
Download Dataset and Code

The Loading and the Visualisation functions, available at our GitHub page, allow the users to access the RGB and the Kinematic streams. To meet everyone's programming preferences, all the functions are available both in MATLAB and PYTHON (notebooks)

The functions, loadDataset and loadAction, facilitate the MoCA Dataset manipulation, by loading and saving the data in an easy-to-use data structure. loadAction specifically gives the user the possibility of loading only part of the MoCA Dataset, i.e. a single action, a specific marker or an instance.

The function segmentAction deals with the extraction of actions' instances from the MoCap streams. Furthermore, the function is capable of segmenting the scenes into different actions.

Three types of visualisation functions are available:

  1. A simulation of the arm executing the complete action using MoCap data

  2. 3D plot of each marker's trajectory

  3. A joint view of RGB and Kinematic data.





Authors using this code in their pubblications should cite this paper:

"The MoCA dataset, kinematic and multi-view visual streams of fine-grained cooking actions"

E. Nicora, G. Goyal, N. Noceti, A. Vignolo, A. Sciutti, F. Odone Scientific Data 7 (1), 1-15