Pet Care Services

Are Orchids Toxic For Cats?

Orchid lovers often live with the fear or worry if they can have both their beautiful flowers in their homes, as well as their feline friends running around. The question ‘Are orchids poisonous to cats?’ is often a recurring one, and so there’s often the struggle to prevent their cats from eating or choking on plants and flowers.

While it is a general belief that orchids are toxic to cats and kittens, it is not entirely true. Stick with us, and you will learn if orchids are toxic for your cats or kittens, and how to deal with having both in your home. See More...

Can Dogs Drink Oat Milk

Much like almond milk, oat milk is an excellent drink for dogs on a controlled diet or for dog owners who want to add a bit of additional nutrition to their dog’s diet due to its high nutritional goodness. Additionally, drinking natural oat milk that is made from oat grains soaked for a long time is safe because it has practically no toxic components.

However, excessive amounts can pose a serious hazard to their health as not all human food is healthy for dogs. So if you want to be safe, avoid giving your dog oat milk altogether. See More...

Why Is Old Dog Drinking A Lot Of Water?

As dogs grow old, they experience many issues that manifest with both physical and behavioral changes. Some changes are subtle and gradual, while others are intense and abrupt.

One of the changes almost every dog parent wonders is why is my old dog drinking a lot of water. Increased water intake is typical in older dogs and can be due to normal thirst or a severe and potentially life-threatening condition that warrants immediate veterinary attention. See More...

The Fit Pets is a place where you can learn more about your pet from their behavior to the type of food they should eat. There are also articles about how to make training more fun as well as advice on how to keep them safe.

About Us

One of the most rewarding aspects of my life is having a well-looked after, healthy and happy pet. This became completely obvious to me one evening. I mean it was always obvious but there was a tiny, particular moment that just made it crystal clear.

The Tiny Moment

It happened when I was younger and I had a short-haired black German Shepherd puppy. The family and I went out for dinner one evening,nd we left her alone for a few hours. Not long, just enough to drive out, have a meal and come back home. Plus, she had a big garden that she could explore, find her favorite spots, and enjoy the sounds and smells of the city.

We returned home, and it was quite dark that evening. I got out of my car and started calling her name. She had not yet learned it, so she did not come. I remember I walked a few steps and in the short distance of the night, I saw these bright, beautiful soft brown eyes looking at me with love. I think I could briefly hear the wagging of her tail as she sat there looking up at me. She was all black with only those darling eyes shined with the help of the stars and moon. I knelt and called her and she finally came. Those eyes were the sight that I remember quite frequently and I knew that I would look after, love, and nurture this dog for all our days and nights together.

This tiny moment stuck with me, so much so that I wanted to share my love of pets with you. So I have created this site where you can read up on how to give your pet the best support, food, love, and care that they need. I wanted a hub where pet owners can go to learn more about their best friends in a friendly, informative environment. Let us learn how to give our pets the best lives that we can.

What The Fit Pets Does?

The Fit Pets is a place where you can learn more about your pet from their behavior to the type of food they should eat. There are also articles about how to make training more fun as well as advice on how to keep them safe. In this modern world, you want modern ideas and tips to give and get the best from your pet. What you put in, and say it with me, is what you get out.

Love and care will be returned 1000 times from your pet since that is just how many of them are. They are your best friend, your comfort, your family. Therefore, give all that you can with the knowledge that you need to make them healthy, happy, safe, and comfortable. The rewards are worth the effort and the time you spent researching and reading. Welcome to The Fit Pets where we want to help you take your pet to the modern-day level of brilliance inside of them.

If you have any questions please feel free to contact The Fit Pets via the contact us page.