The BEHSU Custom Expansion

(Made in Google Sites lol) Cake is good

The Mechanics

Behold And Beheld

Behold activates whenever the condition is met and wherever the card is.

Explanation for a few Behold Cards.

Burgaria gains the battle cry to repeat all the cards.

Madame Zoppinia makes it so whenever you gain 5 armor you gain 5 amor this can be done in anyway as long as you gain 5 armor, but only one behold per activation so if you gain 10 armor in one use you'll gain 15 instead, as opposed to two instances of 5 where you'll gain 10 both times culminating in 20.

Drusten is a permanent effect making it so your secrets repeat at the start of each turn for the rest of the game.

Nameless Hunter and Mai Usar replace once their condition is met, be careful.

Ecila basically doubles your demons meaning she will be nerfed in the coming hour.

Rain'ar can give your opponent crabs too.


Minions with this keyword break into bits when the game starts exactly like C'thun the Shattered. Once they've been put back together they become playable.

The Infiltrators of Bacc

Nekron, Blue The Ice Age, Your Friendliest Nightmare, Cait The Greatest Taster, Warren the Iron King, Harlen Poon, Ydnozorum, Zigante, The Wishless Warden, and Pix the Megavolt.

Nekkron is an infiltrator due to making a deal with Bacc to come to the mortal realm unaware Bacc is the cause for Ydnozorum's madness in the first place. Blue feasts off the energies expelled by these battles and gets partially corrupted by the void residue from Ydnozorum. Nightmare is obvious, Cait is staying out of the war so she's guilty by association. Warren made a deal to save his kingdom for his idleness. Harlen is just evil. Ydnozorum because Bacc helped her escape the void for vengeance. Zigante was given to Bacc in a trade for Paul. The Wishless Warden was swayed into eating flesh and going mad. And Pix wanted to control or stop the maelstrom instead of working with it.

The Lore


The battle was raging tearing apart the world or at least most of the world except Pandaria where the biggest cooking competition was happening. While the rest of the world screamed and hid or fought tooth and nail Jayce wondered where his oregano was. It was his first time competing and he was going against the running champ Burgaria, maker of the finest foods this side of Azeroth. Judge Cait was ruthless but loved cake some said she thought it was the best food in the world. Unfortunately, Jayce only knew how to make Steak, but he wouldn’t let that stop him as he cooked and toiled a strange portal appeared and dumped out a tiny man clad in armor. He approached Jayce and asked for help with some war about a demon lady and some dragon or something. Jayce did not care and instead gave him a steak and sent him on his way.

Finally, at the last heat, a shocking twist came in the form of an army breaking through the walls of the cooking temple. The chefs finally knew what was happening outside Pandaria! They still did not care and quickly dispatched the demons, healed themselves up, and resumed the competition. In the end, nobody won because Cait had snacked on so much cake she got sick. so Burgaria and Jayce decided it might be a good idea to stop that invasion before Cait recovers so they can find out the true winner.


Warren knew the battle would be long and hard as neither side had any intention of yielding. He knew his Iron legion could hold but for how long would the warriors last? Crat the sire of a neighboring kingdom had come to his aid bringing with him his animalistic warriors. Madam Zoppinia an old friend of Warren came forth to help as well knowing he would need it. With his iron warriors, Crat’s plans and assassins, and Zoppinia’s steel they would have a fighting chance against the war raging beyond their boarders.


Harlen and his crew of pirates sailed into the northern lands in search of allies for the war. They found a bunch of birds specifcally crows and ravens. First Mate Murg spoke fluent bird and was able to rally them behind him all but a small flock under Drusten’s command. Drusten knew something that the rest didn’t but wasn’t letting them in on it. Only once Harlen sank his own ship leaving them with nothing did Drusten inform them that there would be no winner in this war. Drusten allied his flock with them and flew back to the mainland with his crew and the other flocks. There may be no winner but there would be a glorious battle.


Bacc made have made a minor mistake by disrupting the cosmos an unleashing a priest lady who had been cast into the void 5 times for a reason, but they weren't going to tell the boss that no way. However, Gammon almost instantly notified Arcen of Bacc’s cosmic crimes so he sent off to fix them. Arcen contacted his good friend Cosmar another cosmic deitity of fixing thigns to try and remedy this grevious mistake. When they arrived on Azeroth a little bit of cosmic energy got onto a whelp egg. Nothing to worry about I’m sure. Arcen and Cosmar went to find and Fix Bacc’s mistake but they were too late Ydnozorum had already gathered an army and absored a significant ammount of power. A battle ensued ending with Cosmar shattered across space and Arcen having to retreat. Ydnozorum thought she had won but then she caught a glimpse of something a small little whelp feating on the mana from the battle. Thinking it was rather cute she ignored it leaving the small creature to it’s own devices. Little did she know this small little whelpling would be one of those who bring about the end


When Bacc let Ydnozorum out of the void the door was opened for less savory creatures. One of which was an ancient nightmarish entity acting as a friend feasting on the fear of a good dream gone sour. An unrelenting enemy never truly leaving eternally in the shadows.

An old god sealed away from another world Shoga also escaped bringing with him a legion of watchers monitoring the world around them. These creatures escaped near a small community of animal warriors, their sire was busy handling things elsewhere so Rasmar took it into his hands to fight them back.

The small militia was shattered by Shoga and The Nightmare though. They left doom behind as they continued to raze before being approached by a strange woman clad in purple. She offered them a reason to ally with her and her companions for she was that one that opened the door. The Nightmare agreed deciding that if this being had that power it would be good to be on their side. Shoga refused turning away and left with his watchers. As The Nightmare left with the woman it faintly heard sounds of violence and feminine laughter.


Cold, Dark, Afraid, these were all things Ydnozorum felt when she was cast into the void. Sinking through the cold abyss she had no company except herself and terrors beyond imagination. Strange amalgamates of flesh, beings speaking in incomprehensible tongues, horrors of nightmares and pleasure, and worst of all some of these beings had spelling errors or an uncapitalized letter in their names! Ydnozorum had been cast here so many times it might as well have been her home. One day while floating unable to feel anything or think she drifted until a hand grasped her shoulder. Skin soft to the touch brushed her hair aside revealing the hand to belong to a woman. Purple clothes blanketed her body topped with purple eyes and purple hair. Must be a warlock

This strange woman offered Ydnozorum a choice, stay in the void or help her bring about the end of days. When inquired why she wants to bring about the end the woman’s response was “Why does anyone do anything dear? Sheer absolute boredom.” And that was good enough for Ydnozorum, she could get her revenge on those who cast her into this place and help this stranger with their fun.

And so she left, more monster than man.


The Shadowlands contain infinite afterlives and among these lies Maldraxxus. A realm of constant war and bloodshed filled with worthy souls. However the turmoil on Azeroth has been flooding the shadow lands so much so that even the Arbiter cannot keep up. To remedy this and see what was happening on that mortal plane Nekron made a deal. This deal allowed Nekron and several platoons of maldraxi to go to the plane of the living and fight. They arrived near two battling foes a nameless demon and the hunter trying to take them out. Nekron convinced them to put aside their differences for a while and to work together to put a stop to Ydnozorum’s madness before they shattered any more parts of space and time. Agreeing to an un easy truce the two foes allied with the Maldraxi and marched forward to meet their graves once more.


Elica the world’s greatest summoner able to conjure demons with just a flick of her wrist, but like most warlocks she still wanted more power. One day while destroying a small local village with her strongest lieutenant Zigante she was approached. A woman clad in purple with another trailing close behind. The one in front wore something that resembled a sweater of some kind. The one behind was clad in robes fitting a priest or someone of the church. The strange woman in front extended their hand to Elica offering her power for allegiance. Elica took the deal and allied her self with this creature referring to themself as “Bacc”

With these new powers Elica was able to summon Paul from the twisting nether. Paul a Lost King from a forgotten era of violence. The Lost King born from rage was also augmented from the deal Elica made channeling her power into him and allowing him to create his own legions. The two women took Zigante with them leaving Elica and Paul to their own devices and conquering. Elica had one more idea there was a renown hunter in the are who had slew a powerful demon a long time ago. Feeling the power of the demonic deal flowing through her Elica and Paul combined their efforts and resurrected a great foe a Nameless demon. Formerly a demon hunter he lost the fight to the demon within and had to be put down by his own ally the hunter Mai. They sent him forth to destroy her knowing he would be blinded by rage and be unable to stop Ydnozorum’s plans.


In the rich forests of Azeroth there are guardians of nature some spirits others just druids who devoted their lives to this cause. One thing that remains the same within them all is the love for the forest and their passion for growth. When The Madness begun the guardians held resilient. Shoo stood with his druids and attempted to slow the invaders. A nameless warden remained wishfull and full of hope that these dark days would pass. And an ancient roamed the woods crushing those in his path. Together they were unstoppable and the forests refused to budge giving refuge to those who were displaced from the chaos.

But one day while they were protecting the forest a scryer told them of a future they had foresaw. A terrifying beast would destroy the woods rending it unable for life, a crazed man leading a fearsome army would trap the inhabitants within, and a monster would consume all that was left. The guardians knowing that this would spell doom for everyone branded together and devised a plan. The Ancient went with the scryer to find a new safe haven where they would be safe. Shoo stayed behind with The Wishful Warden to protect those who remained.

Shoo one day noticed people taking too much supplies for themselves or sneaking out past their curfew so to prevent this he had his druids patrol the area constantly. They made sure all supply rooms were sealed as to stop thieves and sealed the doors of homes once the curfew was in effect.

The Wishful Warden was growing hungrier by the day he began to become nothing but skin and bones. One day he had a thought these refugees they were protecting they were nothing more than meat. No one would notice a few going missing especially not the older ones.

The Ancient and the scyer came to a temple within the scryer told him that there would be their salvation. The Ancient accepted and entered the temple leaving his scryer friend clad in purple behind. When he entered the temple he found nothing within except a woman sitting upon a throne. They introduced themself as Ydnozorum and promised that all The Ancient need to do to save their home was accept a flame. It would give them the power to stop the monster that would raze their safe haven. Reluctantly he accepted shaking her hand he felt the burning within as it consumed him. Given a new name as Ignus the Everburning he began his return to the refugees giving life to trees as he went. Ignus returned with an army and saw that what he feared had come to fruition!

The camp was destroyed a hideous monster was breaking into the homes and consuming the people while a man sealed their escapes. Seeing this and knowing he wasn't able to protect them filled Ignus with rage a rage that exploded into an inferno obliterating the area leaving nothing but ash behind.

Shoo had lost his mind sealing people away out of paranoia.

The Wishful Watcher had gotten a taste for strange flavors and ended families

And The Ancient now Ignus had left an uninhabitable wasteland in his wake.

That scyer was right their prophecy was correct, however it was always going to come true, as that is what fatescribes do.


It’s no surprise that when Azeroth is in turmoil the elements act up, and once again to no surprise when a world ending catastrophe is happening they get really angry. Rain'ar an ancient king who ruled the seas was the first to take notice of the waves shifting. He contacted an elemental maiden by the name of Pix, together they worked to try and calm the elements. But their efforts were in vein as the maelstrom itself was collecting energy. This power combined with Deathwing’s blood allowed the maelstrom to gain life and coagulate into an entity of pehonomal power. This being had no master it only had enemies no one would be spared it’s wrath.

As it trounced the lands it was approached not by a woman clad in purple, but rather by a void elf who offered not to control but rather to direct. The Stranger introduced themself as Gammin, and assured the maelstrom that it would be free to return to it’s peaceful swirling life once the battle was over. Together Gammin was able to use the Maelstrom to traverse the world and find more allies for his just cause, some destroyed, others scorned by the battle, and some having a cooking contest oblivious to the terrors beyond their walls.

Gammin knew the battle was approaching and with his rag tag team they may stand a chance against Ydnozorum and Bacc’s forces. Pix, however was no where to be seen in Gammin’s camp.