The Littlefield


Partner Event Ideas

We encourage partners to hold a happy hour event of some sort to boost fundraising. If you hold an officially scheduled event, 10% of sales from your guests will be added to your total. If you have a newsletter or other ways to connect with a broad audience, you may share those with The Littlefield to distribute.

You may use our official logo, upon management approval, for you to duplicate on your literature to promote the event for the month and encourage your followers to drop by and support you!

Past partners have sometimes held events that directly relate to themselves.

For example:

  • A local gallery held craft nights.

  • Dramakinetics held an open mic event.

  • Turner Farms gave a talk on gardening and requested dandelion greens be a component of the special drink.

  • We are currently working with on pet adoption day!

Events are not required, but we encourage you to consider such an opportunity to raise awareness about your organization. You tell us how much you’d like to personalize your month!

Officially scheduled events must be scheduled with The :Littlefield Management.

We look forward to connecting with you about this partnering opportunity!

Renee Lentz

Let me know if you would like to be a part of the program and I will get you a spot on the DOTM calendar!

DOTM Coordinator

Chalkboard Artist

Links to important information