
Waffle and Tootsie the territorial dogs (Photo by Me).
Hershey, the siamese (Photo by Me).

These are the tales of four animals: Hershey, Skittle, Tootsie and Waffle. These tales will incorporate different stories from their different walks of life. The Buddha will be prevalent throughout the tales as a source in teaching them life lessons. Readers will get to see the personalities of the four animals as the stories develop and truly take shape. To learn a little more about the main characters in these tales continue reading.


Hershey is a 13-year-old Siamese cat who was born in Dubai. He has a strong personality as all siamese's tend to, a loud meow, a particular walk and a territorial manner. Hershey has been forced to be accepting of other animals entering his home which has taught him to be strong and stick up for himself. He is not the world's biggest cat either as he was the runt of the litter and is the smallest of the four animals. He makes up for his little size with his big personality. His vision has seemed to get worse with old age so he has a mean swing if someone rolls up on him too quickly.


Skittle, originally found outside as an alley cat kitten, is the smartest cat in the household. He might even be smarter than some of the humans you have come across in life. Skittle has a strong and tall build with white fur and some orange tabby striped spots. If you cross him you best expect to be slapped be a paw bearing claws. Though he has a tough side he also has a sweet side as well with the loudest purr you'll ever hear. His knowledge shine through and he knows that he is smarter than most animals. So you'll have to be careful with this little trickster, you never know what is coming.


Tootsie is a small brown mixed breed dog, with the sweetest personality but the biggest territory issues you'll ever meet. Growing up as the only dog in the household has taught her how to be territorial over most things, especially food. You don't mess with Tootsie and her food or you'll bring out her mean side. She has learned to live in place as third in line though and has a true respect for the cats. She will not hesitate to tell them when they are wrong or behaving badly though. This dog has a special personality that you will see develop in the tales.


Waffle a tri color Corgi has the biggest personality of all four animals. She is bossy, noisy and never afraid to speak her mind. She is not too territorial and seems to be pretty carefree. She knows when she has behaved badly, though, and will immediately apologize for it. Her athletic skills are uncanny and will up show any other animal that attempts to challenge her. The Buddha will be essential in teaching her life lessons as she is still young and learning the appropriate way to handle things.

These four animals will embark on the journey of finding themselves and learning life lessons. They will interact with each other, get to know each other and learn more about each other's personalities as the stories develop. These stories will be based on inspiration taken from the The Jatakas Tales of India by Ellen C. Babbitt , which can be found at the link below. Jatakas Tales of India