"We Translate Innovative Ideas into Products"

Columbia, Missouri, January 25, 2019ThermoFlow Labs, University of Missouri and Teledyne Scientific Company signed a 3-Way NDA for the ongoing collaboration associated with membraneless desalination. ThermoFlow Labs signed another 3-way NDA with University of Missouri and RITEK Corporation for the collaboration regarding plastic injection, a cost-effective method the industry has been adopting, and one of the core expertise RITEK has for decades.

For more information about Teledyne Scientific Company please visit:


For more information about RITEK Corporation please visit:


Columbia, Missouri, October 17, 2018Simon Chen and Prof. Joseph Zulovich (Department of Agricultural Systems Management, University of Missouri (MU)) visited Foremost Dairy Research Center at Columbia, MO, on 10/17/2018. They met Mark Misch (Advanced Comfort Technology (ACT), inc. Sun Prairie, WI). TFL, MU and ACT recently submitted a collaborative proposal to USDA, hoping to mitigate heat stress suffered by dairy cattle in hot and humid summer. The ultimate goal is to increase the milk productivity from cattle and improve the animal welfare.

For more information about Foremost Dairy Research Center please visit:


For more information about DCC Waterbeds provided by Advanced Comfort Technology please visit:


From left: Simon, Mark and Joe at Foremost Dairy Research Center.

DCC Waterbeds installed at Foremost Dairy Research Center.

Columbia, Missouri, July 17, 2018Simon Chen visited Vitro at Carlisle, PA on 7/17/2018. Paul Di Cesare (Senior Account Manager) then introduced him with the history of Vitro and PPG, and toured him around the two sheet-glass production lines the plant has since 1972. Tom Abbas (the Plant Manager) also met with Simon and Paul and expressed cordial welcome to both of them. The plan is capable of performing LoE coatings on sheet glasses with the lowest e = 0.02 (public info and certified by Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory).

For more information about Vitro and Vitro LoE technology please visit:


Columbia, Missouri, May 24, 2018 – Barbara Semar, Technical Representative of TA Instruments - Waters LLC, visited ThermoFlow Labs LLC. Barbara, Simon and Jheng-Wun had a discussion on the latest in DMA technology from TA Instruments: DMA 850, and its capability to benefit TFL's R&D efforts towards acoustic insulation technology. For more information about TA Instruments please visit:


Columbia, Missouri, May 21, 2018 – ThermoFlow Labs LLC signed an Exclusive License Agreement with the University of Missouri, where the University is granting the patent rights to the company regarding "Multifunctional Smart-Window Films for Thermal, Optical and Acoustic Control”, developed under a research program sponsored by the National Science Foundation (Grant # 1648003). This agreement is subject to the terms and conditions of the Bayh-Dole Act, Public Law 96-517 and 98-620 as amended. For more information about MU Office of Technology Management & Industry Relations please visit:


Columbia, Missouri, May 1, 2018 – Greg Wegener, Sales Manager at Quantum Silicones, visited ThermoFlow Labs LLC. Greg and Simon had a discussion about TFL's current and potential needs on silicone products which Quantum Silicones could possibly customize for TFL. For more information about Quantum Silicones please visit:


Columbia, Missouri, April 1, 2018 – ThermoFlow Labs LLC moved to Missouri Innovation Center (MIC) and made two new hires: Ryan Trenter and Jheng-wun Su. We welcome Ryan and Jheng-wun to join our team, working together towards product commercialization.

For more information about MIC please visit:


Columbia, Missouri, February 27, 2018 – ThermoFlow Labs LLC has been awarded a Department of Energy (DE) Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) grant for USD150,000.00 to conduct research and development (R&D) work on seawater desalination.

For more information please visit (2018 Phase I Release 1):


Columbia, Missouri, February 16, 2018 – Tom Hanschen, Corporate Scientist at 3M, visited ThermoFlow Labs LLC and the University of Missouri. Tom also talked with local entrepreneurs and gave a talk to MU students titled: Technical Career Path, sponsored by MU Engineering Leadership, Engagement & Career Development Academy. ThermoFlow Labs appreciated Tom's visit and valuable feedback to our commercialization activities. For more information about 3M please visit:


Columbia, Missouri, October 15, 2017 – Simon Chen acquired ThermoFlow Labs LLC from Chung-Lung Chen (founder) on June 15, 2017. The transfer of the company ownership was completed on October 15, 2017.

Columbia, Missouri, December 8, 2016 – ThermoFlow Labs LLC was awarded a National Science Foundation (NSF) Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) grant for USD225,000.00 to conduct research and development (R&D) work on window films that provide both thermal and acoustic insulation. For more information please visit:


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