The Editors:

Junie and Dashiell co-edit The Monday Times. Their younger brother Siggi is also a contributor. They are enjoying making a newspaper with the help of their friends and neighbors.

Letters to the Editors and Comments About the Paper

Dear Willa and the staff of The Monday Times:

The staff of The Urbana Free Library read your recent article on May 18th with great interest. Thank you for interviewing Joel Spencer about the Library and helping spread the word about what we are doing during this time when our building is closed. We hope that we can welcome the community back into our building as soon as it is safe. In the meantime, we hope that you have tried Curbside Pickup (and insider info - we are expanding hours on June 1!) and that you have tried out some of our eResources. We think you might like TumbleBooks or Kanopy Kids. Let us know if you want more information to feature these eResources in The Monday Times. Thank you again for your interest in the Library and please feel free to reach out with any questions you have.


Amanda Standerfer, Director of Development and Promotion

Letter to the Editor in response to the May 11 Garden News

I feel bad that Siggi got dirt in his mouth when he was weeding. I just did some weeding yesterday. It was a little boring and a little fun. I learned from Siggi’s article that it is fun to garden.


I love reading your paper! We used to live in Champaign-Urbana, and reading your articles, I feel almost as if I’m walking through the State Streets area again. I love the human interest stories, like the one about Theo’s museum, Sophia’s graduation, and the homemade bike jumping ramp. The illustrations by multiple artists are also wonderful! Please keep publishing.

-From a fan in Texas!

Amita's poem called "Rosey Posey" reminds us of our dog, Rose, who barks A LOT! Great poem, Amita!


To my knowledge, I know none of these children, but I am very invested in this The People Outside column!


I love that some of the articles are in Spanish! I can mostly translate them for myself with what I remember from school. It has me thinking that a good activity for this stay-at-home time might be to try to recover some foreign language skills I used to have.

The kids are doing a great job!
