Balfour TV Segment

Being the media professional that you are, you are now tasked with producing content! This assignment asks you to write, direct, and produce a segment for Balfour TV. Your topic can be absolutely anything! But, here are some guidelines!

  1. The subject of the video must be appropriate!
  2. Because we are ultimately creating a message for a specific audience (The Balfour Community), your message was be of interest to that community while also contributing to it. There should be some level of educational value in your segment. That being said - you could educate us about your favorite band, your favorite position on the field, WHY you think the earth is flat, or it could even be a quick tutorial on how to knit a sweater. The point is, the audience should come away from your piece having learned something new.
  3. Your video must be branded, well edited, and concise - no more then 5 minutes!