
Hello my name is Tsuabasa. I am a highschool student in Tokyo. I am one of the creators. Here is some of my work

The dangers of not using images correctly

When you use an image in an inappropriate way, such as not obeying the rules of the CC license, you can get in a lot of trouble. In this section I will explain the three types of trouble you can get into.

Firstly, if you use images in extreme ways you could hurt others. This is rather about what you use the image for rather than its copyright but, this is very important so I will explain anyways. Some images on the internet are grotesque or made to make fun of others. If you decide to use these images your audience may get disturbed. For example, according to Republican American a multimedia news delivery organization, five high school students were arrested and charged for sharing sexually inappropriate images. Before using/posting images for your projects check that they are acceptable.

Secondly, this only goes for people who are trying to design something but, if you use too much images made by others your design becomes unoriginal. Even if the images are CC0 and you can use them freely, if there is too much of it the design would look the same as other designs and would be unappealing. I experienced this at my school's presentation class as all the groups used the same images for the slides and none of the groups stood out. Originality is very important and relying too much on others resources can make this disappear.

Thirdly, and most importantly if you use images without obeying the rights it holds, you would be committing copyright infringement. The copyright of an image (unless they are using CC0) belongs to its creator. Breaking the restrictions of these copyrights could get you fined. For example, according to CRIC a group that is working to introduce and explain copyright, in 1999, a foundation was sued for using images that went against the rules of copyright in their magazine. The foundation lost the trial and ended up paying the price. Making presentations and sites takes a lot of time and breaking the restrictions could result in all the work becoming worthless so, you must be careful.


“Q&A court cases| what would you do? | copyrightQ&A | Public interest corporation Copyright information center CRIC.” n.d. Accessed February 23, 2018. http://www.cric.or.jp/qa/shigoto/sigoto11_qa.html.

“Students Charged with Sharing Explicit, Inappropriate Images.” 2018. Republican-American (blog). February 22, 2018. http://www.rep-am.com/news/2018/02/22/students-charged-with-sharing-explicit-inappropriate-images/.

About Pixabay

Pixabay is a website that allows you to share and gain photos and images with people around the world. This website is extremely useful as (nearly) all the photos released is licensed as a CC0 image, which means you can copy/edit the image without acknowledging anyone. So, if you want to change the images you use, or are too lazy to write the sources of the images, use Pixabay. Pixabay is very easy to use as all you must do is go to its home page, search what you want, click the photo (and check the license) and download the photo. To make your experience even more convenient, you could enable safe search and not see inappropriate images by checking the box on the right side of the result page. There is also a Japanese version of the website and you can search in Japanese by changing your language. One thing you need to be careful about is that the images that come up on the first line of the page are professional photos of Shutterstock to finance Pixabay. The photos of Shutterstock cost money so unless you are willing to pay to get photos you could probably get free, you shouldn't use Shutterstock


Pixabay. n.d. “FAQ.” Pixabay. Accessed February 22, 2018b. https://pixabay.com/en/service/faq/.

⬇️Video about Pixabay

About Irasutoya

Irasutoya is a Japanese site that releases an extraordinary amount of illustrations of various themes such as food, society and sports. This site does not use the CC license but has similar rules to the attribution share alike license. You can use the illustrations freely and edit them for both commercial and noncommercial purposes. The official website does not classify if you must acknowledge them but, you should acknowledge them as Irasutoya still holds the rights to the illustrations. Also, you are not allowed to pass around the images as users need to get it from the official website. When using images for commercial purposes you can't use more than 20 and must use the images to support your design rather than the image being the idea itself.

Irasutoya is very easy to use as well. You can either search images by the search bar or categories. Once you find an image you can simply right click the image and download it (then acknowledge Irasutoya). You would have to use Japanese so if you are not so strong with English this site would be very useful.


irasutoya. n.d. “How to Use.” Accessed February 22, 2018a. http://www.irasutoya.com/p/terms.html.

⬇️Video about Irasutoya

⬇️Video of my part in the presentation.