say ABC Exam)is one in which if Numerically, the marks of the Students come to be a tie, then the Selection is done on the Basis of Birthdate! So Jus think, only the Date of Birth might come under the Consideration of you Clearing the Examination or no(but this in the rarest of the Scenarios that two Students secure EXACTLY same Marks in all the Subjects!) Keeping aside the Rare Scenario, the Luck factor might even Weigh Down your Efforts and have some Effect on your Prospective Successful Future! Say, you are a really Smart Child Born in one of the Poorest Countries to a Lower Middle Class Family! Regardless of you being Smart, your Country's Economy(and the overall Family's Financial Stability)affects the way you and your Family has to live, acting as an EXTRA HURDLE to you Path to Success-while another person who is relatively less smarter than you, born in an Economically Powerful country to Rich parents, not only has the Luck, but also has an UNFAIR ADVANTAGE over you that he could get resources without much Work and the Loss of Resources by wrong Moves would not seem to be a GREAT LOSS.

Not just that, but there is some relation of the Human Psychology with the Connection of the Incidents and their Consequences of anything with Luck; in addition of judging someone based on their Responses to these BELIEF IN LUCK questions! I have observed that many "Oblivious People" think that any work done by them and the end result of their OWN HARD WORK AND EFFORTS-an overall compounded result. You see, here our Brain played a Game and the Result of Human Psychology made me use the word "OBLIVIOUS"(for the Description of a Person describing his Hard-Work as the only Result of Success), while someone who is grateful to God and rather gives Credit to Luck, Circumstances, or a Divine Power for the Achievement of certain goal is more likely to be Admired and Liked by us, compared to the Previous UNGRATEFUL TO LUCK Man(I am not Lying, Test For Yourself!).

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Honestly Speaking, this is a TOPIC on which I can write for more than 50pages-but, this is a BLOG and not a RESEARCH PAPER type of Content, thus, I had to refrain from going extremely deep; as this is amongst those Topics which has very different Perspective, Thoughts and Beliefs-usually standing 50-50; where APPROXIMATELY half of the Crowd thinks that LUCK indeed is a GREATER FACTOR for Success while the other Half Believes that it is JUST HARD WORK and EFFORTS! Thus, if you want to take something away from this Blog, just remember this much that BOTH HARD-WORK & LUCK PLAY AN IMPORTANT ROLE-Your Luck is of No Use If You Haven't Started to Run the Race and Your Hard-Work is of No Use if You did not have any Element of Luck! 

[ So, if this Topic interests you, then consider reading the following PDF(which is like a Research Paper-published by A. Pluchino, A.E. Biondo and A. Rapisarda) and if, then even read a Similar type of IN DEPTH ARTICLE by James Clear on Luck v/s Hard Work ]




The Following Blog assumingly would not be that Much Relatable with Teens or Younger Demographs Reading this, but I think that Y'all Might somewhat be able to Understand when you grow up to be an Adult/by Seeing the Adults Around you presently. So, here we go-Precise Observation is one of those SPECIAL SKILLS and Qualities that Human have over other Animals around us-and taking advantage of this Skill, I have often Observed the Pattern of Life by Adults around me. I have seen that not only in my house, but even People whom I come across while Walking In Park and seeing People while I am sitting by my Balcony have a FIXED PATTERN in their Life which they have Never Broken! I see A Man Walking Past My Lane everyday by around 3:30pm and going back by around 6:50pm. Just like that man, we all are stuck in a loop-a Loop of FIXED PATTERNS. But in this DAILY LOOP, we often forget that Work, Education and Entertainment are JUST A PART OF LIFE! Not denying, they are one of the Most Important part of our life, but they AREN'T OUR LIFE! We TEND to MAKE OUR LIFE AS OUR WORK, ENTERTAINMENT AND EDUCATION by OVERLOOKING other things such as PHYSICAL AND MENTAL HEALTH, FITNESS and the Most IMPORTANT SPHERE OF OUR LIFE-FRIENDS & FAMILY! This is the Place where I have seen many people make mistakes! We often GIVE LOTS OF DEDICATED TIME TO WORK, EDUCATION and ENTERTAINMENT, but there is scarcely a DEDICATED TIME for-FRIENDS & FAMILY, PHYSICAL & MENTAL HEALTH are those things which SHOULD BE PRIMARY instead on SECONDARY THINGS TO BE CONCERNED OF IN DAILY LIFE! So, while we are obsessed to be INDULGED IN NON-STOP WORK/STUDIES, after a particular time, we are prone to compare ourselves-compare with our Colleagues; and on discovering that they are enjoying their life, we feel FRUSTRATED! Cause, we think that it was I who worked day and night, kept on making continuous Efforts; yet I haven't enjoyed my life-while the other person did relatively less work, yet IS ENJOYING TWICE as me! This then leads to FRUSTRATION which finds it way on those people who ALWAYS WISH THE BEST FOR US-OUR FAMILY MEMBERS AND THE FRIENDS! Ergo, just one small HABIT leads to TWO BIG LOSS-Firstly, loss of Mental and Physics Health, and the Second loss of the Love and Happiness Filled Moments that we could have with Our Family and Friends. Almost each and every person runs the Race of Earn-and-Spend, but few are able to run a MARATHON of True Life where the Race of EARN-AND-SPEND is a Small Essential Section, while the Whole Marathon is main, where more focus SHOULD NEVER BE THE GOAL(this doesn't mean that there SHOULD BE ZERO FOCUS ON THE GOAL, but rather means that while working towards the Goal, never miss out the Experience while you were chasing the Goal), BUT THE EXPERIENCE AND MOMENTS OF THE JOURNEY! And, if you are from those small section of people who have thought that same and even done the same, yet never received that sorta satisfaction, then TRY TO OBSERVE THE PEOPLE WITH WHOM YOU ARE SURROUNDED-We humans are just like Instruments; which resonate and are influenced by any external change! So, if the Change in the Surrounding is Positive-YOUR POSITIVITY WOULD CERTAINLY INCREASE TWO FOLDS or even More. And if that Energy Around you is filled with Pessimist Thought and Negativity, then even Your Positivity would tune it with it and you too would become that Negative sort of person around whom selected people would want to be around. Thus, Spread Positivity and Cherish the Moments of Happiness and Mirth with your Loved Ones and the one who surround you! So, do not waste the Remnant days of your Precious and Unique Personality while being in-front of a Repulsive Screen or while Filling Books with PROJECTS WORTH NOT MORE THAN 3BUCKS FOR THE SCRAP GUY-but rather, ENJOY AND LIVE EVERY MOMENT OF YOUR LIFE TO ITS FULLEST, ENJOY THE LIFE by tasting the TRUE ESSENCE OF LIFE around the Ones who Really Know Your Worth, like your Parents, Siblings, Relatives, Friends or whomsoever it maybe! In today's world, the Biggest sign of Success is NOT ANY AWARD but a LIFE WELL LIVED and Remembered not For ACING IN A FIELD(This doesn't mean that we do not GIVE OUR LEVEL BEST to earn such achievements. I have learnt from my Dad that if you are committed to do anything, then YOU WORK IN A WAY TO ACE IT! Over here, my meaning is that IT SHOULD SURELY BE A GOAL, but not the ONE CAUSE OF WHICH YOU MISS OUT ON PRECIOUS MOMENTS AND THEN REGRET OF HAVING THEM WASTED!)but Putting the True Yourself in Front of those Whom You Love and who Love You!
Thus, the Conclusion of the Whole Blog is that The Actual Essence of Life is not in Earning and Running an Endless race of Chasing Money(well, I do not mean to say that Money isn't Important-it is Essential to secure oneself and family financially and live a happy life with no Virtual Shortcomings), but the Main Essence and The Meaning of Life is to be HAPPY and SPREAD POSITIVITY and HAPPINESS around you; Make Your Family Happy And Most of All-TO LEARN THE TRAIT OF FORGIVENESS!
No matter what Grudge you have with Whom, if You Stood up as a Wiser Person and overlooked the Mistake and Forgave the Person-you would have more Experience and One More FREIND to bump into in future and recall that Fight Scene and Laugh on it-than having a SWORN ENEMY with whom you would seldom wish to Bump! Thus, SUCCESS & TRUE INFLUENCE will always be seen when You Die-the People Influenced by you and who would Miss Your Presence in this Cosmos after your Decease; and not when You Win an Award amongst FLLATERING JEALOUS PEOPLE who are Obliged to Clap and Cheer You; irrespective of they Dislike You!

[And Yes, it is not that I MYSELF CAN 100% Work on what I have said, for I too, often fall for a Common Way of Living Life-The One of which I am Writing that Should Not be Lived!]

August 31st, 2021



The Word JUDGEMENTAL itself feels A HORRIFIC WORD! But what is the reason of us being JUDGEMENTAL and how our Spontaneous Judgements are OFTEN WRONG with Least Correctness? Before moving ahead, lemme just clear that what the Word Judgmental even means. When we say that someone is Judgmental, we mean that the Person always tends to Judge thing[s]/circumstance[s] around him at first glance.
So yes, having know that, now I come back to the Topic! Let us take under Consideration a Situation-"You Look at a Video of a Person Beating a Poor Man, who is holding a Handbag!" This is the Only Information given to you; so what would be the First thought in your mind, an assumption-that why is that Poor Man being Beaten up? I am pretty sure, many of you would've thought-"Might Be He Was Trying to Steal the Handbag, but was Caught While Doing so!" The Next Day, you see the News and find out the Whole Video of the Same Incident of which you saw a Picture the Previous Day and assumed the Reason for the Chaos-"A Woman, while Shopping had Left Her Handbag on the Ground, but Forgot to take it While Leaving. The Poor Man saw the Bag, and was Honest enough to Take the Bag Directly To the Woman, in order to Return it to Her! So, the Man Searches for her and before the Man gave her the Bag, she realizes about the bag and turns around to find that it was that Poor Man holding it(who was actually searching the Woman so as to Return her the Bag). The Woman informed Her Husband that her Bag was stolen and was about to be carried away!" And you all know WHAT HAPPENED NEXT!

So, the whole Chaos was created just because of LACK OF CORRECT PERSPECTIVE, PROPER KNOWLEDGE & UNDERSTANDING OF SITUATION and OUR FIRST GLIMPSE JUDGEMENTAL BEHAVIOUR! Our brain has the power of PRESERVING MEMORY and an ability of REAL TIME VISUALIZATION-thus, there is a sort of PRE-MADE Simulation in your mind which tries to PREDICT the Most Possible Event for a given circumstance-and this is based on the Data from Previously Encountered Event[s]. So, before knowing the SITUATION, and the Pretext of the Circumstance, we arrive at a CONCLUSION which seems reasonably fair and best defining to our Mind-The Poor Man Was Certainly Doing Something Wrong, and he was caught doing that misdeed-and, thus Faced the Consequence of it! But, it later turns out, that he was doing something good-returning the LOST HANDBAG of the Woman-but the Woman fell in this Disillusion created by her Brain, thus thought that he was the THIEF and without understanding the Situation, she THREW her Perspective at her husband; making him see the Situation from her Perspective! Well, I do agree that this whole scenario was different for the Woman and Her Husband(As they were in the Heat of the Moment)and for us-who saw a Glimpse of the Incident(while casually seeing a News)-yet both the Perspectives and Thoughts were nearly SIMILAR!
Well, this Decisive Ability(to make predictions of probable events)was a Part of Evolution of Humans(and the other Animals too), so that we could survive situations where Instantaneous and Spontaneous Decisions are required! But, when the Situation isn't like that, THIS POWER OF PREDICTING EVENTS BASED ON PAST EVENTS can sometimes be misleading and thus, WE AE PRONE TO BE JUDGEMENTAL to several Situations and Circumstances around us!

Before ending, I would like to share a Scenario where Even I was caught in the Same JUDGEMENTAL EPISODE! I was watching News after I had my Dinner and saw that a Cab Driver was being Beaten Up By a Woman on the Road! I judged the WHOLE EVENT at first glance-THINKING THAT THE CAB DRIVER WOULD HAVE RUN HIS CAR INTO WOMAN or might be HE WOULD HAVE MISBEHAVED WITH HER! Thanks to In-Depth News DNA by Sudhir Chaudhary; the Whole Video of the Incident! It was while listening him speak, I got to know the Reality of the Situation-"The Woman Was Crossing the road-UNAWARE OF RED CROSSING LIGHT With Earphones Plugged-In. So, It was The Primary Fault of the Woman-but the Story doesn't end here. The Cab Driver was Responsible enough to Hit Breaks Before Any Accident occurred! Despite the Fact of Cab Driver being Responsible and Aware, and the Woman being 100% wrong, she created a PUBLIC SCENE-Dragged the Cab Driver Out of his CAR, smashed his Phone, and started Sapping him in front of all. While this was happening, the Man was gentle enough to not Hit Back, but just ask others to separate them and was constantly saying-CALL FOR A FEMALE POLICE OFFICER TO RESTRAIN HER and WHY IS SHE HITTING ME? The Police, and all the Other People too Might have Thought Like me and Probably like You-thus stood back and did nothing for some time, while that woman was taking WRONG ADVANTAGE of her Woman Rights and kept on slapping the Innocent and Gentle Cab Driver!" Thus, it is Our BASIC HABIT and you can even call it as a GENERAL HUMAN BEHAVIOR to Judge things at the instance of coming across it, so as to Generalize its Possible Effects and Nature, yet, we forget that our Judgements ARE MAINLY on ONE PERSPECTIVE! Hence, Judgements should only be Made ONCE YOU KNOW THE HEADS and TAILS, THEN YOU HAVE THE CHOICE OF JUDGING SOMETHING AND PUTTING FORTH YOUR JUDGEMENT which COULD ACT AS AN OVERVIEW for the Whole Incident! Let us stop JUDGING PEOPLE and start APPROVING/  ENCOURAGING/ FORGIVING them! 

August 11th, 2021



Humanity has walked a long path of Evolution. From the Era of Hunters and Gatherers, to the Settlers and from the Settlers to a Developed Species which has a Good Knowledge in Science and is Advanced in almost all the Fields-from Medicines, Space Explorations, Solving the Mysteries of the Universe and even Smart enough to Make Our Daily Life working Financially with efficient Banking and Saving Ideas! But all these Achievements were Accomplished by us COMPOUNDED-Hard work of Weeks, Months, Years, and even Centuries! But, if we scale this whole thing down to a Day, What Are We ACTUALLY DOING! Well, some of you reading this would be just like me-A Teen who spends some Hours of his/her day while Studying followed by a large intake of the Social Media and being Engrossed to watch VIDEOS on HOW TO BE PRODUCTIVE while ironically, we ourselves are Unproductive at that Moment! While some were Teens, some would be Grown adults who are trapped in a LOOP! A Loop of Waking up Early in the Morning, Racing the Clock and then, off to work(which many are not even that Interested to do, yet HAVE TO DO!). Followed by that, there is more of the Struggle to reach home while avoiding the Traffic and saving life from the Pandemic under which we all are living presently. So, basically, after reaching home, the only thing left for one is to Either Relaxing the Rest Of the Remnant Hours of the Day(which is preferred by all)or Following Some Hobbies/Hanging Out With Friends(which is scarcely seen!). But, at the end of the day, when we are about to sleep, WHAT DO MOST OF EVEN THINK ABOUT? Well, most of you'd probably think, "I Should Sleep Fast To Wake up On Time Tomorrow!" But have you ever asked yourselves-"What Did I DO TODAY THAT COULD BE WORTH WRITING IN A BOOK OF MINE, if it were to be Published Ever?" 

Well, thanks to Science and the Development of Humanity, the Average Life Expectancy of a Human is Increased to Twice that it was 300years ago! So, we have DOUBLE THE LIFE that of a person living in the 17th and 18th Century had, yet, we are not making the BEST OUT OF IT! Just think, the Time that You Spend on your Phone every day. Even if half of that you were to spend with Your Family, or anyone close to you, it would make up a SMALL, yet an ETERNAL MOMENT of you life, which you could look back when you grew older and feel fortunate to have LIVED THAT TIME WITH THAT PERSON who may not be present around you at that Stage of Your Life! Remember-No Medal, Trophy or Prize would come in your Mind when you sit in Solitude and remember your Past Experiences and think-"WHAT DID I EVEN DO WITH MY WHOLE LIFE WHICH PASSED BY IN A BLINK OF AN EYE?", but what would come before your eye would be those HAPPY MOMENT WHICH YOU SPENT WITH YOUR LOVED ONES WHICH SEEMED TO HAVE PASSED BY EXTREMELY FAST WHEN YOU WERE PRESENT THERE, BUT NOW, IT WOULD LAST FOR AN ETERNITY, WHEN YOU THINK OF IT AND RECALL IT! 

Many people think that a Life Well Lived is by Achieving the Highest Honor in your Field-say by getting a Nobel Prize but they forget How Great It is to Influence Someone's life and Becoming a GREATER PART of their Life; making it Better by being someone's PARENT, a BEST FRIEND or even an UNKNOWN PERSON WHICH MAKES A SMALL, YET A SIGNIFICANT INFLUENCE IN ONE'S LIFE! Thus, my end words are that, Feel Yourself Lucky that You Are Able to Read this Blog on a Device, living under a Roof-having all the facilities and fortune; thus, Live Your Life to its Fullest! Do anything-Fail at Attempting to Learn Something, Run Around, and even Fall-but just don't sit back and waste your time around in doing nothing Good!
Thus, I would like to end this by telling something that inspires me-Bruce Lee once said, "To SPEND TIME is to pass it in a specified manner. To WASTE TIME is to expend it thoughtlessly or carelessly. We all have time to either spend or waste and it is our decision what to do with it. But once passed, it is GONE FOREVER!" And would also like to Quote the person who said, "If I were To Die Today, I Wouldn't Regret for All That I Wanted To Do Today is Done", ergo live your Day as if it were your last Day, but have Dreams as if You Were To Live Forever. Just Don't Stop! 

July 2nd, 2021



Think of your Previous Day or the previous week! How much can you recall of what you had done previously? Well, if you can't remember it pretty well, then just think of those Things which you thought that YOU MIGHT HAVE DONE almost all the Day the PAST WEEK! Doesn't it seem strange that apart from those Common things, there wasn't anything DIFFERENT in your previous days(or even weeks)? Yes, this is what my topic is about-though we call ourselves a Developed Species who has Intelligence, do Complex Calculations(not only on Board, but also in our Mind without knowing the Formulae or method), Do Efficient Work on Proper Time, Think of things before Hand and prepare for it and the most Learn from Previous Mistakes! But, don't these same QUALITIES remind you of some other thing around us-like ROBOTS and Artificially Intelligent Humanoids? They too can think like us, solve complex problems way faster than us, Schedule things for future and prepare for it, learn from their PAST MISTAKES, and on top of all that-THEY NEVER MISS/GO OFF THEIR SCHEDULE!

Most of you WOULD AGREE with me on this that Day-By-Day we are Becoming more of a MACHINE who runs as per a PROVIDED SCHEDULE and DOES THE REPETITIVE SAME WORK ON SAME TIME on given day! And, this thought came to me the previous day, when I was talking with my Mother regarding PLANNING THE DAY BEFORE HAND and HOW I FIND FOLLOWING MY SCHEDULE BEST! But then, I just wondered that HOW ROBOTIC I was becoming and how LESS OF A HUMAN-SIDE WAS THERE INSIDE ME at that Moment of doing things as per SCHEDULE! Say, most of us pay more attention TO THE END RESULTS of a Particular things and in doing that, we miss to ENJOY THE JOURNEY WHICH COULD BRING HAPPINESS, JOY and WARMTH TO OUR NON-STOP and an EVER RUNNING LIFE filled with COMPETITION! But what is the REASON for our SUCH SORTA BEHAVIOUR? Like, why do we feel ODD when we do something RANDOM at a particular time when we were HABITUAL TO DO SOMETHING WE USUALLY DID AT THAT HOUR OF THE DAY(like, doesn't it feel odd when you aren't feeling sleepy at night or you don't feel hungry at your usual Dining time? And this makes most of us think-"What DIFFERENT HAVE I DONE today cause of which I have ended up like this?")! I think, the reason for such behaviors by us is due to the manner we all were Raised Up(not just my generation, but all the people who are reading this). Since childhood we are made to follow routines-be it waking up, going to play from fixed time to a fixed time and even us being TAUGHT that Night is for sleeping! In short, just like a Programmer(and a Coder) encodes a Robot to perform specific tasks after completion of certain under certain time, so are we Programmed since Childhood! Like, it is DUMB of people saying that-"AN EMPTY MIND IS A DEVIL'S WORKSHOP" and at the same time, when we MEDITATE or are about to Appear for some sort of Test, we are ASKED TO EMPTY OUR MIND-AND FOCUS! I brought this SAYING and its Contradiction on purpose, since we are so much INDULGED in just EXECUTING TASKS while we DO NOT EVEN THINK THE REASON FOR DOING THAT and neither do we ENJOY WHAT WE ARE DOING NOR THE JOURNEY WHICH THAT WORK HAD LEAD US INTO!

So yes, at the end I would like to tell one thing-FOLLOWING A SCHEDULE doesn't make someone a Robot or a Machine, but the only thing that we should do is ENJOYING THE JOURNEY no matter how Productive or Focused we plan to be! So yes, let us all not BE TOO TENSED AND FORGET TO ENJOY ANY PART OF THIS WONDERFUL JOURNEY WHICH THE PROMENADE OF LIFE THROWS AT US AT EVERY STEP!

June 18th, 2021



[Well, the Below written Blog is Not Made to Hurt Anybody's Sentiments/Feelings/Emotions, and if it does hurt, then. . . . . Google to check what you can do TO MAKE YOURSELF FEEL COMFORTABLE! ]

In today's world, Social Media has proven to be a Platform-almost near to a Blind Court(having the Power to show someone/something right or wrong irrespective of Knowing the Back Story and the Circumstances which lead to that thing; but ratherly dependent on some VIRAL videos!). Social Media has the Power to Bring People Together and Fight Against/For Something WRONG, INJUSTICE or anything it be! I am not an Enemy of the Social Media, nor the USERS and the ACTIVIST who raise their voice for what is right(in fact, I love their work), but I have problem with those Set of People who raise an ARMY-To Protest and Spread Out a Message which is of LEAST IMPORTANCE! And this Blog of Mine is Centered around THIS TOPIC!

So, yesterday, I came into my room and nothing to my surprise, News was streaming on TV. I am never interested by News and seldom watch it(especially in the Time of COVID where the News of Death and Negativity is in Air!). But to my wonder, there came SOMETHING UNEXPECTED on the News! The News Anchor said something like, "The COVID situation has gotten in Nerves of Children and they are facing lots of Problems and Difficulties. Regarding the Same, many children are asking the PM to do something for resolving the Problem!"
No sooner did she stop speaking and bringing forth the main Topic of the day, than there played a Video Clip of a small child saying that- "We have to Attend classes from 10am to 3pm and then we have HOMEWORKS and other work!" And after saying this, he continued to say, "I would request the PM to Do Something Appropriate regarding this Situation as soon as possible!" Like, our Hon. PM has got no other work but be involved to RESOLVE a small so-called problem of small children who are attending their 5hr School from their Home(and while sitting and Laying on the Bed)and eating food, drinking water, juices and all what they want; and on top of that, for writing their Examination, they have full support of their Text-Books, Parents and the Omniscient Search Engines(in short, the Children have all the Facilities and Material at their Reach with no Struggle or Work to be done)! While I was listening to this "APPEAL", the only thought that I had in my mind was-"I Think That We Should do Something Rather than Letting Our Future in the Hands of these Kids Who Are Protesting For the ONLINE SCHOOLING under COVID situation, nonetheless, for them, the year was like a Vacation-a dream of many CHILDREN come true of 1yr study and 1yr vacation!" So yes, seeing that there are TONS OF VIRAL videos of small children on Internet and Social-Media and the thing that felt most bad was that those Parents Willingly Wrote Scripts for their Children with either of the Two Things in the Mind:-

Though what I have said above seems to be BITTER and RUDE, but this is it people! We can't have Some FOOTAGE-SEEKER PARENTS mess around with the Rational thinking of a Blooming Child! Think of the Child who is loving this ALL NEW FUTURISTIC way of learning ONLINE, but all THANKS to some Parents who want their Children on TV and NEWS channel, that too for something NOT WORTH WATCHING or LISTENING TO-and thus, other children's dreams and Ideals go in vain as they too Get Influenced and DEEM what is shown on NEWS/SOCIAL MEDIA or anywhere to be true though it isn't!

Thus, I would end this Blog by just saying that Social Media is a Good Source of Making Some Mistakes Right by Public Support and Help, but its Use in the Wrong Direction should never be Welcomed or Supported. Let us all not make some of the UN-NEEDED things viral and make those things Viral which deserve to be VIRAL and be known by all!

June 2nd, 2021



We all Work-from young Students, to the Old Tribe of Our Common Humanity. But, what is the Reason for which we WORK? The Adults work in order to earn Money and Make themselves(as well as their Family)financially Secure. But even after earning well, why We do Not Feel Happy? Why is there still a feeling of Anguish, Unhappiness or Dissatisfaction? The following is a Surveyed Graph  which shows Happiness' Trend with Respect to Time and Age The World Economic Forum

The actual cause of this is WE DON'T GIVE OURSELVES THE "ME-TIME" which is Most Required and Increases with Age Increasing. So, firs tell the truth-All of us have Experienced that as we grow up, to us, the Time seems to be Passing Extremely Fast, right? Like, we look back and think-"A Year when I was 5year old was seemed twice as Long as The Past Year!" Though this sounds really OFFSETTING and PERPLEXING(and even somewhat Dumb), but Mathematics(and Science) has the Answer to this!

Talking of Time, I will first make your View Vivid towards Time and How it works in the Easiest Way(though it is a Topic which seems Fascinating and Confusing to most of those Brilliant Brains). So, when you were 2year old, the half of your lifetime was lived just a Year Ago(as Half of 2 is 1-thus, a Year ago seemed long as it was Half Of Your Life, and this is How Brain sees things around). But when you are 3year old, your Halftime's Increases by Half Year More(previously, when you were 2years old, Your Half-Lifetime was Lived just 1year ago, but now, it becomes 1.5years). So yes, as the time passes, you have a View that the past year's TIMESPAN decreases-say, when you are 16year old, the Last Year of your Life(when you were 15years old) seems to be vey small. So doing the Math, The Half of the Life Time was 8years back(relatively Long time than when I was 2years old) and the previous Year of a 16year old person's Life-that is when he was 15year old, was about 0.0625year of his Age. So Speaking Mathematically, a Past Year seems to be Very Small where you can remember vey few things and Incidents. Now tell, apart from Working Hard Day-and-Night,  recall at least 10 days when you did something OF and FOR your HAPINESS! If you are a Reader of My Age or around me(like, if you are a Teen), then there would be lots of Instances where you would claim-"Of course, I can remember that time when I did things For Myself-and thanks for the COVID and the Lockdown Time!" But now, recall even past Experiences-like when you were 5year old or even 8year old. And now compare and tell-Which was filled with more Happiness, Joyfulness and Fun-the Past Year or then? I am Sure, almost 98% of you will think and Say-"At the Age of 5 of course!" And, what is the Reason behind that?
When we were young, we used to love spending time around-like we used of have most of our time for ourselves which is commonly called to as "Me Time". And, as time passes and we become older and older, we often tend to think that-We should start reducing that "Me-Time" and become more Focused-thus, we tend on to Do the Work like Studying and doing our work More(which is Needed), but do not have any "Me-Time" and this is the reason we aren't that Happy. Like, if I ask you that what would you rather choose-

Would you like to Work for 5days and have 2days of Holiday-where you would be asked to do no Work!


Work for 7days?

 Almost all of you would choose the First Choice. So, I would end this Blog by just saying that try for one week giving yourself some Sufficient "Me-Time", like just one(or two hour max) per day where you do what you like, and then see that how that small amount of "Me-Time" could increase your Productivity and change you TOXIC RELATION with work to a Rather LOVING ONE!

May 1st, 2021




EDUCATION is seen to as the Future and the Key for one's overall development. Year 2020 was one of the most challenging Year where the Schools and many Institutes faced lots of Problems in the course of Teaching as there was a complete avoidance of physical contact by people. Thus, handful private colleges, institutes and some private schools were able to continue their NORMAL ACADEMIC YEAR and conduct PROPER STUDY SESSIONS via Online platforms of Google Meet and Zoom Calls. But, the main problem was faced by the pupils who had passed 10th and had been promoted to 11th Grade. We could see that though the Faculty and Educational Government had enough time(of more that around 3-months), yet they were unable to make an efficient way to carry on the studies of those pupils. Many pupils had to wait for almost 6-months or even more, just to get their Admissions done in the Colleges. So if we see, the ones those who had classes(like ones in Integrated Courses), were somehow able to study and properly go through their normal course of 11th standard; but the ones who were caught in the Situation, having nothing to do and waiting for the government and the Colleges reply were really lagging behind. They were unable to receive the proper quality of education they deserved, just because of a Situation into which no proper look and consideration was given. Therefore, many students got their admissions in Colleges by January and after that, their studies started.

So now, seeing the Consequence of this, Who is Actually to blame? Is it the Situation that the Pandemic Created or the Proper Functioning of the Government? Both have their parts and Contribution-I know that this might seem to be really targeting and Against the Government(but as my Fundamental Right of Right to Speech and Right to Show my Ideas), I hereby say that it was more of slacklesness of the System which lead to such loss of Study of several Students. Having Time of more than 4-months and knowing that almost each and every person in the Country has Internet Access(as this was the reason why Internet Video Quality on YouTube was reduced to not more than 480p as they knew that there would be an excess need of Internet by approximately 1.4Billion People-sitting ideally at home and having no other work), the Educational System was still unable to find out ways to reach to students and carry out ONLINE EDUCATION. While we Boast of our Online Payment Systems, there was a seemingly contrasting action that took place-we were Unable to have Online Admissions of students and Online Education of many students! I am lucky to have a really good and an Efficient School which took one of the Fastest and Best action-Starting the Schools by the month of April-(which means, it has been almost 13-months of Schooling for BATCH of mine, which now Unfortunately won't be Appearing for BOARDS Exam; but if it would have, then would have the Highest Number of Maximum Percentage Scorers-ANYWAY, this is not the Topic). Not only the school was started, but the Quality of Education provided via Online Means were actually so great that I now see that ONLINE STUDY IS THE FUTURE OF EDUCATION! So, if a Normal School can start its Functioning within 1 or 2 months, then why can't State BOARDS have such initiative(and to tell you, a Company like Google made its Service of Online Group Video call-Google Meet free for all). If we see, there were proper tools, sufficient time and all the things to be there in the hands of System, yet it could not do anything efficient! Now the Question arises-"What is Done, that can't be changed! What can we do for Future if a Similar type of Problem arises again?" I would ask two questions and these Questions would automatically give you the Answer to the Question you might have thought.
"What are the top 10 professions in which the Coming Generation is most interested?"
"Who controls Educational System and its proper Functioning?"

As Far as I know, the answer to the First Question would be variable with some Frequent Answers of Engineers, Doctors, Entrepreneur, Computer Programmer(Coder) and some more. And if you are quite aware of the Government and its Branches, then the answer would be Education Minister and the People Under/Working with Him. Did you all get what I am trying to Point?
We blame the System and the people running that System, but we ourselves have no Prospects or thought to get in the System and bring a Change! I can challenge you-Find me one young person who Dreams of Becoming a Politician(without any outer influence or any Greed)and do something good for one's Country! If this whole seemed to be somewhat relatable and bring the Mirror of Reality in front of you-Consider Sharing with the One who you think this might be something Enriching Knowledge!

April 20th, 2021


"Well, Many of you might have found that the Date of Publishing of some of the Blogs is even before the Day of Publishing of this Website. To clear that out-those Blogs were Originally Posted on my First Website-a Science Based Website-and it is during that time, I realized that these Blogs and my Writer Side does need a SPEARATE WEBSITE to find its own Relatable Audience-and thus there was the Emergence of The Third View."


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