
What is a "retreat"?

Think of a retreat as a time away from our normal life for the purpose of consciously connecting or reconnecting with God.

This is time set aside for God. It involves a change of focus, a deliberate act of stepping outside of normal routine. For a short time we withdraw from the activity and pressures of our regular and immediate responsibilities in order to be in a quiet place where all our senses are open and we can be ready to listen to God.

Next event

Men's Retreat

Teaching | Conversation | Quiet | Food

Aim: strengthen the contemplative side of our lives, and build some good practices.

Saturday April 2nd 2022, somewhere in North Christchurch (depending on numbers) COVID permitting.


Start with muffins and coffee, finish with a light lunch.

Cost: Koha for expenses.

Any questions, please contact me on 021511303 or

This is a retreat for those wanting to follow Jesus more closely, and will come from a Biblical perspective. However anyone is welcome (18 or older).

What is the purpose of this retreat?

The aim is to encourage practice. Quiet prayer, contemplation, meditation.

Not so much to spend a lot of time doing retreat-y type stuff (we will do a little bit of this); but also gaining insights towards what is possible during our own life going forward.

This can either be a refresher for what is already going well for you; or an opportunity to explore some new possibilities.

Other questions you may have?

What will this retreat be like?

Hopefully it will be quiet, gentle and refreshing. We recommend that if you need to bring your cell phone that you manage the impact of this on you really carefully. Like leaving it in the kitchen and only checking it if you really are concerned.

Three aspects key aspects: input, practice and reflection.

Teaching | Input: we will introduce some habits and practices around being quiet and still. Some of these practices will come from the early desert mystics who said that everyone needs to find their own pattern of practices to 'pursue God' and to enable real rest and abiding. {See John 14)

Quiet | Practice: we will spend a little time experiencing three specific practices.

Conversation | Reflection: we grow in our understanding by taking time to pause, look back and reflect. Think of abiding and rest as well. There will be some time for this. Bit if you wish to spend this time having a little rest and sleep, that is OK too.

Plus: We will also have some food together.

We believe the to live as followers of Jesus we need to make some effort to set aside time for God and to practice a few of the spiritual practices we see in the life of Jesus. Tis helps with rest, peace and abiding. We can hear the whisper of God into our hearts more easily.

How many people?

Between 6 and 15. Probably.


Please bring your masks, but we will have some social distance and will be outside for some of the time if the weather is good.

If you have them, please bring a Bible, a journal or notebook, pen.

Any other questions, and to RSVP, please call Derek on 021511303