Weekly Updates

Here you'll find regular progress updates on the project.

Week 7

  • finalized project idea & proposal

  • ordered extra ultrasonic sensor

  • picked up aux input speaker

  • did some research on getting audio out of the board

Week 8

  • got all the parts!

  • started on the code

  • figured out a more detailed plan of which pins will be used for what functions, etc.

  • haven't got audio working quite yet but hopefully will over the weekend to stay on track

Week 9

  • finally got sound out of the board!

  • currently just a sine wave with weird beeps, I'm going to try using DMA to smooth it out

  • slightly behind the timeline but not terribly so

Week 10

  • now using DMA to fill the I2S buffer

  • fixed the sine wave somewhat (getting a resolution of 2Hz now, good enough for the higher registers)

  • volume control is pretty smooth

  • got two ultrasonic sensors working simultaneously

Finals Week

  • finished !!!!!!!!!

  • no LCD unfortunately but added button and on-board screen functionality

  • you can choose a scale to play on