Hayden Bray

Alice Lynch

Hayden's position on the team is Editor, and is one of the Cameramen. While editing, Hayden makes sure every video is fun, visually appealing, and is attractive to our audience. Once editing is done, he is responsible for uploading to YouTube so the community can see the hard work each team member puts in.

Alice's position on the team is Second-Unit Host. Alice will step in for a Co-Host when there's a time crunch, and one of them cannot record. Alice also partners up with Corinne; the duo works together to gather additional footage/clips for a final video. While Corinne records, Alice explains what they are showing, and how it is relevant the the video's topic.

Alyssa Marsh

Corinne Henry

Alyssa's position on the team is Co-Host, and is the Creative Director. Alyssa generates, and proposes video ideas to the team. Alyssa is partners with Ben to create an entertaining video, whether its just them, or with a guest appearance. As creative director, Alyssa creates the guidlines of what everyone will say within the video.

Corinne's position on the team is cameraman. When group recordings are being held, Corinne works with Hayden to set up the cameras, aligning them to make sure guests and hosts are perfectly in the frame. When gathering additional footage with her partner, Corinne records Alice and the subject, making sure the footage provides a quality viewing experience.

Siena Schulz

Siena's position on the team is Manager. Siena schedules and organizes all the team meetings, and group recordings. Siena is responsible for contacting potential and confirmed guests, so they can be part of an upcoming video. Finally, Siena maintains updates to social media accounts, and our website.