There are many ways a community could combat this issue, from either a small scale or a governmental level. Other countries have implemented systems to revolutionize agriculture. Take the Netherlands. According to National Geographic, the country uses "precision farming" and climate-controlled farms to maximize production, while also taking in students from all around the world in their high-tech biological laboratories.

We've also thought about community gardens. For this, the community would need to be incentivized to get involved, and businesses would need to start looking towards producing some of their own goods. Any goods that a city can produce itself should be produced locally.

As people, we partake in overconsumption. It's a result of global population growth and capitalistic ventures. Something to tackle this would be for the government to release public campaigns that force us to see what can happen to not only the planet, but other people, if we continue to take more and more.

A hierarchy of solutions:

5-10 minutes away: Community gardens

15-30 minutes away: Grocery stores

30-60 minutes away: Larger farms