Submit Today!

Submission Guidelines

This project is supported by Ogma Magazine

Please submit all pieces in each category under ONE SINGLE document. DO NOT put any identifying information such as your name or address in your submission document as we judge blindly. You can submit to multiple categories and we do take previously published pieces as long as it's okay with the place your piece was previously published in. We also take simultaneous submissions but please let us know if your piece has been accepted elsewhere immediately. The title of your document should be as follows:

[Preferred Name] - [category] Submission

Ex: Mary Anne - Poetry Submission

We want to know your story but if your story has any potentially triggering topics such as sexual harassment, rape, domestic abuse, self harm, suicide, etc please put a trigger warning in bold at the top of your piece.

While we accept stories that discuss triggering topics, we will NOT accept pieces that discriminate against any minority groups or other groups of people. We’re here to lift each other up, not tear each other down.

We will publish anonymously or under a different name than your preferred one but please make that known in the submission form or else we will publish your piece with the name you provided for us in the preferred name section.

We offer expedited submissions! For both writing and art, send $5 a piece (two pieces is $10, etc) via PayPal to and you will be given a response within 24 hours on your placement in the anthology! Thank you for supporting this project in this way, as printing costs can be covered with your support.

Specifics are listed below. If you have any other questions, feel free to email with the subject line “Rainbow Choir Sub Question”

ONLY people 18 and below can submit to this anthology

Prose: up to 2,000 words. Submit up to 2 pieces

Poetry: Max 50 lines. Submit up to 3 pieces

Micro poetry: Max 10 lines. Submit up to 2 pieces

Hybrid poetry: can include lyric essays, prose poetry, and more

Art: anything visual! From painting, photography, 3D art, 2D art, etc. Submit up to 2 pieces

Art submissions: submit as a .jpg or .jpeg file. MUST BE black and white

Written submissions: 12 point size, any readable font (Times New Roman, Arial, EB Garamond, etc), .doc, .docx, or .pdf

We look forward to looking at your submissions <3

Deadline for all submissions is July 1st 2021.