You are

The Stardust Woman

The Stardust Woman is... open, compassionate, a modern mystic, willing to give and recieve, aligned with nature, and ultimately, a miracle-making badass. She is you.

Where the magic happens

Welcome! I am so pleased that you're here, and that our paths have crossed. Here, I hold space for you to be your highest self. This is a galaxy of self-discovery, growth, and love. Everyone is welcome, always.

Intuitive tarot readings. I have a holistic approach to tarot, using it as a universal tool for guidance and clarity. I offer readings in person and via email.

Meditation is medicine. Medition isn't just for relaxation, it can be deeply healing. Whether you have anxiety or need clearing of past trauma, I can create personalised recorded mediations to aid healing and growth.

Want to be a miracle-making badass? it's time to unblock and create the life you want. Intuitive holistic coaching packages for lightworkers ready to take the next step.