Comprehensive Therapy Services in Fort Collins, CO: EMDR, CBT, and More at Pivotal Counseling, LLC

 At Pivotal Counseling in Fort Collins, CO, our licensed professional counselors (LPCs) expertly navigate therapy paths for wellness, PTSD, addiction, and mental health with specialized therapies including EMDR, CBT, and dialectical behavior therapy, serving individuals, couples, children, and families in Northern Colorado, including Loveland and Windsor. Begin your healing journey with us today, embracing life's transitions with tailored support from our compassionate team.

Welcome to Pivotal Counseling, LLC

At Pivotal Counseling, LLC, we're all about helping you get better. We create a safe and supportive place where you can start to heal and grow. We think everyone can change for the better, and our aim is to help you do just that.

Empowering Your Journey Towards Wellness

If you're dealing with anxiety, it might seem tough, but you're not alone. Here at Pivotal Counseling, LLC, we're experts at helping you feel better and manage anxiety. We make plans just for you, to help you take charge of your mental health and start feeling more peaceful and happy. Our methods are all about reducing anxiety, helping you cope better, and making you feel good.

Our Compassionate Team: Credentials and Experience

We have a team of professional counselors who really know their stuff when it comes to talking therapies. They've worked a lot in their own offices before, so they bring all that know-how to you. We're all about being kind and understanding because we know everyone's story is different. Our team's skills and years of work mean we can give you the best care, made just for what you need.

Understanding Therapy: How It Can Help

Therapy is a great way to tackle lots of different problems, like troubles in relationships, addiction, ADHD, and personality disorders. At Pivotal Counseling, LLC, we have many ways of helping, like talking therapy and cognitive behavioral therapy, so we can find what works best for you. Getting to know about these different ways therapy can help is a big step towards getting better.

We're here to walk with you through the challenges of mental health with care and knowledge. At Pivotal Counseling, LLC, you've got a partner on your path to healing and wellness.

Incorporating Holistic Wellness into Therapy

In Fort Collins, CO, we focus on your whole health - how you think, feel, and live. We know everyone heals differently, so we mix in practices that look after your mind, body, and spirit. This way, we help you find balance, grow stronger, and welcome positive changes. Our offerings include:

We invite you to start a healing journey with us. Discover how caring, personalized support can make a difference in your life.

Therapist Fort Collins CO

We're proud to serve Northern Colorado from our base in Fort Collins, offering top-notch mental health services to folks in Fort Collins, Loveland, Windsor, and the surrounding areas. Knowing the area well, we provide:

Our skills and dedication lead to real results for our clients. We're not just therapists; we're your neighbors, committed to making our community better and brighter.

Serving the Community with Compassion

For years, we've led the way in caring mental health support in Northern Colorado. We do more than work inside our offices. We give back by:

We welcome you to our client family, where we’ve helped many find peace and strength. Walking with you towards wellness is our goal, and together, we make our community stronger.

Tailored Therapy for Students and Academics

Close to Colorado State University, we get the challenges students and faculty face. Our counselors are here to offer support with:

We start with a free chat to make it easier for students and academics to reach out for help. Let us support your success, giving you the skills and insight to do well in both school and life.

Besides therapy, we also have lots of resources to help our clients outside sessions. Check out our podcast on mental wellness, online materials, and workshops. Start today and see how focusing on overall wellness, caring for the community, and getting support made just for you can change your life.

Continual Support Through Our Resources

Navigating the journey of mental health improvement requires continuous support and guidance. We are dedicated to providing this through a variety of resources aimed at fostering psychotherapy, healing, addiction recovery, and understanding personality disorders. Our tailored approach includes:

These resources are crafted to empower you, enhancing your journey towards better mental health, regardless of your starting point.

A Guide to Getting Started with Therapy

Understanding the landscape of therapy options, including the costs involved and the choice between online vs in-person sessions, is crucial to making informed decisions about your mental health care. Here’s a brief guide:

Both formats are led by professional counselors experienced in dealing with relationship issues, addiction, personality disorders, and more, using psychotherapy, cognitive behavioral therapy, and other effective methods.

Whether you're facing anxiety disorders or seeking ways to navigate life's challenges better, getting started with therapy is a step towards empowerment and wellbeing. We are here to support you through each step, offering experienced-guided insights and a compassionate approach to achieving mental health and balance.

Therapist Fort Collins
Therapy Cost & Affordable Solutions
Online Therapy

Main Heading

At Pivotal Counseling, our Licensed Professional Counselors are really good at using Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT) to help people handle strong emotions and get along better with others.

In Windsor Counseling

We make therapy plans that are just right for what each person in the area needs.

Counseling for Life Changes

We offer counseling for life changes to help individuals, families, and students in Northern Colorado move through big life events smoothly and positively.

Therapy for Students in Northern Colorado

People in Northern Colorado, including students from Colorado State University, get therapy that fits just right for dealing with school stress, career worries, and finding a good balance between work and life.

Couples Therapy

Our couples therapy uses Emotionally Focused Therapy (EFT), and it really works—90% of couples see their relationship get better.

Wide Range of Ages

We help a wide range of ages, from little kids aged 4 all the way up to adults over 60, making sure everyone can get help when they need it.

Specialized Services for Children and Preteens

Charlotte specializes in working with children and preteens, including those with ADHD, PTSD, autism spectrum disorder, and attachment issues, focusing on clients who are 11 years old and younger.

Fort Collins' Rich History

Fort Collins has a rich history, starting in 1864 and growing fast because of farming in 1872, which helps us care more about our community.

Awareness about Mental Health

We remember Fort Collins' time without alcohol until 1969 and how student activism helped change society, which inspires us to keep pushing for better awareness about mental health.

Mental Health
Couples Therapy

Therapist Fort Collins CO Q& A

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Q: What kind of training do the counselors at Pivotal Counseling have?

A: Our team includes Licensed Professional Counselors (LPCs) who know a lot about different ways to help people, like Dialectical Behavior Therapy. They have learned a lot and are really good at what they do to help people feel better.

Q: Does Pivotal Counseling work with people from Windsor and other places in Northern Colorado?

A: Yes, we're here for everyone in Northern Colorado, including folks from Windsor. We offer many kinds of help to make sure we meet what our community needs, focusing on getting better and growing.

Q: Do you have special help for students and workers at Colorado State University?

A: Yes, we're close to Colorado State University and we get the challenges students and staff face. So, we have special help for things like dealing with stress, doing better in school, and managing your time, all with the goal of supporting those at the university.

Q: How can Dialectical Behavior Therapy make things better for me?

A: This therapy works well for controlling strong feelings, getting along better with others, and stopping harmful behaviors. It teaches skills such as being present in the moment, handling emotions, dealing with tough situations, and improving relationships, which can help with many mental health problems.

Q: What's different about professional counselors compared to other mental health workers?

A: Professional counselors (LPCs) focus on talking therapy and work closely with their clients. They have special training for helping people of all ages with their issues, using methods that fit the person's needs.

Q: Can everyone in Northern Colorado afford therapy at Pivotal Counseling?

A: We want to make sure everyone can get the help they need. We're clear about costs, offer affordable choices, and give info on insurance so money worries don't stop anyone in Northern Colorado from getting help. Our goal is to give you clear info about our services and how we can help. We're dedicated to high standards, being involved in our community, and offering help that's right for you, making sure everyone's path to feeling better is full of care and knowledge.

Therapist Fort Collins CO Scholarly Articles

A randomized trial of the effectiveness of cognitive-behavioral therapy and supportive counseling for anxiety symptoms in older adults.

The effectiveness of counseling on anxiety and depression by minimally trained counselors: a randomized controlled trial

Meta-analysis: Counseling outcomes for youth with anxiety disorders

Effectiveness of psycho-educational counseling on anxiety in preeclampsia

The impact of performance feedback on counseling self‐efficacy and counselor anxiety

Impact of counseling on self-esteem and anxiety levels among nursing students

Counselor training, anxiety, and counseling self-efficacy: Implications for training psychology students from the United Arab Emirates University

Effectiveness of digital counseling environments on anxiety, depression, and adherence to treatment among patients who are chronically ill: Systematic review

Counseling for indecisiveness: Problem-solving and anxiety-management training.

Biofeedback and counseling for stress and anxiety among college students

Counselor trainee anxiety during counseling.

Why is everyone so anxious?: an exploration of stress and anxiety in genetic counseling graduate students

The Effectiveness of Cognitive-Behavioral Group Counseling to Reduce Anxiety, Marriage; Single People have to be Married in Esfahan City (2013-2014)

Relation of counselor intention and anxiety to brief counseling outcome.

Anxiety management training and study skills counseling for students on self-esteem and test anxiety and performance

The psychological impact of Buddhist counseling for patients suffering from symptoms of anxiety

The anxiety of meaninglessness.

Effectiveness of group counseling on depression, anxiety, stress and components of spiritual intelligence in student

Impact of a counseling program on depression, anxiety, stress and spiritual intelligence in pregnant women

Effects of role conflict on counselor trainees' self-statements, anxiety level, and performance.

Counseling self-efficacy and its relationship to anxiety and problem-solving in United Arab Emirates

The effectiveness of counseling in reducing anxiety among nulliparous pregnant women

Counselor trainee anxiety during the initial counseling interview.

Counselor anxiety during a counseling interview

Reducing counselor anxiety by using modeling strategies

Interaction distance anxiety in the counseling dyad.

high anxiety: counseling the job‐insecure client

The effect of genetic counseling on depression, anxiety, and knowledge level among diabetes mellitus patients.

Effects of telephone counseling support on distress, anxiety, depression, and adverse events in cancer patients receiving chemotherapy

Cancer genetic counseling: communication and counselees' post-visit satisfaction, cognitions, anxiety, and needs fulfillment

Spiritual counseling program for children with anxiety disorders: A multi-city experiment

Prepracticum service‐learning: Examining the relationship with counselor self‐efficacy and anxiety

Initial cancer genetic counseling consultation: change in counselees' cognitions and anxiety, and association with addressing their needs and preferences

The effect of counseling on anxiety level from the perspective of ecological systems theory: A quasi-experimental pre-test-post-test control group study

The effect of spiritual counseling on stress and anxiety in pregnancy: A randomized controlled clinical trial

Counseling with guided use of a mobile well-being app for students experiencing anxiety or depression: clinical outcomes of a feasibility trial embedded in a …

Effectiveness of counseling for anxiety and depression in mothers of children ages 0-30 months by community workers in Karachi, Pakistan: a quasi …

Spiritual values and death anxiety: Implications for counseling with terminal cancer patients.

Examining the effectiveness of group counseling in reducing anxiety for Jordanian EFL learners

The impact of islamic counseling intervention towards students' mindfulness and anxiety during the covid-19 pandemic

Effectiveness of study counseling and desensitization in alleviating test anxiety in college students.

A comparison of online and in-person counseling outcomes using solution-focused brief therapy for college students with anxiety

Effect of happiness counseling on depression, anxiety, and stress in women with recurrent miscarriage

The effect of spirituality counseling on anxiety and depression in hemodialysis patients

Effectiveness of a single education and counseling intervention in reducing anxiety in women undergoing hysterosalpingography: a randomized controlled …

Counselor anxiety in relation to amount of clinical experience and quality of affect demonstrated by clients.

Social anxiety of youth prisoners and guidance and counseling services for prevention

Group counseling with systematic desensitization techniques and thought-stopping techniques to reduce social anxiety

Depression, anxiety and stress among infertile women and the impact of counseling on these levels

Comparison of the effectiveness of CBT group counseling with passive vs active music therapy to reduce millennials academic anxiety

Pivotal Counseling, LLC - Fort Collins

3030 S College Ave Unit 207, Fort Collins, CO 80525
