How to Start Your Own TKC


Getting #thekindclub started in your community might seem daunting, but we’re here to support you and let you know that it’s really quite simple! Follow the steps below to kick off your chapter of the club.

  1. Your first meeting will either be to join an ongoing challenge of the month (which you can find on Twitter or Instagram @the_kind_club) or brainstorm your own ideas.
  2. Decide on a recess that has few conflicts with other clubs/activities and will allow you to meet with students for approximately 20 minutes. Choose a meeting location.
  3. A week before your meeting, build awareness and anticipation in your school/workplace/community by announcing the start of a new club (we did it during our school’s morning assembly). Announce again on the day of your meeting. You can share some kind quotes and let everyone know the gist of the club. Here are a couple quotes we love:
    1. “Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world; indeed, it's the only thing that ever has.” - Margaret Mead
    2. “Kindness only grows by giving it away.”
    3. “No one regrets being kind.”
    4. “Alone we can do so little, together we can do so much.” - Helen Keller
  4. If you choose to brainstorm your own ideas during the first meeting, you will need a way to collect information from your members. You could have students write their ideas on chart paper, post-its, or google docs. Whatever works best for you! Make sure you collect your materials and set up the seating arrangement in the meeting room.
  5. When you meet with your group members, share where your inspiration came from.
  6. Show kindness video or/and Kid President kindness video
  7. Tell members that they are part of a larger TKC community that has chapters around the world with the same goal.
  8. Have members brainstorm ways to spread kindness in your school, workplace, and/or community. Record ideas on chart paper, post-its, google docs, etc.
  9. Either make a split second decision for the month’s challenge based on ideas from the group or ask members to vote for a challenge.
  10. Announce the month’s challenge at a morning assembly following the meeting so everyone in the school can participate.
  11. Ask everyone to document the effects of the kindness challenge and share the hashtag #thekindclub so we can keep track of your journey (make sure that students in photos have photo/media clearance).