
These are specimens we have not contained yet, but have recorded.


Name before Infected: Toilet

Class: Little Girl

Notes: It's a toilet. It's not hurting anyone. Need someone with plumbing skills to contain this one.

Recorded by Dr. Izumi


Name before Infected: SpongeBob

Class: Little Girl

Notes: Lives under the sea, need submarine to contain.

Recorded by Agent LoudHouseFan0502


Name before Infected: Rhody

Class: Little Girl

Notes: Used to have a normal life, then was infected.

Recorded by Agent TBNRRhodes


Name before Infected: Ayana

Class: Little Girl

Notes: Before Infection, Ayana was an Ex Girlfriend of Agent "Blueballs". We are still unsure why he chose that name.

Recorded by Agent Kaito-kun


Name before Infected: Ron

Class: Little Girl

Notes: Used to be some edgy teen, or something.

Recorded by Agent Sarvente Gaming


Name before Infected: Ben

Class: Little Girl

Notes: We are unsure of it's whereabouts, but our machines picked up its energy.

Recorded by Agent Llammert


Name before Infected: UniqueGeese

Class: Little Girl

Notes: Had many fans before being infected. We need to contain this one fast to prevent mass panic.

Recorded by Agent Aiden


Name before Infected: Ridzak

Class: Little Girl

Notes: Not much is known about Lexzak due to time restraints with a mission.

Recorded by Agent ElectricSakura16


Name before Infected: Annie

Class: Pop Star

Notes: It gains special powers when it drinks the LIQUID. What is the LIQUID, exactly?

Recorded by Agent ElectricSakura16


Name before Infected: Red

Class: Pop Star

Notes: Hates Pigs with a burning passion. spends containment flinging itself at a wall using a Slingshot.

Recorded by GTAB


Name before Infected: Mrs. Pomp

Class: Pop Star

Notes: Was a teacher at [REDACTED] School, that giant shoe of its is no joke.

Recorded by Agent Tsuwuki


Name before Infected: Yukichi

Class: Pop Star

Notes: Found on another planet, so there is extraterrestrial life after all...

Recorded by Agent Sarvente Gaming


Name before Infected: Kapi

Class: Pop Star

Notes: Won't go anywhere without it's DDR pad, will attempt to gouge out eyes if removed from it, almost got Agent Aiden's right eye.

Recorded by Agent Sarvente Gaming


Name before Infected: Lane

Class: Pop Star

Notes: A robot, wants to clean everything. Everything.

Recorded by Agent ElectricSakura16


Name before Infected: AGOTI

Class: Pop Star

Notes: In the void, a dangerous place, we are unsure of how to contain this one while not getting hurt.

Recorded by Agent ElectricSakura16


Name before Infected: Tabi

Class: Pop Star

Notes: Has many explosives on it, we've lost many agents to it already.

Recorded by Agent Sarvente Gaming


Name before Infected: Mario

Class: Pop Star

Notes: Owns an arrangement of "power ups" that let it grow in size, shoot fireballs, fly, etc.

Recorded by LoudHouseFan0502


Name before Infected: Fliqpy

Class: Tantrum Thrower

Notes: Knows many ways to kill anyone, decapitation is it's favorite, it seems.

Recorded by ElectricSakura16


Name before Infected: Taki

Class: Tantrum Thrower

Notes: Brings around its chainsaw named "Lexi" to "bring people to meet God".

Recorded by Agent Sarvente Gaming

LEXI Spirit

Name before Infected: DRIP Spirit

Class: Tantrum Thrower

Notes: The DRIP was similar to the Lexinfection, but it seems this infection is stronger than the DRIP

Recorded by Agent Crab is.....idk


Name before Infected: Anders

Class: Tantrum Thrower

Notes: A robot with many weapons, was assigned to kill one of our agents, but we don't know who.

Recorded by Agent ElectricSakura16


Name before Infected: Ruv

Class: Tantrum Thrower

Notes: Standing at almost 9 feet, Luv can bring down buildings with just its voice

Recorded by Agent Sarvente Gaming


Name before Infected: 8-Bit Nostalgia

Class: Tantrum Thrower

Notes: Seems to have an unlimited supply of explosives. Be very careful when trying to contain.

Recorded by Agent Hunter


Name before Infected: Sonic.EXE

Class: Tantrum Thrower

Notes: Has many abilities, flight, teleportation, super speed, this one might be almost impossible to contain...

Recorded by Agent Girlfriend


Name before Infected: Hypno

Class: Tantrum Thrower

Notes: Has a pendulum that is used to hypnotize anyone that looks at it, uses Psyshock in order do help with this process. please proceed with caution.

Recorded by Doge [DECEASED]

Tactical Lexi

Name before Infected: Tactical Cupcakes

Class: Unknown

Notes: Whenever we try to contain it, it doesn't seem to succumb to our methods. We're not sure if this one can be contained, honestly.

Recorded by Agent Samuel


Name before Infected: Flippy

Class: Unknown

Notes: We are unsure if Flixi is hostile or not, especially with its "meat spirit" by it's side at all times.

Recorded by Agent Aiden