Workshop "Taxation and mobility"

22. - 23. June 2023

Jointly with colleagues from the ZEW’s “Inequality and Public Policy” and “Corporate Taxation and Public Finance” units, I am currently organizing a workshop on taxation and mobility. It will take place in June at the ZEW in Mannheim, Germany.

The workshop aims to bring together scholars at different stages of their careers working on the effects of taxation on individual and firm mobility. A keynote will be delivered by Camille Landais (London School of Economics).

Summer School “Africa on the move” 

01. - 05. August 2022

The “Africa on the Move” summer school was an intensive, one-week summer program at the University of Mannheim I jointly organized with a fellow doctoral student from linguistics. 

The program offered a platform for a transdisciplinary exchange intended to facilitate dialogue between science and society. Students and participants had the opportunity to deal with the topic of migration from different perspectives. The topic of the summer school was “Africa on the move: diaspora, mobility, migration, languages, culture and economy – Researching transnational political, economic, linguistic and cultural biographies in an inter- and transdisciplinary manner”.  

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