
New Global Communist Manifesto:

The Construct of Human Civilization

Level One

By Octaevius Altair

Permanent Chief State Advisor


There is

Only One


Table of Contents

New Global Communist Manifesto pg 4

Division pg 4

Why the New Global Communist Party was created pg 5

Edicts of the New Global Communist Party pg 7

The Construct of Human Civilization is Flawed pg 9

The Construct of Dimensions pg 12

Civilization Level One pg 13

How to Destabilize a Central Government pg 17

Distraction as a Means of Superintendence pg 18

Primateism verses Insectism pg 21

The New Global Communist Party Style of Government pg 22

Urban Planning pg 25

The Economy pg 26

The Environment pg 30

Communist Links pg 31

The New Global Communist Manifesto:

The Construct of Human Civilization Level One

Greetings Comrades and welcome to the New Global Communist Party.

It has often been described that “Communism is just another form of Religion”. The reason for

this is the multitude of different Communist Organizations that exist on the Globe that share a

similar goal in regards to the overall vision of the Communist Utopian Society and yet in terms

of practice they disagree how this vision is to be accurately made manifest. As with many things

that arise –as in religion itself– the core ideas fragment and the resulting fragmentation grows,

thus creating greater division and corrupting the goal of Unity.

We encourage the translation of this book into as many languages as possible provided the

translations are accurate to the content and theme of the book. Any alterations or omissions will

not be permitted. The copying and distribution of this book is permitted and encouraged.

Ideally to be provided for free or for a nominal charge as long as any sums derived from any

sales are used to promote the N.G.C.P. agenda.


There are two forces at work presently on the Globe. There are those who seek to maintain a

division within the species in general and Humans that occupy the Planet and then there are

those forces that attempt to unify. Humans like to believe that they “own” everything (my

Planet, my property, my spouse, my children, my car etc.) In reality this is false. The Planet is

not owned by any species and it is meant to be shared. The only differences that exist between

Humans are the differences they create and impose upon themselves. This is not a natural

thing. To serve the force of division is to embrace the present construct of Human Civilization

Level Zero. As Communists we must rely upon courage, pride and truth as our detractors

attempt to disparage us through the use of fear, shame and lies. Those who seek to maintain

these divisions use many means such as country’s –the location of Humans on the surface of the

Earth does not make them more or less Human-, Nuclear Family and all manner of Religion but

their most successful method is Capitalism. Capitalists do not seem to grasp that the currency

they worship is an invention. The “Currency Slavers” manufacture currency –that has no value–

in return for Human Labour. Only Human Labour has value. As long as the foolish Capitalists

continue to strive to gain more and more of this paper currency, they will remain as slaves. It is

this constant production of currency that is responsible for taxes, inflation, interest and debt

–these are all invented and will cease to exist under New Global Communism-. Under New

Global Communism there will be no more of these things. It is in the interest of Humanity to

accept the fact that only a United Planet will provide the Human Race a single voice. This is the

construct of Human Civilization Level One.

We must not forget that capitalism serves as an invention meant to create differences. Currency

is the root of much that is evil. Under New Global Communism, there will be no more currency.

We must produce champions to fight for the Human Race against those whose interest is these

divisions. Soon there will be no more countries and there will be no more currency or personal

wealth; no more nuclear family or religion. The next decade is going to be a very exciting time

for Humanity. True Communism will set the world free.

Why the New Global Communist Party was created.

Upon study of the present construct of the Global Economy it was discovered that there are at

present, no Communist country's in the World and furthermore that there have never been any.

Those Nations that presently identify themselves as Communist are in actuality just a form of

Socially-engineered Capitalism (Socialist Capitalism) -Their economies all rely upon Capital–.

Capitalism and Communism must not be permitted to exist on the same planet.

True Communism has no Capital. Only Labour has value, nothing else has value.

The time for New Global Communism is now. It would not have been possible to introduce

New Global Communism in the past due to the fact that the socio-economic conditions of the

Globe are only now so dire and the technology so advanced to transform the economy to an

Actual Labour Value based economy without any form of Capital. There is no longer any reason

for country's to exist or for Central Banks and the valueless currency they constantly produce to



Currency used in the past was a thing of value unto itself. Gold, Silver coins, Gems and even

rare spices and goods, as well as the barter system. Eventually the Central Banks (privately

owned corporations) were able to secure holdings of wealth that were represented by notes for

easy transport -they had a redemption value-. Today the vast amount of currency in circulation

is greater than the total sum of all goods that presently exist in the Globe. This is because the

currency produced by the private Central Banks today is no longer based upon any actual value.

The currency is valueless and yet the population of the Globe continues to behave as if it still

had value.

Only Labour has value. Anything else is currency slavery.

No Human requires currency for food, shelter, education, health, construction etc. This is a

flawed construct. All that is required is Human labour.

Universal Human Labour Value

The New Global Communist Party will terminate all currency and Central Banks. The New

Global Economy will be based on Actual Human Labour Value (an electronic only debit/credit

system controlled by the State).

The formulae for Actual Labour Value (A.L.V.) are as follows:

Hence to calculate BLV+E+R+SK+ER+SL= ALV

Under the New Global Communist Party all countries will cease to exist.

There will be a free dwelling unit for each Human on the Planet.

All education and healthcare will be provided to all citizens of the Globe.

All forms of mass public transit will be free.

Labour Value Credits will be used to obtain luxury goods/services.

All Labour Value credits will be granted by the State.

Universal Labour will be only an electronic debit/credit system.

There will no longer be any physical form of currency or credit notes etc. This will be the end of

all personal wealth.

Basic Labour Value BLV

Experience E

Risk R

Skill Level SK

Educational requirement ER

Stress Level SL

Actual Labour Value ALV

Edicts of the New Global Communist Party

- There is only one Planet. New Global Communists will not recognize the existence of any

Country. The United Nations does not exist. Recognize only the New Global Communist State

and loyalty only to this State.

- There will be no private ownership of property permitted (Land belongs to the people of the

Planet and is held in trust by the New Global Communist State).

- There will be no private ownership of vehicles permitted (exception made for objects of Art)

- All resources on the Planet will belong to the population of the Planet and held by the New

Global Communist State.

- The Nuclear Family unit will cease to exist. All babies will be born in Birthing Centers and

raised in Communal Family Units. No private rearing of children will be permitted on the

Planet. The State will be the eternal Mother & Father to all citizens of the Globe.

The New Global Communist Party holds to a moral compass that is a Universalist Concept.

The Human Race is insignificant within the Universal scale of dimensions and infinite planets,

and this is where we must turn our attention towards preserving what we have at present, to

improve upon it and to expand our civilization outwards to exploit those resources. Our

Egalitarian-Humanist approach is required in order to embrace Universalism.

We must first achieve order here before we can turn our attention outwards. The establishment

of the single New Global Communist State will provide the order.

One Planet: No more countries our borders of any kind.

One Party: The only political party will be the New Global Communist Party.

One Family: Marriage will be forbidden. All children will be immediate wards of the State

from birth in Communal Birthing Centers to early life in Communal Nurseries and Boarding

School Residences up until the age of 12 years. Where upon each shall be granted a private

dwelling unit. The State will be the Eternal Mother and Father to all of Humanity. We will all be

brothers and sisters. The State will be solely responsible for the programming of the Collective.

One Order: Through the Planetary Counsel and the City-State Macro/Micro style of

government, we will achieve Planetary Order and Harmony with Nature and Ourselves.

The Construct of Human Civilization Level One will rely upon this State.

Through the abandonment of personal property and the termination of all currency in favour of

the electronic Universal Human Labour Value system; we will witness Global Peace.

The construct of human civilization is flawed.

To comprehend the construct in relation

to the perception of reality

What does the word, “construct” mean? It is not a difficult concept to grasp as the word itself

lends to the comprehension of it. For the purpose of simplicity I will provide the definition of


English Language - copyright 1989 –.

1. to form by putting together parts; build; frame; devise.

2. Geom. To draw (a figure) fulfilling certain given conditions.

3. something constructed

4. a complex image or idea formed from a number of simpler images or ideas.

All things which relate to humanity are constructs. Reality itself is an individual construct that

is based on senses, perceptions, conditioning –Programming-. In order to understand this we

must examine the evolution of the individual in regards to these various elements that are

responsible for each human beings perception of reality. In the beginning, the human is a mere

fetus within the womb of its mother. It is becoming formed of flesh and at some point the brain

begins to exhibit electrical activity. The brain is a complex organic computer. As with all

computers, it requires programming to be effective. It is unclear when the sense of sentience

takes hold of this flesh, still it must be presumed that we became aware of our surroundings at

this time. The reality of this human is clearly an individual, isolationist, highly different type of

reality from an adult human. To presume to know this state would be fiction.

Suddenly this human finds itself outside the womb –here we see another aspect which will

effect the perception of reality-; a new environment and a gleaning of the greater social

interactions of the fellow species yet to come. This new aspect of society is all a part of the

sensory experience and programming within the brain that aids in the perception of reality. As

this young human begins to age, new aspects such as family become introduced and so yet

another layer of perception is added to the programming within the brain. Introduction to the

media –such as television and radio– create another layer. The world has grown now from the

single flesh within the womb, to the immediate family, to school and peers and ultimately the

concept of a greater society. This construct of reality within each individual is similar in terms

of the physical reality, mass consciousness and social programming but it is still the product

within each individual by themselves. These are shaped in part through the external influences

of culture and the demands which increase in reference to the exploration of that social

construct within the particular culture. Eventually the human begins to embrace a construct of

reality that includes not just the planetary scale but a more universal/dimensional scope.

To understand the concept of civilization it is necessary to accept the fact that Mass

Consciousness exists within the human species. This is the thing that enables all human beings

to relate to each other on the most simplified, basic level. Everybody would rather be happy

than sad, accepted than rejected. All have the same desires regardless of the geographic location

or social tier or age or sex or sexuality etc. that they occupy or adhere to. Essentially all of the

human species are the same in this regard. Another aspect of mass consciousness is the sense of

“where we belong”. Each individual suddenly begins to relate to particular strata within the

society of their particular culture. We may use the term “class” to refer to this sense of

belonging. Is this sense a result of programming or intrinsic to the natural evolution of the

species? It is a combination of both.

As Darwin theorized in his book ‘On the Origin of Species by Means of Natural Selection, or the

Preservation of Favoured Races in the Struggle for Life’ –originally published: London, J.

Murray, 1859 ISBN-13 978-0-486-45006-3- each variation within nature if useful is preserved.

On a social term –within the flaws of the current construct of present civilization– the strata

within are aided through the use of social programming. The propagation of the concepts of

“class” is a part of that programming which infiltrates the mass consciousness of humanity. It is

this tier system within our socio-economic construct that reflects on the political structure

which is flawed. Within the mass consciousness there exists a sense of intrinsic values in

regards to the relations amongst the human species. This may be described through the archaic

expression, “a sense of fair play”. To believe that each human is entitled to equal consideration

and respect and opportunity. Somewhere along the lines of development, this perception

becomes altered as our concept of social stratum interferes with the mass consciousness’

definitions of “fair”. We begin to create artificial barriers within our society to classify and

marginalize the human species. These are artificial constructs which are the flaw and prevent

the ideal of “fairness” to persevere. The result in the actual construct of civilization is to differ

from the mass consciousness’ perception in regards to the “fairness” of conceptualized verses

the final product of civilization. The idealized shall be regarded as Civilization Level One –to be

elaborated upon in greater detail– the actual is Civilization Level Zero –our tiered system– and

finally the result -is decay and collapse-. To view the diagram which follows we see the states of

idealized –Equality-, Actual –Tiered system– and Result-Polarization-.

The Construct of Human Civilization

The Construct of Dimensions

To comprehend dimensional space is to think in terms of states of matter. All matter is a part of

a dimension which is flesh. According to String Theory (which may be viewed at this web

address, there are actually eleven

dimensions. We know that H2O can be a solid, liquid or vapour –yet it remains the same H2O-.

The Human species are pan-dimensional beings (we do not have the awareness of all eleven

dimensions) still we are a part of this. We only understand what our senses permit within the

pupae of our flesh (3rd dimension). To gain greater insight into the state of existence within the

specific confines of our flesh dimension is not beyond our ability. Think upon a droplet of water.

Place the tip of your fingernail within the drop. Now imagine you had the ability to focus your

entire consciousness to that very tip within the droplet –this was your universe-. To only

understand that point. Still in fact you are so much more than that. Our presence within our

dimension is brief, as it is but a current –as an electrical current for example– our presence

causes a reaction within our dimensional space. Our presence is a transitory state.

Civilization Level One

Present technological advancement is progressing at a rapid rate. Through the examination of

these trends -only in so far as is public knowledge without the insight of many of the

advancements still within the classified realm- it can be evident that the progress is rapid. Thus

we have encountered a new threat to our civilization which is our own technological

advancement. We have allowed our technology to surpass our ability to cope as a civilization.

We must begin to concentrate the same efforts into advancement of our civilization as we have

in technology in order to safeguard the future progress of humankind in all directions. We must

cease the usage of this technology against ourselves -to end the concept of classified knowledgeto

obtain Civilization Level One.

We are currently at Civilization Level Zero. This is easily understood by simply looking at the

current planet in regards to the construct of the human civilization that occupies it. This tiered

system is in its' present state Civilization Level Zero.

A Level One Civilization is more than just the simple construct- it is a view as a generally

accepted philosophy of its inhabitants-. To accept that this planet has but a single Race, (that

Race being the Human Race). It is an end to all artificial barriers which serve as a means to

classify, separate, marginalize, and define etc. each other from ourselves. It is an end to racism,

ageism, sexism, nationalism and tribalism -to name but few-. All of the artificial barriers such

as socio-economic class that we fabricate in order to provide a sense of justification that are

used as a means to exploit each other. All of this will cease to be when we are able to obtain the

next level of our civilization. It is something that most would regard as a Utopia but that does

not put it beyond our grasp. It will take generations to achieve but it is possible and a

direction that we must turn our thoughts towards if we hope to see this utopia become a reality.

It is the view of separateness within the species that must be limited.

There are certain factors that fall into play which of themselves propagate the negative cycles

that contribute to this view of separateness. One of these is erroneously referred to as the

“American Dream". This term is a fallacy due to the fact that the ideals which may be ascribed

to this concept are currently not limited to citizens of the U.S.A. or even of North America for

that matter. This concept has become a way of life that is found primarily in Western Culture

but is beginning to spread -like a cancer- across the social bodies of the planet. It is not just

Capitalism that is to blame. It is this "American Dream" that is responsible for the segregation

of the population vis-a-vis socio-economic ghettoism due to the inherent profit-driven

mentality that it breeds. The "American Dream" is certainly a motivator for the population to

achieve... but at what cost? The means by which this failed utopian vision has spread is

consumerism through the globalization of Corporations. In order for the population of this

planet to achieve the next level of civilization, a new motivator must become the chief factor. It

is the method by which the primary median of happiness and contentment is judged. The

disaffected populations that fail to attain the ideals that are this "American Dream" become the

disaffected and malcontent. This "American Dream" must be replaced with a new value system

that is not profit driven but social driven. The next level of civilization is not a selfish one. It is

the greater brotherhood/sisterhood of humanity that works in harmony as a part of the

ecosystem that is our planet. To strive to accomplish things to improve the betterment of all

Humankind must become the motivating factor. Civilization that remains in the rut of

consumerism and selfish indulgence will never achieve the next level.

So what of the model?

This is not something that will occur within a set period of decades but rather a generational

growth option. To begin to motivate the minds of our citizens to believe that it is at all possible.

There are many current base institutions that must be radically altered or completely

abandoned for this to happen; these are Religions, present Micro-Government style, Economy

and Military. There already are various sources who strive to create a single WORLD

GOVERNMENT. This is not the same as Civilization Level One. To bring about this end

through military conquest or economic subversion/manipulation/control will not result in

Civilization Level One. Only through gradual consent of these current nations -gradual

dissolution of present economies- can Civilization Level One begin to take shape.

GOVERNMENT: Transparency is the method that must become the standard practice in terms

of those who serve the public -especially those who administer the Electronic Labour Value

Credits- in order to prevent corruption. This is only the beginning of the new ideology of greater

public accountability.

INSTITUTIONS: The present institutions will be transformed in order to adhere to this new

direction. This is the concept of Human Civilization Level One. We will discuss the institution of

religion. All religions will be considered as the same for the purpose of this discussion. Through

the termination of the Nuclear Family Node it will be possible to eventually eradicate the virus

of religion (along with many other viruses) from the programming of the Collective. There will

be no religion applicable in terms of defining any official government body or works. It cannot

be stupidity that is the cause of Human Behavior in relation to these absurd beliefs, it is

programming. The social significance of all religions will adhere to the accepted policy of open

discussion as philosophy. They are strictly a social group which may not be permitted any

degree of seriousness and no social implications whatsoever. To many this will seem

threatening. Religion has served its purpose. It was responsible for the growth of socioeconomic

constructs based on the direction which became institutional -these

values/ethics/laws/taboos/- resulting in stigmatization of non-conformists-. All religions tend

to follow the same path; to provide a greater direction beyond the confines of the flesh. Religion

is an external control and not an internal Spirituality. It has served its purpose. So all religions

are responsible for both growth/collapse, -as there must be collapse for new growth- as well as

the great achievements and atrocities of humankind. It was through these superstitions that

institutions were created. That the cities were born and society prospered. Now there is no

further use for these superstitions as physics/science can be understood to provide a greater

social legitimacy. To dismantle this belief the institutions must be dismantled. So we must

begin to propagate this knowledge in order to guide the civilization forward in as many positive

directions through the cycle of time. A positive generational growth resulting in the ultimate

acceptance of Civilization Level One is what the New Global Communist Party will achieve.

World governance will be divided between those set nations -although the ultimate goal is the

end of all nations- which are at present categorized as FIRST WORLD , SECOND WORLD,


Definitions according to Nations Online website which may be viewed at this web address here

1 - The bloc of democratic-industrial countries within the American influence sphere, the "First


2 - The Eastern bloc of the communist-socialist states, the "Second World".

3 - The remaining three-quarters of the world's population, states not aligned with either

bloc were regarded as the "Third World."

4 - The term "Fourth World", coined in the early 1970s by Shuswap Chief George Manuel,

refers to widely unknown nations (cultural entities) of indigenous peoples, "First Nations"

living within or across national state boundaries.

The present United Nations is not an acceptable tool to be brought forward as the means to

obtain a unified government since it is based upon certain inequalities between its members.

New world bodies that will be created must rely upon the bones of these present divisions -as

they exist- in order to bring about their demise. So the United Nations will be dissolved. It will

be replaced with a new World Council that will elect representatives from each of the 4 worlds -

i.e. all countries/peoples that comprise the first, second, third and fourth worlds- will have

elected voices to speak on their behalf at this council. Environmental organizations of the world

will form a coalition to elect three representatives to serve on the World Council. It will be a fair

council without privileged status to any group. It will not take into account population or G.N.P.

or land mass. This planet must be governed in an unbiased manner. Central Banking will be

terminated. Trading blocks -essentially all present economies- will be terminated. All of these

regional systems will be replaced with world systems. All local Military structures will be

merged into a single planetary structure. The minutia of local government management will be

assigned to municipalities as there will be no more countries.

ENVIRONMENT: The use of the planet's resources will be managed through the government.

There will no longer be any private management of any resources -oil, gems, natural gas,

lumber, and minerals etc.- all these things will be kept by the government in trust to the people.

These will no longer be for profit and maintained with the management of environmental

groups on behalf of the government. All corporate ownership and management of any natural

resource will be terminated as there will no longer be any Corporations.

POTENTIAL MEANS: Our Method is the creation of a new political union as a borderless

government –The New Global Communist Party-. A Planetary United Party (governing through

a Planetary Council) which will be created in each and every country in the world. As this party

is brought to power through the electorate, so will it become the government that will end all

borders. Eventually this party will be the single world government. This will be brought about in

time as more countries select to join through the electorate. Thus the gradual dissolution of

borders, central banking, military and all other regional bodies of governance, will merge as a

single unit. As opposed to the imposed top-down present style of governments, this will be

from the bottom-up.

How to Destabilize a Central Government

Know that the following information is not original. It is a reiteration packaged as a personal

interpretation of content readily available elsewhere. This information is neutral and not meant

to be construed as a means to incite the destabilization of any specific government. Any

governments mentioned are for example only.

As has been discussed previously, we must first deconstruct in order to reconstruct. The

Human reality is an interpretation of various elements. These are not just the five senses but

our brains ability to interpret through our programming. This programming is affected though

several aspects of self and the environment that contributes to these senses and our overall

sense of “self” within the confines of this dimension. In order to destabilize a government it is

essential to be able to tap into the Mass Consciousness. Each human on this planet relates in

various ways to their fellows and environment. Each has a sense of which category they belong

in terms of the Mass Consciousness. The simple term we will use to explain this will be our

Class system.

When Hakim Bey( talks of Temporary

Autonomous Zones he is providing us with the key to the destabilization of most central

governments. We will use the government of the United States of America as an example. This

country is ripe for the creation of these pockets of anarchy as it has a very large population of

disaffected citizens at the base of the social construct. The use of slave labour in the U.S.A.

through convicts –and the ever increasing prison population– and work for welfare social

programming is another example of the exploitation of the lower class. The glamourization of

wealth, consumerism, the American Dream –failed utopia vision– provides a ready outlet for

this disaffected population. The increase of this disaffected class through the shrinking of the

middle-class as a result of corporate globalization and private Central Banking. In Canada we

see the same outsourcing of jobs to foreign countries as it is not profit they seek –Just greater

profit– with no regard for those human beings affected through this decision to please the ever

decreasing sphere of wealthy shareholders. We see an example of this anarchy take place in the

recent revolutions of the Middle East. This is an example of the spontaneous creation of a state

of anarchy. There is nothing to prevent the lower classes of the United States of America from

easily replicating these Anarchic Spaces in every state –simultaneously in several cities within

each state-; beginning to express the Mass Consciousness of the people through action.

Claiming their rights to the wealth and consumerism they have been programmed to seek. A

population venting the frustration felt against the higher institutions of learning which excludes

the vast majority of them; beginning to effectively dismantle the artifices of those cityscapes in

terms of the actual physical destruction of the edifices of these institutions themselves. These

institutions such as all religions –being once again used to distract the lower classes–

(churches, cathedrals, mosques, temples etc.), banks, police stations, media outlets (television

stations, radio stations, newspapers increasingly monopolized), universities etc. To just take

what they seek. To seize those goods such as televisions, jewels, luxury cars, electronics etc. they

feel is their due. A country such as the United States of America is so taxed in terms of the

external commitments as to be unable to deal with such anarchy on a massive scale. The means

for this Mass Consciousness to communicate currently exists through the internet and various

mobile technologies. Such spontaneous anarchy could effectively destabilize many central

governments –such as the United Kingdom– not only the U.S.A. We have seen this process at

work already in the Middle East.

Distraction as the means of


Upon the examination of the present tiers within the construct of civilization, there are

methods of superintendence which must be clarified. In terms of the majority of the human

species which occupy the lowest strata of the present structure –how to maintain their

complacency-? The answer is distraction. The primary means of distraction employed are

geographic location, religion, consumerism, narcotics and sexuality. In various forms these

issues have been employed in order to safeguard the stability of the tiered construct of the

present human civilization. To understand how distraction works we must realize that the

concept of Birth Rights is an important part. Those who find themselves within the uppermost

tiers believe it is their inherent right to occupy this space. Furthermore they select to interact

only with those who are in similar positions as themselves. This is not only a curious fact of the

upper tiers but also the same may be said of the lower tiers. Take the situation of those raised in

a castle with ample material wealth and opportunity to go and to create a physical construct of

their pleasing. To pursue only those things which interest them, to enjoy their ample leisuretime.

They only socialize with others of similar fortunes. This is like going through life with

“blinders on“. They believe it is their place to be as it is the natural order of things. To view also

the majority of those who occupy the lower tier and labour long, hard days and nights yet only

manage to subsist in abject poverty. They also have a tendency to regard their place as a natural

state. This is false. They are somehow content with this state as they are kept distracted from

the unjust reality of their position in relation to others. It is this ability to maintain this

distraction of the lower tiers that keeps this structure intact. The fact is that those who occupy

this place could at any time object to their lack when compared to the utter disgraceful

abundance of those within the upper tiers. There is nothing to prevent them from taking what

they feel is their due as equal human beings at any time. It is distraction that is imperative to

maintain this false view.

GEOGRAPHIC LOCATION: In a word… countries. The primitive perception of territories, are

used to detract from the conceptual acceptance of the human species as a whole and single

Nation. The notions of Tribalism and Nationalism are a means to separate, as the tiered system

relies upon this to remain intact –another virus within the programming of the Collective-. The

precept of territorial significance is due to the traditional nomadic roots of human civilization

which are incongruous with the mass consciousness. The hunter-gatherer, tribalistic aspects

within contemporary civilization are no longer acceptable. It is time to accept the inevitability of

a planetary social system without those artificial barriers that are countries. There are currently

divisions on this planet in regards to the standard of living and disparity thereof. These

divisions are advantageous to this tiered system and therefore it must change.

Know that the acceptance of organized religions –which must all be regarded as the same

type/manner of distraction and therefore must be the same -; is acceptance of an order. A

hierarchy which is a pantheon, to accept this order is to sacrifice now for some “better future

reward” later. A manner of thralldom to an order which resounds in all aspects of this

modernistic programming through media, -a division once again- as this flawed construct relies

on separateness in order to thrive. So ask yourself… why not now? There is no reason to accept

these limitations upon the human spirit. This essence is Freedom. To follow an order is to

follow orders. To create divisions is to formulate control factors within the present

relationships. One manner in which to direct groups as well as to provide a joint distraction is

targeting or scapegoating. To target a specific group –generally as a result of their minority

status that is a factor beyond their control–. Such as may be seen as the use of religion (Jews in

Spain and again in Germany), race, and sexuality (which may be seen through our current

media and laws in regards to sexual minorities and their mistreatment.)

Let us muse about the next level of Human Civilization. Here are some musings.

There shall no longer be marriage or any form of Nuclear Family upon attaining the next level.

The Nuclear Family unit is flawed due to the inherent segregation that is the base of this unit. A

sense of separateness and league of kinship is a flawed program that will be replaced with a new

Communal Unit. All children will be born in birthing centres and immediate wards of the state.

They will be a part of a single Communal unit. Each Human is entitled to a private dwelling

unit. There will no longer be private ownership of property or resources of any kind.

There shall no longer be corporations. All business will be state owned by the single World

Government. It will be divided in responsibility according to Macro and Micro government

bodies that are elected by the People. There will no longer be any United Nations.

There shall no longer be any countries or any form of separate borders anyplace on the Planet.

There will be no more immigration or border patrols or arms of any kind. The military will be a

form of scientific protection and space and pan-dimensional exploration.

Physics will be developed according to Particle theory by which the elemental periodicals are

created according to extrapolation and theory. These new heavy elements will be used to

produce stronger and lighter construction materials; combining with that the study of nanostrings

and nano-fibre use. Through the use of these new man-made materials the construction

of super-structure cities will be developed into new dwelling centers. These will be designed in

hive-like structures where all Humans will dwell. Any can move about the planet freely this way.

All education will be free. There shall no longer be Private Education permitted to exist

anyplace on the planet. All healthcares will be free. There shall no longer be any Private

Healthcare permitted to exist anyplace on the planet.

Money will be based entirely upon credits. All who contribute to society, who are able-minded

will be awarded credit. This credit will be through a single Labour Bank –State owned, as all

will be State owned-. There will no longer be Religion or any form of Capitalism. Most of the

less desirable jobs will be mechanized. There will be many advances to free up Human

Resources for other pursuits. Free public transportation and cultural events for all.

Those citizens on or about the Globe will be referred to as The Collective.

We will discuss the deprogramming and reprogramming of various defective programs

within The Collective.

To examine the religious beliefs on this planet is to realize that all these superstitions are

identical. The time to eradicate these foolish beliefs is now and it is urgent. Christianity,

Satanism, Judaism, Islam –these 4 main faiths– all have the same elements. They rely on books

–written by a human-, they believe in an ultimate goal of the destruction of the Human race

–Armageddon-. Do those who ascribe to religions truly believe that the books they follow were

written by some pan-dimensional/divine/supernatural being? Those who place faith within the

light of reason must begin to educate those minds that are trapped within the dark envelope of

superstition. To see the disturbing rise of Christian Fundamentalist beliefs in the West is

especially disturbing. Never forget that the ultimate goal of Christian Fundamentalism is the

destruction of the Human race. It suits their purpose to engulf the entire planet in a global war.

It is what they are attempting to do? The champions of the light of reason must begin to

organize more effectively on a global scale in order to eradicate all these foolish religions and

the hatred they cause. They do not practice what they preach and actions will always speak

louder than words. All things are constructs. Religious belief is a virus within the programming

of the Human Brain that is similar to such other flawed beliefs –Racism, Nationalism,

Tribalism, Sexism etc.- all is a product of Humanity. Unless we abandon all beliefs in these

superstitions on a planetary scale, we will not achieve the next level of Human Civilization. This

is the primary reason why the programming of the next generation of Youth must be solely the

responsibility of the State.

The Nuclear Family Unit serves as a node of infection within the overall programming that

takes place within the developing Human Brain in the present social construct. The Youth

represent the future and the brain of the Youth is most vulnerable when it is in its formative

state. Such viruses are racism, sexism, tribalism, religious belief etc. It is solely the Nuclear

Family Unit that is responsible for these infections. When the State assumes all ward ship and

responsibility for the next generation, we will have a population finally free of these infections

within their programming. This will be achieved by the outlawing of any and all marriages

globally. Only the State will be responsible for the care-giving of the next generation. Human

beings are simply not equipped to program Children properly. All young will be named by the

State and they will know that they are a part of the Human Family through the Communal

Family Unit. Names that are provided to the Children of this next State will be based on name

data banks that will generate names based on the region where the City-State of the particular

Communal Family Unit is located. No young people will be permitted to know who their birth

siblings are –exception made for multiple birth infants– nor will they be permitted to know who

their parents were (conversely all parents will not be permitted to know who their particular

birth children are). Children will be the sole responsibility of the State. No private rearing of

children will be permitted anyplace on the Planet.

There will no longer be cash or coinage of any type. No more currencies and no more banks. No

more credit cards. There will no longer be private ownership of land permitted. No more

taxation or inflation or interest or debt. Every global citizen will be entitled to a free dwelling

unit. There will no longer be private ownership of any resources permitted. There will no longer

be corporations or stock markets as all shall be owned by the New Global Communist State. No

more profit. No more countries and a single united global army based upon space and pandimensional

exploration -Global Peace-.

There will be only macro government (Global) and micro government (City States).

Primatetism verses Insectism

Primatetism: Is the clinging onto the outmoded belief in the Nuclear Family. It is a belief in

monogamy, marriage and the private rearing of children. It is the selfish inward kinship looking

belief social system. Stagnation and the strife and selfishness it brings. –Capitalism-.

Insectism: Is the outward looking belief in the growth of civilization on a social level to that of

the insect. - True Communism-. There will no longer be the Nuclear Family Unit. Sex will be

regarded strictly as a harmless form of recreational activity. All pregnant females will give birth

in Birthing Centres. All children will be raised in Communal Nurseries until attaining an age of

majority at which time they shall be provided with a private dwelling unit. All education will be

free. No private education will be permitted to exist. No private healthcare. All will be free as it

is all state -owned and there is no more profit or capital.

The New Global Communist Party

Style of Government

The primary Global concerns will be the jurisdiction of the Planetary Counsel. The minutiae of

the people’s lives will be citizen based City-State governmental bodies. These will be elected by

their citizens but will have substantially more power as States themselves. As such it is possible

to observe a form of organized-chaos in terms of existing States. Each City-State will decide

amongst their own electorate such matters as bylaws in regards to firearms, narcotics, nudity,

bawdy houses, buildings, zoning etc. Therefore it will be possible to have one City-State where

all narcotics and prostitution is legal whereas completely illegal in others. Walking about fully

armed in some, while not permitted any form of firearms in others. Public drinking permitted

in some; while completely dry in others etc. Even Nudist City-States might exist. The only

concern of the New Global Communist Party will be the adherence to all N.G.C.P. government

law, policy and strict Universalist based moral code.

The New Global Communist Party must become manifest through the electorate as opposed to

violent overthrow. It is from the bottom up.

On the next page we present a diagram that will help to explain how the N.G.C.P. will function.

There will be a Planetary Counsel that will consist of the following:

- three members elected to represent the First World Nations

- three members elected to represent the Second World Nations

- three members elected to represent the Third World Nations

- three members elected to represent the Fourth World Nations

- three Environmentalist members will be elected from the Global Environmental


- three members will be elected from the scientific community one being a Physicist and

one an Engineer

- and one other random Scientist from any field as elected by their peers

Finally there will be the temporary position of the Permanent Chief State Advisor that is not a

position open to election from the public. This position within the Planetary Counsel will be in

place only until the New Global Communist State has secured itself as the only political party on

the Planet. At this point in time this position within the Planetary Counsel will be retired. So the

Planetary Council will consist of 19 members in the beginning and reduced eventually to 18

members. They will run the Planet (Planetary Counsel members will be up for election every

twelve years while the City-State elections will be every five years.)

Urban Planning

Here we will discuss the exciting plans the New Global Communist Party has to transform the

World with the City-State Urban Planning model.

The long-term vision of the New Global Communist Party is the City-State building model.

With the rapid advance in technology through the concentration on the advancement of new

man-made materials –those that do not presently exist on our planet but are possible to create

based on the periodical elemental Table extrapolation method and the creation of nano-fibres

and other nano-technology- it will be possible to eventually create super-structures and

abandon all present sprawling cities. These City-State super-structures should be able to house

millions of humans as well as having numerous public spaces, communal gardens and retail

establishments. This is the long term vision of the New Global Communist Party. The

concentration of the present Human population to these City-State buildings will free up vast

areas of land for clearing and re-development as farming or even as nature preserves. The City-

State buildings will not only be super strong through the use of these new materials–as not yet

invented at least as far as our public knowledge is concerned without access to materials

currently classed as classified- but they will be reliant upon recycling of much materials as well

as utilizing any and all natural means of fuel –Sun, wind, methane etc-. Remember that the

Planet itself will be ruled through the Planetary Counsel and on this are members elected from

the Environmentalist Pool. It is also planned to create orbital amusement centres that are

attached to the surface of the planet by nano-fibre cords (nano-fibres woven over and about

themselves until an actual thick cord is formed) that will be unbreakable. It will therefore be

possible for the population to view the Planet from orbit simply by taking an elevator ride there

along the nano-fibre cords.

Also we must recall that each of these City-State buildings will have free public transportation

and free cultural events. It might be possible to arrange some manner of transport connection

from City-State building to City-State building that would eventually enable all citizens to travel

freely from one to the next. The long-term goal is the ability for a citizen to travel freely about

the Globe in this manner –although it would be quite time consuming-. All luxury means of

travel will still be available to those who have Human Labour Value Credits to expend. These

are indeed long-term goals. The ability to eventually relocate the population of Humans to these

super structures will be a compassionate and slow process. It is assumed that once these

structures are complete and the deconstruction of the present sprawling cityscapes is

implemented, the majority of the population will desire habitation within these “Cool and

beautiful Super City-State buildings”. Remember that the eradication of all viruses that

presently plague the Collective will be fully-implemented by this time period.

The Economy

Here we will discuss the foibles of this flawed present Global Economy and the exciting new

Global Economy of the New Global Communist Party.

Let us begin with a quote from V.I. Lenin

“It goes without saying that if capitalism could develop agriculture, which today lags far behind

industry everywhere, if it could raise the standard of living for the masses, who are everywhere

still poverty-stricken and underfed, in spite of the amazing advance in technical knowledge,

there could be no talk of a superabundance of capital. This “argument” the petty-bourgeois

critics of capitalism advance on every occasion. But if capitalism did these things it would not be

capitalism; for uneven development and wretched conditions of the masses are fundamental

and inevitable conditions and premises of this mode of production. As long as capitalism

remains what it is, surplus capital will never be utilized for the purpose of raising the standard

of living of the masses in a given country, for this would mean a decline in profits for the

capitalists; it will be used for the purpose of increasing those profits by exporting capital abroad

to the backward countries. In these backward countries profits are usually high, for capital is

scarce, the price of land is relatively low, wages are low, raw materials are cheap. The possibility

of exporting capital is created by the fact that numerous backward countries have been drawn

into international capitalist intercourse; main railways have either been built or are being built

there; the elementary conditions for industrial development have been created, etc. The

necessity for exporting capital arises from the fact that in a few countries capitalism has become

“over-ripe” and (owing to the backward state of agriculture and the impoverished state of the

masses) capital cannot find “profitable” investment.”

from IMPERIALISM The Highest Stage of Capitalism pg.

copyright 1939 by International Publishers

ISBN 13 978-0-7178-0098-8

It is clear that even a century ago it was obvious to Lenin that Capitalism will never be any

benefit to the Masses. It benefits only those who hold shares in the disreputable Central Banks,

Cartels and the sick, greedy, subhuman Oligarchs. The notion of value itself has become a

corrupted program within the Collective. The masses seem unable to determine the worth of a

thing without resorting to a currency value. The fact remains that while the currency system

seemed to work on a small scale, when a culture had a currency that was actually based upon an

object/objects of value in holding to back up their issue; when we expand that to become the

vulgar monstrosity it is today –on a Global Scale- there simply is no way to back up the issue

with any means of value. All currency mass-produced by the private Central Banks is

completely worthless –worth only the paper and ink it contains- representing zero value.

“ I have travelled and spoke with individuals that must work 9 hours per day, 6 days per week in

order to earn $2.50 –that’s for the entire weeks work- of this they send what they can to their

families in the local villages. Then we have others on this Planet that managed to amass such an

obscene amount of personal wealth that their interest payments alone earn them $85,000.00

per day and that is them doing nothing.”

Octaevius Altair –Permanent Chief State Advisor N.G.C.P.-

When we have such disparity existing on a Planet, we know that it is a serious problem that

must be solved and solved immediately. Currency by its obscene disparity has lost its right to

exist as a viable economic driver. Only Human Labour is a viable driver.

The new Values will not be profit but productivity and quality.

We will recap at this point the Universal Human Labour Value scale.

The formulae for Actual Labour Value (A.L.V.) are as follows:

Hence to calculate BLV+E+R+SK+ER+SL= ALV

We are already aware that at no point in time did any individual or individual government have

entitlement to the land or the resources. This has always been Public Property and the New

Global Communist Party will restore all present properties within, without and on the surface of

the Planet to the population of the Planet by holding all of it in trust for the Human population.

Any businesses that presently exist will simply become State-owned businesses. This will

provide relief to those who struggle with invented fees such as leases, supplies, labour etc. As

everything is owned by the State, the State will provide all businesses with their needs without

any cost to the business. The present drivers used to determine the viability of a business is

Profit –greed is a virus within the programming of the Collective that will be permanently

purged- but under New Global Communism it will be productivity and quality. Any of these

businesses that do not produce quality goods at a volume that justifies their existence might be

required to close. Any Business leaders that do not similarly produce will be replaced. Obviously

there will no longer be any form of Stock Markets or Banks. Individuals presently employed

within those sectors will be required to seek other employment –perhaps their skills will prove

useful in the administration of the Electronic Human Labour Value system?-. There will no

longer be any form of credit, debt or interest as Universal Human Labour Value Credits do not

Basic Labour Value BLV

Experience E

Risk R

Skill Level SK

Educational requirement ER

Stress Level SL

Actual Labour Value ALv

operate in this manner. They are electronic-only credits that are administered only by the

State. It will be possible for private individuals to obtain luxury goods and services with these.

Any items obtained in this manner –gold, gems, art etc- will be the sole property of the


When the New Global Communist Party manifests itself in the World it must take on a position

of extreme isolationism. No contacts with any non-communist States will be permitted. The

young New Global Communist State will have to become self-sufficient and active in the

aggressive recruitment of other States in order that it will be able to grow. As soon as any State

merges with the New Global Communist State, all borders will cease to exist and all military will

merge. Eventually there will be only one New Global Communist State that encompasses the

Planet Earth and the only political party to exist will be the New Global Communist Party. The

reason we are so confidant is the simple fact that there is only one truth regardless of the

popularity of it. The present disgusting political/economic construct of the Planet is based upon

subterfuge, force, shame, fear and lies. The New Global Communist Party system is based only

upon courage, pride and truth. It means the end of all poverty and all war and all wealth. It is

not “absolute power that corrupts absolutely”, this is a myth often used by the Capitalists to

justify their divide and conquer techniques. In reality it is “absolute greed that corrupts

absolutely”. At present we see individuals lauded simply because they are so greedy –never

enough-. Under New Global Communism it will be individuals that have contributed to the

greater good of all of society that will be lauded. This other form of individual will no longer

exist. At our disposal will also be our extraterrestrial environment. It will not take long before

we turn our attentions to exploiting the resources of our Solar System. Once we have

established order on a United Planet Earth, nothing will stop us from making the Universe ours.

The Environment

The New Global Communist Party is aware that the Human Race –although seemingly at odds

with its environment- is actually an intrinsic part of the whole eco-system on the Planet Earth.

The Human Race does not own the Planet. The New Global Communist Party platform is

officially a plan to undo all damage thus far done by Humanity and prevent any future damage

from occurring. As profit will not be a concern for us and with the unlimited resource of the

Human Labour pool at our disposal, it should not be an issue. We will work with

environmentalist organizations (the Planetary Counsel has 3 Environmentalist members), to

ensure the health and harmony of all species on the Planet. The further degradation of the

Human Species and the Planet will no longer be permitted. All manner of present constructs

will be reviewed –Food, Mining, Oceans, Forests etc.- There will be a rapid improvement within

all concerned when the New Global Communist Party is made manifest and establishes control

of the Globe.