Want a quick equipment finance loan? Be with AAGEY

Are you or your company in search of the best equipment finance loan providers in Bellary? If yes, then you are at the right place. Right now, Aagey is at the top of the list for the Best Equipment Finance Loan Providers in Bellary.

Now, the question that arises is whether Aagey is good enough to be chosen ahead of other loan providers. The answer for this is simple and the reason is simple. Aagey is the first digital lending aggregator platform in the country and it's obvious that no other company can go ahead of the one who started the plan. Also, we have more than seventy five associated lenders at the moment. This is an achievement one can't easily achieve and is because of the features listed below. In total, we have more than thousand loan options, three hundred plus business partners, from the day itself Aagey is following certain principles which helped us attract more and more people towards us. We call it our vision and mission. The mission is to create modules and partnerships that enable enterprises to become more confident and effective financial decision makers. And the vision is to be an empowered enterprise making an informed choice of credit in a predictable digital environment. Both these features helped us get customers fast. Many of them choose us as we don't have a long time span and procedures before approving a loan.

Now, coming to our equipment finance loan scheme, if your company satisfies the terms and conditions of the scheme, you can get upto hundred lakh rupees which is provided in terms. The eligibility criteria for the approval of the loan is as follows. Any unit which has been in the field for more than three years and with a satisfactory cash profit for the last two years and the ones who are buying equipment directly from OEMs are eligible under this scheme. The unit with interest coverage of 1.50 times for the tenure of the loan with a debt-equity of 3 is the basic financial parameters which are taken into consideration. So, considering all these qualities, you can clearly understand that we provide the best equipment finance loan in the country.

As you all know, we are located in Bangalore and we have been receiving clients from every part of the country. And if you check the internet, you can't see any advertisements about Aagey. The customers help us to avoid the race behind advertisements. Most of the enquiries we receive everyday are either a referral or that particular person has chosen us seeing the reviews and rating we have got. In case you want to check them, you can go to our official website and go to the reviews and testimonial section. There you can find honest reviews posted by our clients.

So, if you are looking for a quick loan or a equipment finance loan without much procedures, then be with Aagey.