Maker Nation

Technology gives students the never before imagined opportunity to construct their wildest dreams and breathe life into their creations. From 3D printers, to green screens- sewing machines to miter saws- rooms have been popping up all over the country aimed at providing makers with a space to create, build, and dream. Check out what some of the tech leaders have to say about the Makerspace. What will your students create next?

Give students the opportunity to create something novel. Let's give our students the opportunity to make magic by inventing something they've never seen before.

Makerspaces naturally lend themselves to collaboration, which is another great thing about these spaces. In our world today- collaboration is essential. Not many people are successful working in isolation. When one student takes the lead and starts creating, others join-in and the collective buzz around their constructionist learning becomes contagious. Makerspaces follow the Triple E Framework- by Enhancing, Engaging, and Extending.

Some Tips To Start Your Makerspace:

  1. Don't be intimidated when trying to start one at your school.

  2. All you need is a space- it doesn't even have to be a whole room at first.

  3. Ask for donations from your coworkers, parents, the community.

  4. Let go of the reins. Let students have the space to take control of their own learning organically.

  5. Read and research- what have others done already? Use YouTube and Pinterest as starting points.