About / Contact

I am a computational engineer / scientist with an extensive background in simulation and HPC. I use computational and theoretical methods in combination with experimental data to model and understand heat transfer and fluid phenomena. 

Interests: Computational fluid dynamics, thermal analysis, heat transfer, HPC.

Email: h.parishani at gmail dot com (without any spaces)

Job Experience / Academics

Lead Application Engineer (thermal management of electronics), ANSYS (2019-2023)

Postdoc & Research Associate, University of California Irvine  (2014-2019)

CFD and thermal engineer (2003-2008)

PhD. Fluid Mechanics, University of Delaware, 2014

MSc. Thermal-Fluid Mechanics, Tehran Polytechnic, 2003

BSc. Thermal-Fluid Mechanics, Tehran University, 2002

HPC and Other Trainings

I have received various HPC and scientific trainings through: Berkeley Lab., NASA, Boeing, Ansys, National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR), Oak Ridge National Lab., Texas Advanced Computing Center, and also other industry leaders (TSMC, Intel and Nvidia among others).

Summer Schools

Using satellite observations to advance climate models                      2017 Summer School, JPL / Caltech

Dynamical core model inter-comparison                                              2016 Summer School, NCAR

Multiphase Turbulent Flows in the Atmosphere and Ocean                 2012 Workshop, NCAR

Road Trips

Road trips are my way of spending time in nature. Here is a summary of the trips I have done over the past years. These did not happen in single trips, instead the maps show the approximate locations/paths covered. The small branches (<30 miles) are removed. Majority of these trips are made to visit national parks, sceneries and museums of any sort.

Some random pic(k)s