How to submit your research?

We are so excited that you decided to join our project and submit your own research! Below you will find useful guidance about what to write, create, or record and how to share it here.

I have a Saint in mind, what should I do now?

  • Start with some reading, either online or in books and magazines. Get to know your Saint better!

  • Write a text, create an artwork or record a video to share what you discovered about your Saint with our community. We'd love to know any interesting facts, your thoughts and how learning about the Saint influenced your life.

  • If you are not sure what to submit, take a look at our Saints page. You will find examples of essays, artwork and videos about Saints there.

  • Review the rules below, scroll down and click the button! Fill out the form and wait until we review your submission and post it on this website.

  • We will share your submission with the Parish community!

Submission Guidelines for written text

  • Please submit no more than one letter-sized page (single sided) of text, written in font size at least 14. You can upload any editable file (no pdf, please!) in the form below.

  • You can also print and bring your text to the parish office. Please put it in an envelope marked The Saints Project and include:

    • your name (e.g. John Smith, or John S.), contact number or email address

    • written consent: I consent to publish this research on The Saints Project website and to share it with the parish community.

  • If you would like to include pictures, please make sure they are licensed for public use. If you are not sure how to check it, don't worry - we will try our best to find a suitable picture.

  • Please don't copy and paste your research from any source (unless it's a quote).

Submission Guidelines for Videos

  • The video should be no longer than 5 minutes.

  • If possible, please upload a video to your YouTube channel and make it public. In the form below, provide us with a link to the video. We will paste it here on the website.

  • If you can't upload your video to YouTube, please upload it to your Google Drive or any other online drive and provide us with a link. We will upload it to YouTube for you.

Submission Guidelines for Artwork

  • The artwork has to be created by you.

  • You can upload the image in the form below, or bring it to the church office. We will do our best to photograph it and display on the website.

  • If you bring your artwork to the church office, please include:

    • your name (e.g. John Smith, or John S.), contact number or email address

    • written consent: I consent to publish this artwork on The Saints Project website and to share it with the parish community.