The Narrow Gate

Scriptural encouragement, prophetic insight, application of biblical truth to current events and cultural norms. God’s word is timeless and yet He still speaks today through Rhema words in the Spirit that confirm and highlight His Logos word. Will you walk with us as we seek the Narrow Gate from Matthew 7:13?

In this episode I will talk about Psalm 111 and how it can be applied to us as believers in Christ. I will talk about the necessity of applying a deeper relationship with Jesus, so that we can experience the Love the Father. It's the Love of the Father that is applied to our hearts. The is the very ingredient that can really bring healing and a healthy fear and reverence of the Lord.

I will also explain a healthy fear of the Lord is not a bad thing, but a good thing. I will also explain how this very thing can change our lives.

I will be talking about the about the church as a whole and some of the situations that occurred last year. How some of the current circumstances may be a dead weight or a hinderance to revival. I explain that the church, as a whole, can still make an impact in the world today, and what to do.

This episode will be an #encouragement. We will be discussing some past events, apply #kingdom concepts, and look onto the rest of this year. This episode will based upon #Matthew 8:23-27. There will be some #prophetic words given that may apply to your lives, personally.

In this episode I will give my thoughts on some of an event happening currently. I will also be discussing about how it is more important to put our trust more in the wisdom of God, then the wisdom of man. I will lead us scripturally to my conclusion. There will be a brief prayer at the end for more boldness in our lives, so that the Father can use us in times when other's really need us.