Theodoros Tsiftsis

Professor of Wireless Communications
University of Thessaly, Greece

Communications and Networking Lab @UTH  COMNET


Google Scholar Profile               

IEEE International Conference on Communications // Montreal, Canada, 8–12 June 2025 

Workshop proposal accepted!

4th Workshop on Industrial Private 5G-and-beyond Wireless Networks

Workshop Organizers

COMNET Lab @UTH has been granted the project: LEO-DIVE funded by the European Space Agnecy

Robust LEO Multi-Satellite DIVErsity Techniques For Enhanced User Terminal Performance

LEO-DIVE objective is to design, develop and verify via a system testbed (STB) multi-satellite (≥2) diversity technique applicable to large LEO constellations to combat the detrimental effects such as shadowing, multipath fading and channel blockage events. Specifically, the Multi-Satellite Diversity Techniques (MDTs) are expected to improve the achievable peak data rate and the link outage probability at the UTs when at least two satellites are in visibility.

COMNET Lab @UTH participates in the project:5G-GOVSATCOM funded by the EU Space Programme

5th Generation Technology Standard for European Union Govermental Satellite Communications

5G-GOVSATCOM targets the development and evaluation in a natural user environment of different key enabling technologies that aim to provide full integration of 5G-NTN in the EU-GOVSATCOM framework. In the radio technologies domain, 5G-GOVSATCOM targets the development of necessary adaptations and enhancements of radio access procedures to attend to geostationary mobile terminals in the exclusive governmental X-band. Furthermore, the integration of 5G-NTN user equipment with an antenna operationally focused on on-the-move and on-the-pause scenarios is planned. In parallel, in the inter-networking segments, 5G-GOVSATCOM aims to provide a seamless handover between terrestrial networks and NTN via a smart gateway while enhancing core-network functionalities. Finally, all project developments are planned to be first validated in a controlled lab with satellite connectivity and, posteriorly, experimentally tested in close collaboration with final users. These latter tests will constitute the first 5G-NTN trials with final users devoted to i) ubiquitous telemedicine in maritime areas and ii) crisis management connectivity bubble.


Best Paper Award

L. Tlebaldiyeva, S. Arzykulov, T. A. Tsiftsis, and Galymzhan Nauryzbayev, “Full-Duplex Cooperative NOMA-based mmWave Networks with Fluid Antenna System (FAS) Receivers,” IEEE BalkanCom 2023, Istanbul, Türkiye, June 5-8, 2023.