The Death Penalty

A Voices Project

By Liam Murgatroyd


Capital Punishment. One of the most controversial actions in the world today, and one that I took on in my research, delving into a world of varying perspectives and unending argument with my research question: Is the death penalty justified? After deep research and consideration, and the narrowing down of those various perspectives, what resonated with me the most were the great tiers of representation of voice and values/beliefs, and who had the power to be heard and spark the argument/change. With this in mind, along with my main macro-concepts of focus: Values/Beliefs, and Power, I came to the conclusion that: Though more refined in certain areas, the overall execution of the death penalty is inconsistent, unreliable, and un-thought out, causing its use to leave more people in a state of further harm rather than helping them and rendering it unjustifiable in its current state.

Research Question

Is The Death Penalty Justified?


Though more refined in certain areas, the overall execution of the death penalty is inconsistent, unreliable, and un-thought out, causing its use to leave more people in a state of further harm rather than helping them and rendering it unjustifiable in its current state.

Representations of the 4 perspectives that I will be portraying regarding the Death Penalty

Top Left (SG Government): Actor Fir Rahman in a scene from the film "The Apprentice"

Top Right (Pro-Death Arguers): Pro-death penalty supporters protest outside the Varner Unit on Monday, April 24, 2017 near Varner, Ark.

Bottom Left (Death Row Experiencers): Illustrative image of being trapped behind bars

Bottom Right (General/Religious Abolitionist Groups): Demonstrators organized by "Catholics Against the Death Penalty-Southern California" protest against the death penalty and in favor of immigration reform, in Anaheim, California, on February 25, 2017.