Equipment Guide

One of the principle targets in The Seven Deadly Sins: Grand Cross is, as in some other gacha game, to open the absolute most grounded characters and make incredible developments with them. The most uncommon legends in these games normally have an inalienable benefit over their more normal partners, either because of their flexible ranges of abilities or because of their amazing base details.

In any case, even a group contained the most grounded characters in 7DS will not measure up to a gathering of more fragile, yet appropriately updated characters. Indeed, even with their predominant abilities, the most impressive characters can't win against sheer mathematical benefits. In this sense, it's insufficient basically to open these legends; you likewise need to update them however much as could be expected.

There are numerous approaches to redesign your characters in 7DS. Notwithstanding, the absolute best and best approach to this is by furnishing them with amazing stuff. Your character's stuff represents a decent lump of their battle power, in any event, being a higher priority than things like Awakening them. As such, your stuff in The Seven Deadly Sins: Grand Cross is very significant and you ought to consistently zero in on redesigning and arousing these pieces.

However, we're losing track of the main issue at hand. In this guide, we will clarify the rudiments of stuff in 7DS.

Beginning With Gear in 7DS

Each character can prepare up to 6 bits of cog wheels, partitioned into different sides in the saint gear screen. On the left side, we have bracer, accessory, and belt spaces, while on the left we have ring, studs, and rune openings. Additionally, very much like the characters in 7DS, you can discover gear of different rarities, from as low as C extraordinariness, to as high as SSR extraordinariness.

Stuff Rarity and Stats

The details in each piece of stuff are isolated into three fundamental classes: Attack, Defense, and HP. Contingent upon the space, a piece of stuff has a particular quality as their primary detail:

Bracer and Ring: Attack

Jewelry, Earrings, and Belt: Defense

Rune: HP

The sum in every fundamental detail that a piece of stuff will offer changes as per their quality, with greater stuff giving a greater amount of the principle detail. Be that as it may, each piece of stuff can be moved up to build this principle detail by paying gold and upgrade stones. The amount needed for each update increments relying upon the current level of the piece, just as its extraordinariness. For example, redesigning a SSR stuff to +1 is substantially more costly than overhauling a C stuff to +1.

Stuff Awakening and Secondary Stats

When you update a piece of stuff to +5, you can decide to stir it to reset its level back to +0, while holding its principle detail. Also, every time you stir a piece of stuff, it'll acquire an arbitrary auxiliary detail, which typically expands a certain detail by a fixed rate. These auxiliary details are totally autonomous of the stuff's extraordinariness, implying that a C stuff may have equivalent or considerably more grounded optional details than a SSR piece. You can Awaken a piece of stuff up to multiple times, for a sum of 5 stars.

The kind of optional details that a piece of stuff can have will rely upon their sort:

Ring and Bracer: Attack, Pierce Rate, Crit Rate, and Crit Damage.

Accessory and Earrings: Defense, Resistance, Crit Resistance, Crit Defense.

Belt and Orb: HP, Regeneration, Lifesteal, Recovery Rate.

The auxiliary details are extremely significant in 7DS, particularly toward the start, since they will build your force colossally. Truth be told, it's ALWAYS better to totally update and perform arousals on C stuff than it is to redesign, for instance, a SR piece. This is on the grounds that redesigning uncommon stuff is restrictively costly, and you'll supplant them once you get SSR hardware, at any rate, losing every one of the assets you contributed.

Since the optional details are free of the piece's extraordinariness, it's considerably more savvy to spend a small amount of gold to totally redesign C stuff, and afterward trade them for SSR pieces, than it is to update and Awaken R or SR gear. In this sense, you can in any case get fair stuff rewards from C stuff for a portion of the expense, and this will convey you to the endgame.

Stuff Set Bonuses

One thing you should consider at whatever point picking what sort of stuff to prepare is their set rewards. Most bits of stuff will concede you extra lifts for preparing bits of a similar set. You can for the most part advise that parts have a place with a similar set by their name. For example, two of the previous sets you can open in 7DS are the Onslaught and Iron Wall sets. The previous gives +20% assault for preparing four bits of the set, while the last gives +20% guard from preparing two bits of stuff from this set.

When in doubt of thumb, you need to join set rewards relying upon the job of the character being referred to:

DPS Characters: 4-piece assault reward + 2-piece protection reward.

Tank Characters: 4-piece HP reward + 2-piece protection reward.

Healer/Support Characters: 4-set assault reward + 2-set recuperation rate reward.

Your situation will be unique relying upon your group arrangement. Be that as it may, these are the overall proposals with regards to the best stuff for each kind of character in 7DS.

Discovering New Gear Early On

The vast majority of what we've been saying in this guide applies for the later phases of the game. All things considered, it'll be some time before you track down your first piece of SSR gear. Fortunately, discovering starter gear is very basic as you can without much of a stretch buy them from any seller around. Truth be told, this is absolutely how you should deal with begin. In addition to the fact that buying gears give you characters a pleasant lift for practically no expense, however these are likewise the bits of stuff you'll need to utilize around the endgame when you at long last access SSR hardware.

Keep in mind, nonetheless, that all together for your C-extraordinariness hardware to get advantageous, you need to update and Awaken them ASAP. This will guarantee that you will get those sweet, sweet, optional details. Remember that you can pay to reroll an auxiliary detail until you get the one you need or need.