The Original Millennium Falcon

Han Solo’s original ride wasn’t the battered saucer, the Millennium Falcon, that we know and love today. Instead, the Star Wars filmmakers’ earliest designs for his “pirate ship,” as it was then known, were actually long and linear, with a big mass of engines at the back.

This site is an attempt to collect all existing photos of the early Pirate Ship design that are known to be in public circulation.

It also documents the earliest concept art through to the final Rebel Blockade Runner design, as the Pirate Ship eventually became.

For more information on the development of the Millennium Falcon, and its early life as the Pirate Ship check out:

— A piece on the five foot Falcon’s cockpit; a component which was taken directly from the Pirate Ship.

– Michael Heinemann’s heavily researched Falcon history.

– Stinson Lenz’s awesome 3D reproduction of the Pirate Ship and its prototype.

– Want to make your own early Falcon? Just buy Bandai's Blockade Runner kit, and then purchase these 3D-printed add-on parts that I designed!

Note that many photos aren't watermarked and I don't know where they're from. If any are yours and you'd like them credited or pulled, just drop me a line.

And if you have any photos not included here, I’d love to see them! Please shoot me an email at Thanks!

All photos are copyright their respective owners. They're posted here for purposes of education and critical review.