The Galactic Federation

Who are we? 

We are the Galactic Federation. A Federation created to maintain peace in the far reaches of space. We seek not to govern, but to uphold a standard of conduct between all living creatures in space

Values and Code

We are accepting of all living things. That is, those capable of establishing and maintaining a safe and creative environment. We do not foster toxicity, for the light of understanding must prevail. Empathy is our shield, and the path of illumination. In the battlefield of honor, darkness finds no refuge.

Who do we seek?

Tenno that are unafraid of any opposing factions, eager to join our agency of bounty hunters and galactic agents. We serve no government, serve no private agenda. We only serve our cause, which is to obtain and maintain peace and order throughout the galaxy.  Patient minds, honest souls, compassionate hearts. Only those that work well with a team, and can communicate while maintaining a safe space for all.

Criteria for Acceptable Allegiance

Join us on PSN!

Message user "GustavTesla" in-game or on PSN in order to get join us!

Message on Reddit to join!

Message me on Reddit, and I may be able to let you join our ranks!
URL: Sir Rundas (u/Orihime1noue) - Reddit