New, TheMCApple server!

We are a new, aspiring Minecraft server, and we hope to bring many users fun! We will be a minigames server, but for now we have these games: Survival, Creative, KitPVP (At spawn), Sumo (Also at spawn). We have these games until we expand our player base, because we don't want 1 person in each game!

(Spawn on right)

Interactive shops

We have interactive shops at spawn, and many more are coming! very 24 hours you can claim a gold block by doing /ckits, then claiming Gold4U. Then, you can use that gold in the shops! We will also be adding shops in Survival.

The sumo platform

Punch each other off like your life depends on it!

KitPVP arena

Uhh, you get it.


A large, expansive flat, ready for your imagination.

Survival Spawn

/Randomtp to get teleported randomly!

When you're ready to have fun...

Join my server with this IP