The Staying at Home Toolkit

What is Coronavirus and why are the schools closed?

What should I do if I have symptoms?

Do not leave your home if you have coronavirus symptoms

Do not leave your home if you have either:

  • a high temperature – this means you feel hot to touch on your chest or back (you do not need to measure your temperature)

  • a new, continuous cough – this means coughing a lot for more than an hour, or 3 or more coughing episodes in 24 hours (if you usually have a cough, it may be worse than usual)

To protect others, do not go to places like a GP surgery, pharmacy or hospital. Stay at home.

Use the 111 online coronavirus service to find out what to do.


Remember to wash your hands for 20 seconds every time! That’s the same as singing ‘Happy Birthday’ twice.

Here is a handy video to show you how the best way to wash your hands!

And here is a catchy song made in Vietnam (with English subtitles) explaining the best ways to keep safe!

How to get guidance in lots of different languages!

You can see a full list of languages here:

Numbers to call if you need support

Don’t forget, your social workers, therapists, teachers and doctors are still here! You can still reach them on their usual numbers.

If you or someone in your home is having a mental health emergency, you call 999 or the Mental Health Crisis Service:

0207 771 5807

Remember, DON’T GO TO THE HOSPITAL but do ring 999 for an ambulance if you are very worried about the your health or the health of someone in your home.

If you are worried about not having enough food or supplies, your social worker can make a foodbank referral. You can also join local ‘mutual aid’ groups in your area by typing the name of your area and ‘mutual aid’ into Facebook.

Parents: how to stay sane and look after each other

Looking after yourself as a parent

The Good Thinking website developed by the Healthy London Partnership provides a range of useful guidance and online apps to support mental health and wellbeing. This resource is funded and endorsed by the NHS and is focused on supporting cognition, anxiety and low mood.

The World Health Organisation (WHO) have created a list of mental health considerations during Covid-19 this can be accessed here:

The mental health charity MIND have recently published advice and guidance about anxiety and mental health during the Covid-19 pandemic this can be accessed here:

The British Psychological Society have also updated their website with a number of resources relating to Covid-19 which can be accessed here:

If you are working from home it is important to consider both your mental and physical health and wellbeing. Physical wellbeing including taking appropriate breaks and regularly moving is especially important. This website provides a desk-excise routine you can do to help your posture and wellness if you are indoors here:

Tips for being at home with your family

organise social get together on line. Virtual coffees and chat for adults and play dates for children. Apps such as “house party” let you video chat with up to 20 people at a time

have a good list of Netflix, amazon prime and film recommendations to help pass the time and unwind in the evenings and at weekends

have some relaxing hobbies / list of jobs you want to get done around the house; it will feel good to get one checked off every so often whilst you are at home

if able do try and get outdoors for a walk or a run even for just a few minutes at least a couple of times a week this will help maintain your mood - online yoga and relaxation for all the family to do together

If both parents are working from home negotiate a routine where you can share the child care responsibility throughout the day to allow you each to work during the day. Try shifts in 2 hour stints or morning / afternoon sessions where you swap roles working or parenting.

Try to keep some sort of routine to keep weekdays feeling different to weekends- you might consider a routine like this for your weekdays:

Activity ideas for self-isolation!

Things to do indoors

Games (that can be played with no resource!)


o 2+ people

o On the count of three, two people say the first word that comes into their head (e.g. burger and onion rings)

o The next two people then come up with a word that links these two words together (e.g. oil and fried)

o The game keeps going until two people say the same word at the same time


o 2+ people

o Go round the family making up a story. The first person says, unfortunately... , the next person says fortunately,… and so on

o E.g. "Amanda walked into a store to buy a new pair of shoes. Unfortunately, she walked into a pet store by mistake. Fortunately, Amanda had been looking for a new dog, too."


o Only one person in the family should know the rule!

o The person who knows the rule should point to three random things/people and say, ‘If I have a triangle between X, Y, and Z, whose triangle is it?

o The rule is, the triangle belongs to the first person to speak after the person asks whose triangle is it?

o Keep going with different objects/combinations until everyone guesses the rule


o A silly game, great for primary school age

o Everyone should put their lips over their teeth to make it seem like they have no teeth. Stay like this for the whole game!

o Turn to the person next to you and try and make a ‘baaa’ sound to make them laugh

o To change the direction, say ‘sheep’ in the other direction

o If someone laughs, everyone else should say ‘I can see your teeth, I can see your teeth’ whilst still covering their teeth


o Send one person out the room and come up with a film you’ve all seen (e.g. Frozen)

o The person comes back into the room and has to guess what film you’ve chosen by asking questions

o E.g. what’s the weather like where you are?


o Draw something in 60 seconds and the other people have to guess what you’ve drawn.

o Can be done in teams


o More active, needs a bit more space

o Players stand in a circle and place their hands together

o The game leader then shouts ‘super ninja warriors’ and all the players strike a ninja pose.

o Each player takes turns in trying to tap another player on the arm below their elbow

o Players are allowed one attacking move and must freeze once their attack is finish

o Defending players are allowed one move to dodge if they think they will be hit. They also need to freeze once the attack is finished.

o If a player is hit, the hand or arm that is hit is out but the other hand or arm is still in.

o When both hands have been hit, the player is out and must stand back until there is one player left.

o The only player left is the winner


If you need support getting some resources for crafts, talk to friends, neighbours, your family support worker or social worker!

The Artful Parent

Good, free art activities

Red Ted Art

Easy arts and crafts for little ones

The Imagination Tree

Creative art and craft activities for the very youngest.

Toy Theatre

educational games for younger children

DK Find Out

Activities and quizzes


This is more for printouts, and usually at a fee, but they are offering a month of free access to parents in the event of school closures


The ‘Body Coach’ Joe Wicks has created lots of free videos on YouTube to show you how to do home workouts at home for children!

Click on this link for the full playlist:

Or type ‘Joe Wicks Kids Workouts’ into YouTube!

He is also currently doing DAILY 10AM PE SESSIONS to help kids keep active.

Here are some more links if you feel restless: - loads of different workouts for every fitness level, totally free. - lots of fitness videos by the NHS. - Daily yoga to keep you stretched and chilled.


Here are some YouTube channels you could try!

- Crash Course Kids

- Science Channel

- SciShow Kids

- National Geographic Kids

- Free School

- Geography Focus

- TheBrainScoop

- SciShow

- Kids Learning Tube

- Geeek Gurl Diaries

- Mike Likes Science

- Science Max

- SoulPancake

And here are some online resources (just type these words into google)!

- BrainPop

- Curiosity Stream

- Tynker

- Outschool

- Udemy

- iReady

- Beast Academy (Math)

- Khan Academy

- Creative Bug

- Discovery Education

Your school will also be providing work to do at home.

Learn some new skills

Download / go to and learn any new language! It's easy and free.

Take free short courses in SO many different things; gain skills that you're interested in:

Have a look at all the different careers/courses you might be interested in for the future at

Coding for all ages at

Interesting, educational videos at

World Book Online has made about 3000 e-books free to download. Make an account and access here:!/

3 resources on Black British history topics at

Play some geography games (might as well try!)

Things to try if you are feeling stressed or anxious - Free, safe and anonymous online support for young people. - An app which is anonymous and helps you talk about difficult things.

(Both these apps/websites are run by professionals who are properly trained to support you) Try listening to mindfulness meditations on Headspace - great to calm anxieties, generally relax and also to help get to sleep.

You can also try to download the Calm app, which helps with meditation/sleep. Just type ‘calm’ into the app store.