Welcome to the Ripefruit Foundation
If you need help...
whether it be a listening ear, a licensed therapist, community or support, let someone you trust know. Here are some options :
Join a virtual session at Ripefruit's Meetup
Codependants Annonymous (virtual Groups)
A non-profit division of Ripefruit Creative, design agency, that is dedicated to identifying and strengthening peripheral skills as they appear along the spectrum of neurodiversity.
Our mission is to infuse mainstream learning environments with curriculum, lesson plans and creative systems that foster comprehensive learning, enthusiasm, and confidence for ALL students.
Use one of our student timers:
Other timers include:
Get the Sillies Out (3m)
Time for a Power Pose (3m)
Time to Breathe (3m)
You are special (5m)
Your Mental Fingerprint
"Neurodiversity" as a term can be a polarizing. There's enough of a range in definitions that people are often left wondering, just what it is. The Ripefruit Foundation approach is to benefit your mental fingerprint. Every mind is unique, just like a fingerprint. We can identify specific groupings to begin the conversation. We tend to refer to these:
Individuals who identify with a specific condition that may require accomodations (ADHD, Austim, ADD, Dyslexic)
Individuals who are learning English as a Second Language (ESL)
Individuals who have strong ethnic or cultural affinity
Indiviuals who have an emotional consideration (Depression, Anxiety, Obsessive Compulsive Disorder)
Individuals who are gifted and require special needs considerations known as twice exceptional

Artists, Parents, Children, Teachers, Supervisors and Neurodiverse themselves come together to learn, share their stories and enhance learning for themselves and othes diagnosed as neurodiverse. Ripefruit.orgs work will empower the Neurodiverse to share their stories host support meetings, and work with artists to create what lessons. Best of all we plan to create quantitatives to gauge neurovariance and advocate for industry change in the area.
2022 Community Efforts
Homesick: Homelessness Outreach (Read more in the Outreach tab)
Food Justice: Healthy Parties (See our past work)
Education: Classroom Supplements
DEI + N: Neurodiversity Awareness
Healing (Incarceration and Global Trauma) Read the current proposal
(Click video to see some of our past work)
Current Work
Uploading lessons to lesson portals for teachers to use for free
Conducting DEI+N talks
Current Teacher Survey assesses avaiablity of Social Emotioal Learning (SEL) Resources
Developing apps to strengthen innate skills
Finding placement for SEL pilot program
Current Needs:
Information gather: How are Neurodiverse Kids doing in virtual classrooms?
Survey Respondants
Artists to create curriculum
Representatives of Aspergers, Autism Spectrum,
curriculum to art-tit-tize/neurotize/ artify/ creat-i-grate/arti-grate
Productivity Recommendations:
Please Note: Proceeds go toward lesson development, DEIN Talks speaker and Artist Compensation.