The Meadowbeast

The origins of the Meadowbeast

On a planet far far away, similar to Earth, live the Meadowbeasts. The planet, called The Meadow, is a peaceful planet where creatures live together, quite peacefully.

One of those species is the Meadowbeast. They are a unique species, the appearance often compared to rodents, llama's, yet with canine-like features and more. These creatures have roamed the planet ever since the age of the meadow. They are a passive species that roam the meadow in herds, protecting their young. These young creatures are formed by pure love, grown in flowers. For this reason, the meadowbeasts do not have any physical gender features. Their body however, adapts to however feminine or masculine they feel. They communicate with calm humming noises. Unless in the case of an emergency, where howling can be heard. They are an intelligent and kind species, and are quite common.

Herd leaders

Herd leaders are superior meadowbeasts. They are the leader, the protector, and basically the guardian of a herd. These are allowed to have up to 3 horns, and are recognizable by their face markings, which only heard leaders have.

Herd leaders are only available through official adopts.

How can I create my own Meadowbeast?

The Meadowbeast species has a few design guidelines, but as long as you follow them you are free to create your own meadowbeast. *You cannot make a herd leader, however. These are special meadowbeasts which only the meadowbeast species moderators have, or those who got one as an adopt. A list with herd leaders will be added in the future, starting with Miya: the owner's meadowbeast.

Character guidelines

The Meadowbeast has several limits on its designs:

  • The Meadowbeast can have up to 1 horn on top of their muzzle. (3 horns allowed for herd leaders)

  • The meadowbeast is allowed to have up to 1 pair of wings

  • The Meadowbeasts have rounded ears

  • There are no possible Meadowbeast hybrids

  • Markings are allowed anywhere, except for the face and ears. (see images) (face markings allowed for herd leaders)

  • Any markings in any quantity are allowed, as long as they follow the guidelines

  • The Meadowbeast tends to keep their eyes closed to keep their kind look. They can however, open their eyes.


A Meadowbeast can have a horn on top of their muzzle, and markings are allowed on the outfur


A Meadowbeast doesn't need to have horns or markings, a simple design is allowed too


A meadowbeast can have up to 1 horn, which can only be on top of their muzzle. Any other horns are not allowed, nor are markings on the face/ears

Free to use templates:

(transparant template)
(white template)