The Cup Coffee House
(979) 488-9113
Coffee is an authority blog focused on all things coffee from machines, grinders, to beans and brews. We spend hours researching everything it takes to create your own coffeehouse from home in the form of the latest coffee maker reviews and step by step how to brew guides so you don't have to.
Our goal is to deliver the most up to date information on the best drip machines, expresso machines, french press coffee makers, or whatever fits your fancy. So whether its a caramel macchiato, mocha frappuccino, an espresso shot or any variation of java wizardry your mind can conjure up including just a plain old delicious cup of joe so you can ditch Starbucks, you can learn to make it for yourself at The Cup Coffee House.
Keurig Coffee Maker
Espresso Machine
Do you love you some coffee goodness? Maybe you are a coffee aficionado with an exquisite palate and know the exact flavor profile you want every morning. Or maybe you are a beginner coffee student still experimenting on which methods will produce the perfect cup of coffee nectar for you.
Either way, the coffee Gods (or experts) have decreed that one of the best ways to unleash a delicious cup of fresh coffee is to brew with your own grounded coffee beans.
But then a slew of headache inducing questions about how to grind your own coffee pop up. Questions like how do you pick the right coffee grinder, which type of ground is best for the type of coffee you want, how do you work the thing to get the best course or fine coffee ground, and is grinding your own coffee beans really worth it.
Not to worry my fellow coffee luster. In this in depth buying guide, we will will tackle these questions. In fact we spent 50+ hours reviewing and meticulously researching the best manual coffee grinders available in the market so you don’t have to. We are focusing on manual coffee grinders (coffee mills) in this article for the situation where you are traveling and cant take your electric coffee grinder with you.
We have condensed them into the 10 best manual coffee grinders available. So whether you want coffee grounds for a fresh pour over coffee or a rich espresso with crema that delights, by the end of this article you will find the best manual coffee grinder that works for you.
Are Manual Coffee Grinders Any Good?
Let’s start with the basics. Manual coffee grinders are small tools used to grind coffee beans. Manual means they don’t use electricity and require your own physical effort to grind. This means less heat production and better retention of flavors and freshness. In general, they are great for portability and ease of use. You can travel with them and basically grind coffee beans anywhere anytime you like.
But the drawbacks are you have to manually put in work which may turn into a second early morning workout if you have 2-3 people to make coffee for. Also, manual work means less speed and less coffee grind quantity. But many of the newer models aren’t that difficult and many coffee enthusiasts report enjoying the coffee grinding experience as therapeutic in the morning!
Nespresso Machine
While I do enjoy the simplicity of drip machines, for me, nothing beats the flavor of a classic espresso with crema on top.
Coffee Maker
At the beginning of my coffee-drinking career, I thought an espresso existed simply to make delicious lattes, cappuccinos, and perhaps a dirty chai every now and then.
While these are great uses for espresso, some time spent traveling Europe convinced me that there is more to an espresso than I had previously realized.
The rich, nutty flavor, smooth finish, and crema on top are signs of a proper espresso. To achieve these qualities, espresso should be extracted using 9 or more bars of pressure.
French Press
This quick brew method retrieves many of the delicious flavors of the coffee bean while leaving the more undesirable traits from the bean behind.
Coffee Grinder
This delicious beverage always leaves me wanting more! Sadly, many espresso machines are priced out of reach of many household budgets and can be inaccessible to those wanting to get their feet wet in the espresso scene.
Nespresso Pods
We searched for a machine that is both budget-friendly and user-friendly and landed on the Breville Cafe Roma ESP8XL.
Is it worth it? Here’s the quick cliff notes summary: The Breville Cafe Roma ESP8XL is a beginner-friendly model that is equipped with all the necessary assets to make authentic espressos and espresso-based drinks.
Milk Frother
This machine uses 15 bars of pressure to create that delicious crema on top of your brew. It is an ideal espressor for those who are wanting to test out their barista skills without investing a ton of money upfront in an expensive, over-complicated machine.
Moka Pot
Update 2021: We spoke with the Breville customer service. While the Cafe Roma line is still available, the ESP8XL model has been discontinued.
French Press Coffee
Their most up to date model is the ESP8BSS, which is pretty much the same as the ESP8XL. But the Cafe Roma is only available to Canadians. If you still want the ESP8XL or ESP8BSS you can get it from Amazon sellers who will then ship it to you wherever you are.
The Breville Brand
The Breville brand is associated with quality, especially in the area of their coffee machines. Many of their products have been known to perform so well that professional cooks and chefs swear by their Brev!
Breville opened its doors in 1932, as a radio company. In spite of the economic depression of the era, Breville quickly became a success by finding innovative solutions in their industry. They soon expanded to household and kitchen appliances and are now well-known in coffee circles for their quality pod, drip, and espresso machines.
The Breville Cafe Roma ESP8XL is an ideal machine for those starting to explore the wonderful world of espresso. We love finding a solid coffeemaker in a decent price range. But what else makes the ESP8XL really stand out?
When I headed off to the other side of the pond in my mid-20s, little did I know it would forever change the way I drink my coffee. As an American, I thought that a straight espresso would basically take all the bitterness of the coffee bean and sock it to you along with an ungodly amount of caffeine. But when I asked for coffee in Europe, expecting to receive a standard diner mug-full, I was surprised to receive a tiny serving in a tiny cup.
Even more surprising, was the amazing flavor and texture of this rich cuppa. That stint in Europe made me a believer in the goodness of espresso and there was no turning back.
Looking at the espresso machines on the current market, the De’Longhi Eco310 Icona espresso maker caught my eye in the midst of its competitors. The sleek retro look of this machine would look great in any kitchen even if it were just as a decoration! The good news is, this machine is more than just looks, as it also pumps out an authentic espresso at 15 bars of pressure.
This machine makes a decent single or double-shot espresso and it will also let you slip in an ESE (easy serving espresso) coffee pod if you are wanting to take the easy route.
Want the quick summary? Here’s my overall impression: The De’Longhi Eco310 has a quaint-looking Old World design, which already gives you confidence that it knows what it is doing when it comes to making espresso. This machine uses 15 bars of pressure which is a step up from the minimum 9 bars. The Eco310 is a beginner-friendly, easy to use and maintain espresso machine that allows you to make quality espressos, cappuccinos, and lattes at home for a reasonable price tag.

The De’Longhi Brand
The De’Longhi story began in 1902, in Italy, with the De’ Longhi family as its founders. It started off as a small industrial parts manufacturing workshop and began to slowly but steadily add in appliances for the home.
From its humble beginnings, the De’Longhi group is now an international brand that sells its products in over 120 markets globally. It is world-renowned for its small appliances and is a leading brand name in the coffee niche. One of De’Longhi’s specialties is its quality espresso machine.
The De’Longhi Eco310 is a popular model in the De’Longhi Icona series. According to De’Longhi, these machines are based on Iconic Italian attributes of design, elegance, and lifestyle. The machines in the Icona series have a charming vintage look and a user-friendly design. The De’Longhi Icona Eco310 is also a more affordable espresso option and can often be found hovering around the $200 mark. But what else makes the Icona Eco310 really stand out?
The Cup Coffee House Files
My fellow coffee lovers know that there is nothing better than the first cup of coffee in the morning, especially if that coffee has been freshly ground by you just seconds before brewing. If you want the best tasting coffee, you grind your coffee beans. No argument there.
But how you grind your coffee can definitely vary. There are manual grinders, electric or automatic grinders, and more. Some people like to manually grind their coffee, which takes more time and effort but is quieter and produces a more consistent grind profile. Others prefer the ease and convenience of having an electric grinder whip up a weeks worth of coffee in a few seconds.
If you are looking for a simple electric coffee grinder, then consider the KRUPS Silent Vortex Electric Coffee Grinder. It is highly rated for its innovative silent grind technology, efficiency, and easy one-touch operation.
In this review, we will dive into what the KRUPS coffee grinder can and cannot do, how to use it, what the reviews say about it, and how it compares to some of its similar competitors.
Want the quick cliff notes summary? We found that one of the best things about this grinder is its quiet performance and simple fast grind mechanism. The downside of this coffee grinder is that the clean-up can be a little messy, and its a bit pricier than similar options on the market. Overall, if you are an experienced coffee drinker looking for an electric coffee blade grinder that is easy to use, fast and quieter than most, the Silent Vortex Krups electric coffee grinder is your best pick.
What’s So Great About the Krups Electric Coffee Grinder?
Fun fact: the Krups brand is a German based company with expertise in coffee and food preparation since 1846. They are well known for their high quality food prep products using their mantra of passion, precision, and perfection.
And the Krups Silent Vortex coffee grinder is one example of their quality products which are highly rated on the market right now. If you are looking for something innovative, quiet, and affordable, then this may be an option to consider adding to your coffee brewing arsenal.
Espresso can be the perfect drink to get you started in the morning. Its rich flavor and smooth texture include everything we love about a coffee packed into a demitasse.
But while we may love the taste of espresso and our favorite coffee drinks, we may not always want to be an in-house barista the first thing in the morning. Nespresso has come out with machines that can fill our need for espresso (and also regular coffee!), with just the touch of a button.
In this quick article, we will do an in depth review, analysis and comparison of Nespresso’s brand and popular Vertuoline machines, discussing the pros and cons of each individual model to help you make the best decision for your lifestyle.
Want the quick summary? In our assessment of the Nespresso Vertuoline vs Evoluo we found both are similar espresso machines made by the Nespresso brand and fall under the Vertuo-line of coffee makers. While the Vertuo and Evoluo have many of the same features, there are some differences as well.
The Vertuo is smaller in size than the updated Evoluo and may be for the person who is space conscious. But the Evoluo comes with a bigger storage area for water and waste and has a bigger heating unit, ideal for the person looking for the best value.
The Brand: Is Nespresso Worth the Money?
The Nespresso brand is known for its delicious brews and user-friendly machines. As they began their flagship models in the European market, they put a greater amount of effort into the flavor and quality of their espresso drinks than other brands. While other name-brand pod machines simply make a highly concentrated coffee and call it espresso, Nespresso created a pod machine that is capable of creating pressure, without a pump, to create a much more richly flavored espresso drink.
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The Nespresso brand also is conscientious about the coffee bean’s process from the farm to the pod. Nespresso is much more concerned with quality than quantity, which is part of the reason it comes with a higher price tag. You get what you pay for right?
And while they may not have as wide of a pod selection as other pod brands (ie. Keurig), the pods that they do offer have a deliciously smooth flavor.
Nespresso also partners with other big name manufactures in the coffee genre such as DeLonghi and Breville. These partners share expertise and innovative ideas to continuously make improvements to their coffee machine models.
Is Nespresso Vertuo and VertuoLine the same thing?
There can be a bit of confusion around the “Vertuoline” name. Many use it as the name of a particular machine or as a brand name. So, we are here to help to set the record straight!
Vertuoline refers to a particular line of machines under the umbrella of the Nespresso brand. Nespresso has a Vertuoline and an Original line. While there is a machine that is called “Vertuo” it seems a bit redundant to call it a “Vertuoline Vertuo”, so many shorten it to just “Vertuoline” or to “Vertuo”. The Evoluo is another machine in the Vertuoline or Vertuo Line of machines.
Who the Vertuoline Machines are made for…
For those who enjoy drinking espresso, but don’t enjoy worrying about time, temperature, grind size, or cleanup, the Vertuoline machines are worth looking into. Both the Evoluo and the Vertuo offer a smooth, flavorful shot of coffee with a simple touch of a button.
If you have housemates or colleagues that prefer a regular cup of coffee, they can get that too! These machines allow each person to choose the size and strength of their coffee on an individual basis. The Vertuoline machines can be a good mid-range choice for those who want a reliable and quick cup of coffee.
If you are a stickler for authentic crema, it may be worth your time and money to budget for an espresso machine. Nespresso’s Vertuoline is a quality machine for those who appreciate a fast, reliable cup of coffee.
If you didn’t know anything about coffee, most likely these 2 brands would be the first words you would hear. And for good reason. Keurig and Nespresso are two of the top brands in the market for single cup coffee brewers. Both of these 2 brands offer a product that people love… a quick and easy way to brew a great-tasting, reliable cup of coffee.
Nespresso vs Keurig is a fierce competition between both brands to be voted as the “most-popular” brew machine in modern households. They have captured the hearts of many with a revolutionizing concept–the coffee pod. But each brand has left their own unique mark on their coffee machines worth considering.
In this article, just to make it simple, we will take two of their flagship models: the Nespresso Vertuoline and the Keurig K-Cafe and see how they compare. This review and buying guide will help you decide which powerhouse coffee maker is the best fit for your style and needs.
Want a quick summary? The Keurig K-Cafe is a great choice for those who value convenience and are in search for an all-in-one coffee machine, with ample flavor choices, that can brew a beverage and steam the milk. For those who are looking for a more authentic espresso for the base of their coffee drinks (or to drink on its own!) with higher end quality, consistency and efficiency, the Nespresso Vertuoline may be the best choice.
Making the Case for Keurig
Keurig’s name is derived from a dutch word meaning “excellence.” Keurig has been in the coffee business since the early 1990’s and was begun by a few college guys in search of an excellent cup of coffee. They developed their brand with Green Mountain Coffee Roasters and began testing out their innovative K-Cup design in the business sector. Keurig developed relationships with many other popular coffee brands such as Starbucks, Dunkin Donuts, Tully’s and many others along the way.
The Cup Coffee House
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(979) 488-9113
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The ease and efficiency of a single-serve Keurig coffee was such a success that Keurig began finding ways to make this revolutionary machine an affordable option for the home. Keurig fans enjoy the ability to choose from a wide variety of brands and flavors to make a quick and reliable morning cup. Keurig has come out with several models designed for home use over the years, one of the most popular currently being the Keurig K-Cafe.
The Keurig K-Cafe
The Keurig K-Cafe puts a new shine on an already popular brand. This machine allows a coffee layman to become an at-home barista and make cafe style drinks with just the touch of a few buttons. Now we don’t have to bother about time, temperature, flow rate, and coffee to water ratios. We simply give our order to the machine and voila, we can have an (almost) instant cappuccino! Let’s see what features this machine has to offer.
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