
「バージョン1.0.5 "マルチプレイヤーアップデート"のパッチノート - 2022年12月21日」








キャラクターや建物のインベントリに関するいくつかのバグを修正しました - それまでは、アイテムを一つのインベントリから別のインベントリに移動する際に、アイテムを失う、または複製する可能性がありました



新しい地面のテクスチャを実装しました (例えば、水たまりなど)


IPv4 / IPv6ゲームの混在に関する問題がまだある場合は、教えてください。できるだけ早く確認します!



The Guild 3 チームより

Patch notes for version 1.0.5 “Multiplayer Update” - December 21st, 2022

Hello folks!

Patch 1.0.5 solves a number of network issues, the loading times are improved and it fixes a number of graphical glitches.

We would like to give a special thanks to NeoX, Tobsga, Wormic, Kate'sJoy, Ishtano, Neopolis and Kruemel for helping us test the network bug fixes for this patch!

Your saved games with the versions 1.0.1 to 1.0.4 are still working!

Build number: 681635

- we fixed a number of network issues, especially those that prevent you from joining a game
- the loading times for the maps are a lot faster now
- we fixed a number of bugs with the inventory of characters and buildings - before that it was possible that one looses or duplicated an item when transferring it from one inventory to another inventory
- we fixed a number of script errors
- we solved a number of graphical glitches
- we implemented new ground textures (e.g. puddles :-) )
- every map has been repainted with the new textures

Please let us know if you still have issues with mixed ipv4 / ipv6 games and we will look into that as soon as possible!

Thank you for your patience so far! You will hear from us again in the next patch notes ;-)

We wish you all a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

Your The Guild 3 team

We value your feedback!

Please support us and take the time to give reviews. And it would greatly help us if you could enter the issues you find during your play in our Redmine-Bugtracker. Please do not forget to add save games and/or crash-dumps, where available, follow the link to the forum.

Join the official The Guild 3-Discord server where you can meet other players to chat about the game.
