Ruud A. Veldhuizen, PhD

Ruud Veldhuizen is an Associate Professor in the Departments of Medicine and Physiology and Pharmacology at Western University. He is a scientist involved in the Critical Illness Research Program at the Lawson Health Research Institute. 

Ruud writes grants, helps student with writing papers and would love to do more pipetting.

Fun fact:  Ruud wouldn't be where he is today if it wasn't for a coffee break many years ago. 

Cory Yamashita, MD, FRCPC

Cory Yamashita is a Respirologist at St Joseph's Hospital, a scientist at Lawson Health Research Institute and an associate professor at Western University. 

Cory provides the medical angle for our research questions and is also involved in writing grants and papers. 

Fun fact:  Cory is not opposed to the Winnipeg Jets winning the Stanley Cup.

Lynda McCaig, HBSc, AHT

Lynda is still on the website.... she retired April 30, 2022 but we still rely she is still an important part of the lab, both socially and scientifically. Lynda has been part of the lab since Day 1; she worked as  our animal care technician as well as lab manager as well as financial officer, as well as... you name it. 

Fun fact: For her 10th birthday Lynda received a pony.

Emma Graham

Emma is a PhD student in Physiology and Pharmacology. 

Emma joined the lab in 2021 from Toronto via Queen's University in Belfast. Her project will examine the consequences of vaping on the pulmonary surfactant system.

Fun Fact:  Emma hates swimming and has started the lab's tik tok account. 

Fred Possmayer, PhD

Fred Possmayer is a Professor Emeritus in the Departments of Biochemistry and Obstetrics & Gynaecology at Western University. He is also an associate scientist at Children's Health Research Institute and a scientist at Lawson Health Research Institute.  

Fred's main input is during the weekly lab meetings where he provides valuable insight and asks lots of questions. He also shows pictures of fish he has caught.

Fun fact:  Fred is mentioned (with picture) in David Suzuki's autobiography.

Alexandra Troitskaya

Sasha is a fourth-year undergraduate student at Honours Bachelor of Applied Technology - Biotechnology degree at Fanshawe College. Sasha joined the Lung lab in the summer of 2022 to work on a collaborative project focusing on changes in inflammatory processes with aging.


Fun Fact: Sasha was chosen to be one of the 1000 children to sing in the choir at the 2014 Winter Olympic Games in Sochi, Russia.  She also dislikes mixed fonts on websites or in powerpoints.

Nicole Lee 

Nicole Lee is a 4th year student in environmental sciences. She is studying the impact of environmental aerosols on surfactant function.  

Fun fact:  Nicole paints and provides sound effect to random conversations that are happening in the lab.  

Ananta Datta 

Ananta is a third year undergraduate student. This summer Ananta is our "anything that needs to be done I can do it"  student.  He is well known for forgetting his ID badge in the lab. 

Fun fact: Ananta knows how to play the harmonium.

Maya Barua

Maya is a third year undergraduate student in Physiology and Pharmacology. She is volunteering this year helping out where ever she can.  The action-shot picture is one where the results of her first phosphorus assay are not ideal.... 


Fun fact: Maya competed in the national spelling bee, finishing 4th. 

Parnika Aima

Parnika is a second-year undergraduate student Scholars student. Parnika joined the lab in 2022 to work on a project focusing on the impact of vape aerosol on epithelial cells. Parnika is super excited to continue working with the team!


Fun fact: Parnika's favourite song to play on the piano is Page d'Album! 


Kyeongrim (Emily) Moon

Emily is a third year undergraduate student studying biology and hopes to do a minor in music. She joined the lab as a work study student in fall 2022 and is very happy to be a part of our team! 


Fun fact: Emily enjoys watching and taking part in any type of theatrical performance. 


Salem Abu Al-Burak

Salem is a 4th year student in Physiology and Pharmacology working on his honours thesis in the lab.  During the summer he has learned a bit of everthing, from single cell RNA seq analysis to using the constrained sessile drop surfactometer.   


Fun fact: Salem has been to 30 countries.  


Lucas Miguel de Souza

Lucas is an exchange student from Pontifical Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro, Brasil. Whereas his work in Brasil involved mainly molecular dynamics, including work on surfactant, in the lung lab Lucas is performing some related practical lab work.     


Fun fact: It only too Lucas 6 weeks to get an official nick-name: Cookie Monster.  




Dr Lisa Cameron:

BLES Biochemicals:

Dr Edwin Veldhuizen: