Proposals to Fix the Segregation

I think to stop the school segregation on Long Island changes need to be put in place or things will just stay the same. I think there should be job training to real estate agents so when they are with minorities showing houses they don’t purposely only show them the areas with bad school districts. This practice done by real estate agents hurts minorities. Being in a bad school district hinders your growth and it’s not fair that minority families are purposely led to only buy from those areas. On Long Island the house prices and the taxes are extremely high and that pushes many minority families out of neighborhoods with good schools because they can’t get approved for them. In other states, excluding California, the housing market isn’t like this where it’s so expensive. I think there should be programs to help with down payments because it’s so hard to save especially in New York that much money for a down payment. I think the schools that are bad now should be helped and fixed so there are higher graduation rates and people actually learning in school so they ready for college work and the world.