Best Drug Rehabs Fort Lauderdale - Florida Rehab Centers - The Source

We are located less than a mile from the sunny beaches of Fort Lauderdale. Our approach to addiction treatment is a bit different than many other drug rehab in Fort Lauderdale. We identify as a boutique treatment center featuring luxury single-family residences and programs aimed at treating the entire person – body, mind, and spirit.

If you or a loved one struggles with an addiction to drugs or alcohol, you have found the right place. We know you are suffering from the pain, depression, and desperation that come with addiction. Many of us have been exactly where you are now… or worse. But the hope of a full recovery and a life filled with joy and goodness is possible; and we will fully help you along the way.

Drug Rehabs Fort Lauderdale - The Source Addiction Treatment Center

Treatment & Recovery in Fort Lauderdale

Making the decision to go to treatment is like taking a giant step forward. At The Source Treatment Center in Fort Lauderdale, Florida, we understand how hard making that decision can be. Most of us were at a point where we too, had to make that decision. But as hard as it may have been, we have never looked back.

At The Source, we agree that the key to a successful recovery program is centered in compassion and a personalized program that suits each client. As we uncover the trauma that may have taken place years before, and identify the underlying conditions, we help each client understand how they got here. And, typically, it is through no fault of their own.

Our compassionate staff has a keen understanding of what addiction is and the pain that is often part of the recovery process; particularly at the start. And we know from our own personal journeys how difficult treatment can be. But we also know the joy and freedom that recovery brings and we are able to share our experience, strength and hope with each of our clients. In our eyes, no one is too far gone. We won’t simply give up on our clients.

Our approach is to work through the pain with you, love you when no one else will, and help you on your way to a life that is filled with hope and joy beyond your wildest dreams.


Levels of Care

The Source differentiates itself from most addiction treatment centers by focusing on the different

needs of each and every client. Our dual diagnosis program aims to treat co-existing conditions

individually, but together. This provides our clients with a totally different approach to a problem that

they may have had little success in solving in the past. From the time of initial intake through

graduation, each client is treated with the dignity and respect that they deserve.

Very often, the most difficult step in recovery is admitting that you need help. But, to not admit it

is to continue the pain, suffering, and risk of serious consequences or even death. You have the power

to stop the insanity. If you take the first step, we will take it from there. We will provide the hope,

the compassion, the therapy and the treatment. See our levels of care below and call The Source to begin

the most incredible journey of your life.

PHP with Housing at The Source Fort Lauderdale

For many, The Source’s Partial Hospitalization Program (PHP) is the perfect place to begin their recovery journey after detox. No matter how far down the rabbit hole your addiction may have taken you, our PHP with housing program provides 24/7 monitoring in a loving and caring environment. We provide each of our clients with an individual recovery plan along with an opportunity for personal accountability.

Individualized Treatment Solutions & Luxurious Accommodations in Fort Lauderdale FL

  • At The Source Addiction Treatment Center, we believe that nearly everyone suffering from addiction is dealing with some form of trauma. Trauma can be rooted in anything from childhood neglect or abuse, sexual or domestic abuse, rape, or PTSD from a significant past incident. Certain types of trauma can be tucked deep into the subconscious mind in a way that makes the person totally unaware.Until this trauma is addressed, the individual has little chance of meaningful recovery. At The Source we have developed unique and highly successful methods for diagnosing and treating all forms of trauma.

  • 12-step programs, which are encouraged for long term recovery, are combined with multiple therapeutic techniques designed to treat the entire person – body, mind and spirit.

  • The standout PHP program at The Source is where the trauma work begins.

Every client in our PHP with housing program will live in one of The Source’s luxury single family residences; many feature private pools, backyard barbeque grills, and all are located within a couple of miles from Fort Lauderdale beach. After residential assignment, each client is teamed up with a peer specialist who also serves as a mentor. These peer specialists are on their own sober journeys and have a unique understanding of the subconscious trauma and fear that burdens most addicts and alcoholics.

Treatment, Activities & Fun – Life at The Source Fort Lauderdale

Since each client’s program is individually developed based on personal requirements, no two programs are the same; but in general, life in the PHP with housing program at The Source typically consists of:

  • Monitoring 24 hours day, 7 days per week

  • Minimum of 25 hours per week of therapy

  • Individual therapy

  • Therapeutic activities which may include:

    • Gym

    • Massage

    • Outside AA meetings

    • Residential downtime for personal reflection

  • Weekend activities which may include:

    • Outdoor activities

    • Special events

    • Community building

PHP without Housing at The Source at Fort Lauderdale

If you are planning on moving back home after detox or do not require housing, The PHP without housing program at The Source provides the same therapeutic program and activities, but without 24 hour monitoring.

This provides the perfect solution for professionals that still have a career, a home locally, and car in the garage. Clients in this program benefit from the same individualized daily schedule of therapy and are included in all weekend activities.

Personalized Plan / Intake Process Fort Lauderdale

As part of the intake process, every client at The Source receives a clinical and medical assessment upon admission. Once completed, we work together to create a customized plan to address your specific requirements. The assessment is very detailed and includes both psychological and medical screenings. During the psychiatric evaluation, a trauma screening and detailed history of substance usage of the client is reviewed.

The medical assessment includes bloodwork, medical history, and a complete physical. All of this information is utilized to determine a custom treatment plan.

Everyone suffering from addiction has their individual demons; and one client may require more trauma work than another. No matter the extent of the trauma, the single common denominator is addiction. Individual programs may include, but are not limited to:

  • Rapid Resolution Therapy (RRT)

  • Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT)

  • Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR)

  • Brain Mapping

  • Group and individual therapy

  • Trauma process group

  • Shame resolution group

  • ACOA (Adult Children of Alcoholics)

  • Biosound healing

  • Relapse prevention counseling

  • 12-Step programs

  • Meditation

Is PHP for Me in Fort Lauderdale?

PHP plays a crucial role in the early phase of any recovery journey. This is particularly relevant for those who have recently completed detox. PHP is an important step that enables you to practice new skills in real-world situations and develop the good habits required to maintain long term recovery.

Many people are concerned about being out of work for an extended period. Be assured, if you are attending PHP at The Source, we will assist you in obtaining medical leave. We have case managers that will support you with any of your employer’s requirements and necessary paperwork.

Some people may be concerned about people finding out about your involvement in treatment. However, HIPPA regulations ensure the confidentiality of all medical and health records. The Source will never share your confidential information without your written permission.

The bottom line is this: PHP (after detox) is the perfect place to start treatment. PHP provides structure, therapeutic support, and loving care. We believe in you and will help you begin to believe in yourself. If you would like more information on PHP or any other recovery programs offered at The Source, please contact us at your convenience.

From our family to yours, we look forward to answering your questions and helping you decide if PHP is right for you.

Our Intensive Outpatient Program in Fort Lauderdale Florida

Our IOP provides a coordinated transition from PHP while continuing to help those having problems with substance abuse ease into a life of recovery. After detox and perhaps PHP, IOP supports the afflicted in overcoming addictions, trauma, and depression with individualized programs designed to identify and resolve underlying addiction issues. IOP programs are for those who do not require around-the-clock supervision.

The IOP program at The Source facilitates our client’s schedules and enables the resumption of everyday living. Typically, clients in IOP live at home or a half-way house and can resume work or other regular daily responsibilities. IOP provides the perfect bridge in helping both PHP and other clients to smoothly adapt back into family and community life. IOP provides a vital support system to help with relapse management and provide coping strategies.

What to Expect at IOP Fort Lauderdale

When clients transition into IOP from a more intensive program such as PHP, they should feel right at home. IOP is essentially a continuation of PHP but on a more limited and focused schedule. Whereas PHP requires a minimum of 25 hours per week, IOP only requires 9 weekly hours. This provides a maximum level of flexibility while allowing clients to resume a more typical schedule.

Many of the same therapeutic activities in IOP are consistent with those that were initiated during PHP. The discovery and in-depth exploration of underlying issues are crucial for long term recovery. During the IOP phase of healing, clients do a “deep dive” with their individual therapist into whatever issues may still be holding them back. Then, in group sessions, clients have the opportunity to discuss personal findings with their peers and group facilitators, while sharing personal struggles right alongside personal successes.

Strategy for Preventing Relapses in Fort Lauderdale FL

Individuals afflicted with addiction will have their personal reasons for attending IOP, but relapse prevention is typically the most common motivation. At The Source, much like our more intensive PHP program, our IOP continues to provide an individualized program aimed at uncovering, treating, and defeating the underlying causes of addiction. But what about coping with the triggers that may be pulled at any time during the ordinary course of living?

Unfortunately, the nature of addiction includes relapses. A relapse can be a relatively minor one-time event, or it can launch a full-blown run and all of the consequences that go along with it. The tools and skills that are acquired while attending IOP can make the difference.

A Program for a Life in Recovery Fort Lauderdale

At The Source, we believe that a relapse happens over time and has distinct stages. A key objective of IOP is to help clients recognize the early stages and learn how to process their feelings and urges before they go out of control. Recovery is a personal process, and IOP provides identifiable milestones along the way. Each stage of healing comes with its own risks of relapse and a set of tools to combat the negative thoughts and feelings that are typical before a relapse.

The individual cognitive and behavioral therapy that is an essential component of the IOP program at The Source, combined with group discussions, help to relax the body, mind and spirit while providing the tools to change negative thinking and damaging behavior.

The time to change your life is now, and The Source Addiction Treatment Center is ready to welcome you with open arms. Do not focus on the past! Come to The Source, and together, we will do the work and uncover the real joys and rewards of a life in recovery.

Our Outpatient Program Fort Lauderdale

Congratulations on beginning or continuing your journey toward the beautiful life that can be yours if you are willing and able.

An Outpatient Program for Early Recovery in Fort Lauderdale

At The Source, we know that early recovery isn’t easy; in fact – for most, it can be challenging. Most folks in early recovery are on an emotional roller coaster because their brains and bodies are still adjusting to life without the “relief” of drugs and alcohol. Maybe the drugs and alcohol are physically out of your system, but that doesn’t mean the cravings and triggers have magically disappeared. When unexpected circumstances arise, it’s critical to have a support system that will hold you accountable while providing you with love and guidance.

Most of us in early recovery agree – that just because a person has attended a PHP or IOP treatment program, they may still be insecure and not quite ready to maintain their recovery on their own. We also understand that people are busy and have demanding schedules. Whether its work, child care, or something specific to you, the outpatient treatment program (OP) at The Source can help you.

What to Expect in OP at The Source at Fort Lauderdale Florida

Clients participating in our OP program come from a multitude of backgrounds and are typically coming from a more intensive level of care. As a minimum, all clients receive three hours per week of group therapy and one hour of one-on-one counseling with a primary therapist. OP can last for several weeks to several months.

Topics discussed are chosen by the group and facilitated by licensed clinical psychologists that are also fully trained addiction counselors. Counseling on relapse prevention and management is a frequent topic. In fact, a central focus of the OP program is on relapse prevention and just as important; how to handle a relapse should one occur.

The Source OP treatment programs are best suited for people who don’t or no longer require intensive medical or psychiatric care. Those who have a supportive home environment tend to do exceptionally well in the program. In addition to attending OP and OP sponsored events, all clients are also encouraged to fully immerse themselves in the local recovery community through participation in 12-step programs that may include AA, NA, ALANON, etc.

Take Action Now

Every individual is different, and that is why we work with each client to create an individualized treatment plan. We made our OP to be flexible and less rigid than our PHP and IOP programs. At The Source, we tailor your program to meet your specific treatment goals. Along with creating fellowship that lasts a lifetime, you can expect your OP treatment to include:

  • Group and individual therapy

  • Mental health therapy

  • Substance abuse education

  • Relapse prevention

  • 12-step facilitation

  • Alumni groups

  • Life-skills therapy

Our Exclusive Stabilization Program Fort Lauderdale FL

Drug and alcohol addiction affects different people in different ways. For some, the addiction is so severe and significant, that they are incapable of holding a job or remaining in school. But there is also a group of people that are addicted to a substance and able to maintain what appears on the surface as everyday living. The medical term used for people with these circumstances is a “High Functioning Addict.” These folks can be working mothers or fathers, or active college students, where a two or three-month Partial Hospitalization Program (PHP) would be impractical. Another situation could involve someone who has already attended a residential treatment program but suffered a recent relapse. In all of these situations, the perfect solution is the stabilization program at The Source Addiction Treatment Center.

What Exactly is a Stabilization Program Fort Lauderdale?

In a nutshell, the stabilization program at The Source provides a treatment opportunity where people can maintain their regular lives while still getting the help they need. Often, the affected person is the last one to recognize that they need treatment. They may be having issues either at home or at work that have been pointed out by loved ones or coworkers. They may have received a DUI (or more than one) and have court-mandated treatment. They may even have had violent outbreaks while under the influence, and are putting themselves or others in harm’s way.

In these scenarios, our stabilization program will provide two weeks of PHP intensive treatment after going through detox. During this two-week stay at The Source, clients in the stabilization program are fast-tracked through their “deep dive” into sober living. In two short weeks, clients will go through an intensive program and gain the tools necessary to resume everyday life so that they can continue treatment in the Intensive Outpatient Program (IOP) at The Source.

Stabilization Treatment Plan Fort Lauderdale

As with all treatment plans at The Source, clients entering the stabilization program will undergo extensive medical and psychological exams. The information gained in these initial screenings will be used to create an individualized plan that, at minimum, will consist of:

  • Individual Therapy

  • Group Therapy

  • Family Therapy

  • Specialized Therapy

  • 12 Step Therapy and guidance

  • Group Recreational Activities

The Source provides all levels of care, making our facility an ideal solution for these types of occurrences. We provide a family environment where each individual can objectively look deeper into what brought them here in the first place. We pride ourselves in being non-judgmental and genuinely wanting to help our clients get back on track. Our stabilization treatment program has paved the way for many of our clients to begin their recovery program and advance into IOP without giving up their careers or dropping out of school.

Our Specialized Programs Aimed at Treating Co-occurring Disorders in Fort Lauderdale

The fact that drug and alcohol addiction are at all-time highs is no secret. Among many other despicable things, drug companies have rewarded doctors for overprescribing dangerous and highly addictive opiates. Many people with co-occurring disorders have done nothing more than follow their doctor’s suggestions, only to end up in a hopeless state of addiction through no fault of their own.

The good news at The Source Addiction Treatment Center is that there is no such thing as hopelessness. Regardless of what someone may have done in the past, we welcome them as family as soon as they arrive here. And we know from our own experience that anyone who is willing to be honest with themselves and follow a simple treatment and recovery plan will succeed. Many of us have been in your shoes. We uniquely understand the loneliness and desperation because we have lived it. Now – we want to help you or your loved one who is still struggling.

What are Co-Occurring Disorders?

Behavioral professionals define co-occurring disorders as, “People who have substance use disorders, as well as mental health disorders, are diagnosed as having co-occurring disorders, or dual disorders.” To complicate things even more, many people diagnosed with mental health disorders during treatment were unaware that they existed.

Our belief at The Source is that substance abuse and addiction are most often symptoms of an underlying condition. As clients begin to speak out at individual and group therapy sessions, we often find a history of trauma that can trace as far back as early childhood. Incidents of violence, sexual abuse, rape, and alcoholic parents have devastating long term effects.

Since people experience trauma differently and have different therapeutic needs, we individualize each client’s treatment plan. The goal for each client is to identify and treat the internal trauma or other mental health disorder. When the “issues” are identified, and clients continue to work through their treatment plan, life becomes like a giant jigsaw puzzle. All the pieces are there, and you learn how to put all those pieces together again through treatment and recovery.

What to Expect in Rehab Fort Lauderdale, FL

Upon arrival, clients are greeted and welcomed by our entire staff before beginning the intake process. As part of the intake, every client receives a thorough medical exam, including blood work and a full psychological evaluation. This information is used to begin creating each client’s individualized treatment plan. In addition to their personalized therapy plan, every client has group and individual therapy several times weekly. Other treatments that specifically focus on identifying and treating underlying issues are provided by well-known experts in their field and may include:

  • Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR) Therapy

  • Rapid Resolution Therapy (RRT)

  • Brain Mapping Therapy

While attending treatment with housing, clients reside in our fully equipped luxury single-family homes – many with private swimming pools, back yard patios, and barbeque areas.

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The Source Treatment Center

The Source Treatment Center is the top rated substance abuse treatment facility for people who are wanting to overcome alcohol addiction. Call us today for drug detox as well as our other addiction services (800) 204-0418

Contact Info

The Source Addiction Treatment Center

1730 E Commercial Blvd, Fort Lauderdale, FL 33334

(800) 204-0418


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