The Edge Node turns your computer into an edge computing node which can execute various types of jobs including AI/deep learning model training and inference, as well as video transcoding and relaying. By running the edge node, you can contribute unused computational and bandwidth resources and earn token rewards.

If you have an existing version of the Theta Edge Node, your software will automatically update to this newest version. This also means that for the first time, macOS users can natively relay video over the Theta Network, which should boost the number of Theta Network nodes making a more robust edge network.

Theta Node Download


In the Theta blockchain, Validator Nodes propose and produce new blocks in the chain, while Guardian Nodes seal blocks and act as a check on malicious or otherwise non-functional Validator Nodes. Guardian nodes play important roles to protect the security of the Theta blockchain as they form a second layer defense against potential malicious attackers. Install and stake to your Guardian nodes to help secure the Theta blockchain!

We have provided multiple ways for you to install the Guardian node on various operating systems. Installing the GUI version is the easiest and preferred route. However, if you want to run the Guardian node on a Linux server, you can install it through the command line or through Google Cloud Marketplace:

From what I've seen, the price for average jobs before May was about a little less than 1 TFuel, now the average is 0.2 (in the good days), and to get a job complete you have to have the edge node turned on for several hours. To give you a clue, I don't have a job complete since the 24 of July, because I'm turning off the edge node after 2 hours.

The payoff is very low compare the energy usage. With the edge node on, I'm getting 122 W usage from my GPU compared to 20W of normal usage. So 122 W average of power usage to have a chance to have only 1 job complete (yes the maximum jobs complete in a day is only one) to get paid 0.2 TFuel it's not sustainable in my opinion.

To start using the Theta Edge Node, download the app for Windows or Mac. If you have an existing version of the Theta Edge Cacher / PGN app, your software will automatically update to this newest version. This also means that for the first time, Mac users can natively relay video over the Theta Network, which should boost the number of Theta Network nodes well over 1,000 and make for a more robust edge network.

Theta has six login nodes that are Cray eLogin machines, which means they are nodes outside the main Cray system. These nodes are Intel Haswell E5-2698 v3 nodes with 256GB of DDR4 memory. These frontend nodes are used for editing code, building code, and submitting jobs. All users of the Theta system share these nodes. Please note that these nodes are not 100% binary compatible with AVX-512 instructions so applications compiled for the compute node will not run on the login nodes.

The Machine Oriented Mini-server (MOM) nodes run various part of the Cray software infrastructure. These are Intel E5-2695 v4 nodes with 128 GiB of DDR4 memory. These nodes also run the Cobalt scheduler and execute the user batch scripts. It is critical that users do not put computational or memory intensive tasks within the batch script and instead run those on the compute resources.

The Cray Data Virtualization Service (DVS) server provide a gateway between the high-speed Aries fabric and other external file systems. The DVS server primarily provide access to the GPFS file systems, such as the home file system. These nodes are physically identical to the LNET nodes, which are Intel Sandy Bridge E5-2670 with 64 GiB of DDR3 memory.

The Tier 2 nodes provide infrastructure to the Cray software stack and aggregate sets of compute nodes. These nodes are physically identical to the MOM nodes and have Intel E5-2695 v4 CPUs with 128 GiB of DDR4 memory.

Theta provides only a single compute node type: the Intel Knights Landing 7230 processors with 16 GiB of MCDRAM and 192 GiB of DDR4. These nodes have 64 cores each and each core has 4 SMT hardware threads available.

Hey !

Yep, it works. I am able to watch Edge Cast streams including my own channel.

NOTE: I tried blocking ads/trackers and it still works | without the filter the stream just disappears and the request to"install edge node" message comes up.

If you are interested in running a node on the Theta Network, our guide is the right resource. In this guide, you will get instructions on how to set up a node on Theta Network, as well as information on the benefits of running a node.

Note: During the first launch, you'll need to create a secure password to encrypt the signing key of the guardian node. Keep this password safe, as you'll need it for future restarts.

If you have a directed graph represented as an n x n adjacency matrix, I need to find an algorithm such that it will output the node of indegree(n-1) and outdegree(0) if it exists; if it doesn't, I need it to output False. This needs to have a time complexity of Theta(n), and it must be a graph stored as an adjacency matrix due to the confines of this problem.

The FedML clients are integrated into the Theta Edge nodes and will periodically pull data from the backend. The FedML training platform will then utilize those Theta Edge Nodes and their data to train, fine-tune, and serve the video recommendation model as shown in the diagram below:

Guardian Node staking is designed for those who want to support the Theta Network by running a node. Guardian nodes are responsible for validating transactions and securing the network. To run a Guardian Node, you must have a minimum of 10,000 THETA tokens. Guardian Node stakers earn a higher percentage of rewards than Edge Node stakers.

I optimized your code a bit, I hope this gives you some hints how to use TikZ more productively. The angle you were looking for is drawn with \draw (1,0) arc (0:45:1)node[midway,above right]{$\theta$}; and that draws an arc from 1,0 with the starting angle 0, end angle 45 and a radius of 1. It also places a node midway and above right, so you don't have to manually calculate a coordinate here.

By using Node and express, people can use the vast JavaScript library and install the libraries with npm. Additionally, many people either know node/express already or want to learn about it. Putting node on your THETA is a great way to learn about the camera functions and have fun with Node.

Theta's enterprise validator and governance council is led by global leaders including Google, Samsung, Sony, Creative Artists Agency (CAA), Binance, Blockchain Ventures, DHVC and gumi. Theta leverages its user base of millions of viewers on to seed its peer-to-peer video network along with premium content partnerships with Lionsgate, MGM Studios, NASA, and others. Popular video platforms integrated with Theta infrastructure include CONtv Anime, World Poker Tour, Cinedigm, Samsung VR, GameTalkTalk, MovieBloc, Ultra, GFUEL and other OTT media, entertainment, and live streaming services. Strategic corporate investors include Samsung NEXT, Sony Innovation Fund, Bertelsmann Digital Media Investments (BDMI), Creative Artists Agency (CAA), and Silicon Valley VCs including DCM and Sierra Ventures. Learn more at

I have used visdcc network for incorporating data lineage graph. When i click a node, i want the leaf nodes and edges to branch out from the clicked node in an hierarchical layout. It is working, yet unfortunately all the leaf nodes were cluttered together instead of spacing it in equal x and y positions. I tried multiple options, but it is not working.

The Ermentrout-Kopell canonical model is better known as the "theta model" and is a simple one-dimensional model for the spiking of a neuron. It is closely related to the quadratic integrate and fire neuron. The model takes the following form:

where \( I(t) \) are the inputs to the model. The variable \( \theta \) lies on the unit circle and ranges between 0 and \(2\pi\ .\) When \( \theta=\pi \) the neuron "spikes", that is, it produces an action potential.

The theta model is the normal form for the saddle-node on a limit cycle bifurcation (SNIC). (Caution! Do not confuse this with a saddle-node of limit cycles in which a pair of limit cycles collide and annihilate.) Figure 1 shows a schematic of the bifurcation as a parameter varies through the critical value of \( I=0. \) When \( I

To derive the theta model (1) from the saddle-node (2), we make a simple change of variables, \( x=\tan(\theta/2) \) from which it is simple calculus to obtain the theta model. We note that as \(\theta\) approaches \(\pi\) from the left, \(x\) goes to \(+\infty\ .\) The theta model collapses the real line to the circle. The SNIC is a global bifurcation, so that to rigorously prove the equivalence of the SNIC and the theta model requires quite a bit more work than is shown in this formal derivation. The interested reader should consult the paper by Ermentrout and Kopell (1986).

The advantage of the theta model over the quadratic integrate and fire model is that there is no reset to deal with and the resulting dynamics are smooth and stay bounded. However, as the Izhikevich neuron demonstrates, it is sometimes useful to have the freedom to reset the dynamics anywhere.

where \(\theta\) is the angle between the down directionand the radius through the center of mass, \(\mu\) is themass,\(f\) is the coefficient of friction (damping), \(\ddot H\)and\(\ddot V\) are the horizontal and vertical accelerations of thesupport point, and \(\omega(t)\) is the torque applied tothe support point (see Chester (1975)). This model has been appliedto describe mechanical systems (eg., pendulums),micro-electromechanical systems (Hoppensteadt-Izhikevich (2001)),rotating electrical machinery (Stoker (1951)), power systems (Salam(1984)), electronic circuits, such as phase-locked loops (Viterbi(1966)) and parametric amplifiers (Horowitz-Hill (1980)), quantummechanical devices (Feynman (1963)), and neurons (see VCON). 006ab0faaa

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