Alcohol & Drug Rehab for Residents of Miami FL | The Source

When you are struggling with addiction, you may feel as though you are completely alone. Addiction treatment Miami is an incredible cunning disease that easily places tricks on your mind. As the addiction begins to take hold and take control, slowly the people around you that you love and care about may become less and less important to you. When these relationships fall apart, you may feel more alone than ever which tends to only fuel your addiction.

When you trust the team at The Source Treatment Center to help you navigate through your recovery, you can rest assured that you will never have to face your struggles with addiction by yourself.

Alcohol and Drug Rehab Treatment Center for Miami FL Residents

What Do You Do During Rehab?

When you are struggling with addiction, you may feel as though you are completely alone. Addiction is an incredible cunning disease that easily places tricks on your mind. As the addiction begins to take hold and take control, slowly the people around you that you love and care about may become less and less important to you. When these relationships fall apart, you may feel more alone than ever which tends to only fuel your addiction. When you trust the team at The Source Treatment Center to help you navigate through your recovery, you can rest assured that you will never have to face your struggles with addiction by yourself.

If you or a loved one are struggling with addiction, call The Source today. Our treatment specialists are available 24/7 to discuss your options and help you find the perfect solution (866) 275-9944.

The time that you spend here in our Fort Lauderdale alcohol and drug rehab will be filled with a variety of events and experiences that will help you develop a better understanding of the events in your life that may have led you down the path of addiction. We take a holistic approach to treatment and provide our clients with a calming and non-judgmental environment so that they can better focus on the steps that they need to take to overcome their addiction. It’s important to remember, however, that this process may not always be an easy one. At The Source, we believe that the development of an addiction is a response to some type of trauma that you experienced during your lifetime. We understand that it may be painful to relive some of these experiences which is why we provide you with the opportunity to participate in various trauma-based therapies.

When you come to The Source for treatment, one of the things that we always caution our clients to do is to keep an open mind throughout the process. Due to the fact that you will be trying to work through different traumatic events in your life, it’s understandable that you may feel a number of emotions that you have never felt before. Although these emotions may feel painful or scary, we strongly encourage you to communicate with us throughout the process and to remain open to the lessons that you will undoubtedly learn while you are with us.

What Does the Average Day Look Like While in Rehab?

The average day at our treatment facility is different for every person. The reason for that is due to the fact that we personally work with each of our clients to develop a treatment plan that will help to suit their needs and goals for their own recovery. Regardless of your treatment plan, the bulk of your day will include participating in certain forms of treatment so that you can begin to work through the events and traumas in your life that may be holding you back from living a sober and fulfilling life. We will also give you the opportunity to interact with other clients at The Source through different events and activities that we offer throughout the week.

It’s important to keep in mind that each day that you come to our facility will likely be slightly different. There may be some days when you discuss the same topics that you discussed the previous day while there may be other days that you feel as though you need to focus more on talking about yourself and your own recovery. A member of our team can speak with you more about what you can expect when you make your initial phone call to us.

Inpatient Alcohol & Drug Rehab

For many clients, the only way that they will ever be able to truly break free of their addiction is when they have the opportunity to change the people, places, and things around them. It’s not uncommon for recovery to be set back because of toxic influences. For example, if you live with a person that does not understand that addiction is a disease, you run the risk of being influenced by their negativity, whether they intend to influence you or not.

An inpatient treatment program allows you to remove yourself from a negative environment for a set period of time while you focus on yourself and what you need to do to make your life better. Instead of stressing over being in a place or around people that make you feel uncomfortable, an inpatient program can help you to relax and learn what steps you can take to avoid certain temptations once you return back home.

Outpatient Alcohol & Drug Rehab

As addiction experts, we understand that a partial hospitalization program is simply not feasible. Many of our clients have personal or professional responsibilities that limit their ability to commit to a full PHP. For these clients, we give them the option to enroll in our outpatient program. Our outpatient program is specifically designed in such a way so that you can receive the treatment that you need but you can still cater to certain duties.

Outpatient clients will coordinate with our team to complete at least four hours of therapy per week. You will spend a minimum of three hours per week participating in group therapy and at least one hour per week of individual counseling. As you will come to see, group therapy will play a big role in your outpatient recovery plan. During these sessions, you will have the chance not only to learn more about yourself but about addiction, sobriety, and recovery. You will have the opportunity to share more about your experiences and about your thoughts related to those topics. In turn, you will have the chance to listen to the thoughts and feelings of other people that are in your group. This interaction will allow you to begin to build relationships with other people that are in your group.

We work intently with our outpatient clients to formulate a plan that will help you to maintain your sobriety day in and day out. During this time, we will also encourage you to regularly attend 12-step meetings. Taking this step will only help to further your recovery and help to cement your sobriety. You may come to find that you may want to invite or attend 12-step meetings with the people that make up your group at The Source. The more support and reassurance that you can get during this time in your life, the better.

Intensive Outpatient Alcohol & Drug Rehab

Our intensive outpatient program for alcohol and drug addiction recovery is an intermediary between our partial hospitalization program and our general outpatient program. Clients can opt to enroll in this program from the beginning or they can adjust into it after they complete a partial hospitalization program. The leading difference between a partial hospitalization program and an intensive outpatient program is that our intensive outpatient program does not provide you with the around-the-clock care that our intensive outpatient program does. Instead of spending 25 hours per week taking part in different forms of therapy, a client that enrolls in our intensive outpatient program will spend a minimum of nine hours per week.

One of the benefits of enrolling in our intensive outpatient program is that it provides you with a balance of focusing on what you need to do to overcome your addiction while still learning how to live life in the real world as a sober individual. This is one of the reasons why individual therapy and group therapy will be major factors in your recovery. Our team will work with you to help you formulate a plan that will prevent relapses. Sadly, relapse is part of many stories associated with addiction. At The Source, we believe that if we can provide you with a strong support basis and specifically design a plan to prevent relapses, we can help you to remain focused on your sobriety once you are done with treatment.

Partial Hospitalization Alcohol & Drug Rehab

Our partial hospitalization program for drug and alcohol addiction was specifically designed to provide our clients with the around-the-clock care that they made during their initial recovery. When you first reach out to a member of our team, we will walk you through our intake process. This entails learning more about your physical and emotional health. We will perform a complete medical assessment on you which includes gathering information about your medical history, running blood panels, and completing a physical.

Next, we will perform a psychiatric evaluation. During this evaluation, we will speak with you in greater detail about the severity of your addiction and perform a trauma screening. These important pieces of information will help us to develop the basis for the therapeutic approach we think will best suit your recovery. We encourage you to be an active participant in your recovery and ask any questions or concerns that you have to ensure that you feel comfortable throughout the process.

The average week in our partial hospitalization program entails that you will participate in at least 25 hours of therapy per week as well as other therapeutic activities. Examples of therapeutic activities may include going to a local AA meeting, relaxing with a massage, or working out in the gym. During the course of your enrollment in our partial hospitalization program, we will provide you with a luxurious single-family residence to stay in. You will be able to use these accommodations for personal reflection at the end of the day or during your downtime. On the weekends, you will have the chance to take part in outdoor activities or other special events that we put together for our clients. Remember, if there is anything more that we can do to make your time with us more comfortable, just let us know and we will always try to accommodate.

If you or a loved one are struggling with addiction, call The Source today. Our treatment specialists are available 24/7 to discuss your options and help you find the perfect solution (866) 275-9944.

Brain- Mapping or Neurofeedback Treatment for Addiction

Brain-Mapping or Neurofeedback treatment is just one of the progressive approaches that we take at The Source. Brain-Mapping or Neurofeedback Treatment can help us to discover whether or not you have certain brain waves that are not functioning correctly that could be contributing to your addiction.

It’s impossible to determine how many sessions of this type of treatment that you will need for it to be effective. We always advise our clients, however, that if they decide to move forward with this form of treatment they should still actively participate in other forms of therapy as this treatment will only go to reinforce the lessons that you are learning. However, once we are able to help you to regulate your brainwaves, you may notice a difference in the way that you respond to certain forms of stimulation, and your addictive qualities begin to dissipate.

Benefits of Family Therapy

One of the sad realities of addiction is that it typically becomes a family disease. When addiction takes over, the relationships that you have with your family will begin to disintegrate. Your family members will likely begin to distance themselves from you due to the fact that your actions when you are under the influence of drugs or alcohol are hurtful. Additionally, it may pain your family members to see you in active addiction.

Once you become sober, you may realize that you miss these family relationships that once meant so much to you. Family therapy will help you to reconnect with your family members. Our team will assess when you are in a good place to be able to actively participate in family therapy. From there, we will coordinate with your family to arrange for a meeting.

Family therapy can be an important part in your recovery because it gives you the opportunity to improve your relationships with your loved ones and continue to build your system of support. These renewed connections can help to keep you motivated and focused on maintaining your sobriety so that you can continue to develop your relationship with your loved one.

One on One Therapy

One-on-one therapy also referred to as individual therapy, will play a leading role in your treatment plan. We understand that there are many events in your life that you may not feel comfortable talking about in a group setting, especially when it comes to traumas. Individual therapy gives you the chance to be able to start talking about these experiences in a private setting with one of our counselors so that you can start to come to terms with these events.

Individual therapy sessions will also give us the chance to talk to you about your options for trauma-based therapy. Participation in these forms of therapy can go a long way in helping you to come to peace with the things that you experienced that may have triggered your addiction.

During one on one therapy sessions, we do everything we can to help you feel relaxed so that you can begin to share your past with us. This will include talking not only about your traumas or your addiction but simply talking about you. The more that our team gets to know you, the more we will be able to help you. We encourage you to take the time to tell us about your likes and dislikes. Is there something that you used to like doing before you fell into addiction that you would like to pick back up now? These sessions will go a long way in helping us help you put together a plan to avoid relapse.

Types of Trauma Based Addiction Treatment Therapy for Residents of Miami

At The Source, we believe that addiction to drugs, alcohol, or prescription medication manifest as a result of some sort of traumatic experience. Whether you were a first responder and you witnessed an event that stayed with you or you went through some type of physical or psychological abuse as a child, it’s understandable that you may have emotions associated with those events that you may not have been able to process. This is just one of the reasons why we believe that it’s imperative to incorporate trauma-based addiction treatment therapy into every treatment plan that we create for our clients.

Due to this trauma and not addressing these emotions, your mind and ultimately your body begins to look for other ways to cope. Although it’s true that an addiction is something that no person would ever want or ask for, it is something that can start to develop over time as a coping mechanism. In many cases, there may also be an underlying mental illness that may also impact your addictive qualities. When you come to our treatment center, not only do we work toward helping you to identify the various traumas in your life, but we also work toward removing the negative stigma that still exists in our society.

It’s important to remember, however, that before you can fully commit yourself to a treatment plan and meaningfully participate in any type of trauma-based therapy, you must remove the influence of drugs and alcohol from your system. It’s never advisable that you try to take this step unless you are under the care of a trained medical professional.

The reason for this is the fact that the detox process is difficult. Within a few hours of the last time that you consumed your last drug or drink of choice, your body will begin to crave the drink or the drug again. Once your mind and body realize that it will no longer be able to consume it, you will start to experience physical and psychological withdrawal symptoms. Although it’s impossible to narrow down what you will begin to feel, it’s not uncommon to start to feel nauseous, shakiness, an increase in your anxiety, and generally sick for up to a week. During this time, it may be difficult for you to take care of yourself which is all the more reason why you should never try to go through this process on your own.

Traumatic Incident Reduction (TIR) Therapy

Traumatic Incident Reduction Therapy, commonly referred to as TIR, was first developed by Dr. Frank A. Gerbode in the mid-1980s. The premise behind this form of one-on-one therapy is that by interacting with a trained therapist that utilizes a specific structured routine, you will be able to feel more comfortable in overcoming the past traumas in your life that could be impacting you now. These sessions will take place at least once per week and usually last anywhere between 60 and 90 minutes.

Traumatic Incident Reduction therapy revolves around the idea that the patient is viewing a certain traumatic event in a light that is exclusively negative. Although trauma will always be hard to face and never justifiable, this form of therapy will help you to address the impact that this event had on your life and move forward with a more positive frame of mind.

Rapid Resolution Therapy (RRT) Treatment

Over the years, the use of Rapid Resolution Therapy Treatment, or RRT, has proven to make great strides in terms of helping a person overcome a certain trauma that may have triggered their addiction. The number of sessions that you will participate in when it comes to Rapid Resolution Therapy Treatment will be based on your need, however, they usually last anywhere between two and six sessions.

Rapid Resolution Therapy Treatment taps into a form of hypnosis. During these sessions, you will meet with one of our counselors who will work with you in a neutral and calming environment so that you can begin to recall some of these events. The main point of this form of therapy is that, over time, these events will not be as painful for you to remember. In turn, they will no longer trigger your addiction which will leave you in a much better place in your life.

Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR) Therapy

Eye movement desensitization and reprocessing therapy, also known as EMDR, has been shown to be particularly effective for clients that are struggling with PTSD. EMDR sessions will entail you reliving traumatic events as one of our counselors guides your eye movements. The premise behind this form of therapy is that a client will be better able to process and recover from these events when their attention is distracted by specific eye movements.

This form of therapy can greatly help clients that are trying to combat not only addiction but anxiety, depression, and panic attacks. When you can identify the reason for your emotional pain, you can begin to focus on what you can do to work through and overcome that pain so that you can go on to live a healthy and more fulfilling life.

Sober Friendly Attractions Near Miami

When you are nearing the end of your respective drug or alcohol rehab in Miami, you will likely feel a flurry of emotions. One of the emotions that many of our clients tend to feel, however, is a slight trepidation. For weeks, if not months, you have been receiving the personalized attention that you need to recover from your addiction. Now you may feel as though you might be on your own. This is a reason why we encourage each of our clients to enroll in our Alumni Program. This program gives you the opportunity to make and maintain connections with other people that have completed their own recovery program.

Through the Alumni Program, you will have the chance to participate in an extended group therapy session with other alumni once per month. Additionally, you will be able to attend different events through The Source as well as outings that are specifically developed for our alumni. Participating in our Alumni Program gives you an excellent chance to continue to make connections with other people that may be struggling with similar experiences.

When you return home to Miami, you may feel excited and eager to visit some of the venues that you may have missed out on when you were in active addiction. Although we encourage you to make plans to visit some of these locations, we do recommend that you first find 12 step meetings in your area. You will notice that 12 step meetings follow a similar model to that of group therapy. Regularly attending 12 step meetings will help to reinforce the important lessons that you learned during your time at The Source and also help you to expand your system of support now that you are home. Once you feel comfortable in your adjustment back home, you can begin to make plans to see some of these great locations.

Fairchild Tropical Botanic Garden

Fairchild Tropical Botanic Garden is the perfect location for a family-friendly fun day outdoors. This beautiful location spans at least 83-acres and features a variety of breathtaking scenery. Whether you are interested in taking your camera along and capturing some of this area or you would like to pack a picnic and enjoy the fresh air, you are sure to love your time at this location. Fairchild Tropical Botanic Garden is open seven days a week between 10 AM and 4 PM.

10901 Old Cutler Road, Coral Gables, Florida 33156

Miami Seaquarium

Miami Seaquarium is one of the best aquariums in the state. One of the leading reasons why people tend to flock to this location is the fact that it has an impressive array of exhibits. Visitors can expect to see sea turtles, penguins, manatees, and much more. A good rule of thumb for this location is to purchase tickets ahead of time so that you can focus on seeing more of the exhibits and interacting with the marine life.

4400 Rickenbacker Causeway, Miami, Florida 33149

The Venetian Pool

If you’re looking for a fun day in the sun, a trip to the historic Venetian Pool may be in order. This public swimming pool was initially completed in 1924. The incredible design and appearance of the pool are reminiscent of Venice, Italy which is one of the reasons how this venue got its name. By 1981, the Venetian Pool was added to the National Register of Historic Places, being only one of three pools that have ever been added to this prestigious list. Take the time and relax in the water or under one of the majestic waterfalls.

2701 De Soto Blvd, Coral Gables, FL 33134

HistoryMiami Museum

Are you interested in learning more about the history and development of the Miami area? The HistoryMiami Museum is a perfect place to visit. This museum is actually an affiliate of the Smithsonian museum so you can count on seeing a wide array of fascinating exhibits during your visit. The museum can provide private tours throughout the year and also hosts a number of events meant to further the Miami community.

101 W. Flagler Street, Miami, FL 33130

The Holocaust Memorial Miami Beach

The development of understanding what took place during the Holocaust is certainly a dark stain on the history of our world. The Holocaust Memorial Miami Beach pays tribute to the men, women, and children that lost their lives during this time. The creation of the memorial was put together by a group of Holocaust survivors during 1984. Since that time, the site has become a place where many people go to reflect on the tragedy.

1933-1945 Meridian Avenue, Miami Beach, FL 33139

From the moment that you walk through the doors at The Source, you will feel as though you are in the presence of a team of individuals that truly care about your well-being and recovery. We are always available to talk to you about how you are progressing along in your treatment plan and to provide you with the support and reassurances that you need to continue working through your treatment plan. A member of our team is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week to help you begin the process of enrolling in one of our recovery programs. We can usually have you placed in one of our programs within 24 hours from the time that you initially reached out to us. Please call us today at (866) 275-9944.

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The Source Treatment Center

The Source Treatment Center is the top rated substance abuse treatment facility for people who are wanting to overcome alcohol addiction. Call us today for drug detox as well as our other addiction services (800) 204-0418

Contact Info

The Source Addiction Treatment Center

1730 E Commercial Blvd, Fort Lauderdale, FL 33334

(800) 204-0418


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