The Nameless Hunter: Still nameless this is just a title.

Mai Usar: For years she fought her strongest foe, people saying that her name was already taken.

Nekron the Lord: Even in death Nekkron is a devoted mother, except now she's nurturing abominations who are somehow less intelligent.

Send the Hordes: Summon a ticking abomination it attacks an enemy, repeat this until the enemy dies.

Mirebound Man: Wait you're telling me this guy got a death sentence for siphoning people's lifeforce?!

Nek Romancer: He'll make you drop dead with his looks... and his giant sword.

Soul feasting Fiend: The 1/10 dentist that doesn't recommend the toothpaste.

A Moment Fractured: Hey boss! What's with that expression?

Deadly Deal: You can trust the god of voodoo and deals, he's not an evil god!

Undead "healer": Ok this one definitely has not been to medical school.