The Languages

This is the list of languages that we're hoping to collect data for. It's a tall order, but we're sure that you can help us! As time goes on and we receive more responses, we'll update our running total here, so you can see which languages are most accounted for and which ones need a bit more help. You can use the Ctrl-F function on your computer keyboard to search for a particular language more quickly.

Please note that some of the languages listed here are no longer spoken. That's alright. If you have information that's relevant for those languages, please share it!

If you'd like to share information about a language that's not on this list, please contact Evan ( directly.

The following languages are well-accounted for and no longer require responses, but we welcome submissions for any and all other languages: Afrikaans, Arabic (all dialects), Basque, Cantonese, Chamacoco, Danish, English (all dialects), Finnish, French, German, Hungarian, Italian, Mandarin dialects, Portuguese, Romanian, Russian, Sinhalese, Spanish, Thai, Tibetan, Turkish and Vietnamese.

Language List