- MassHire Metro South/West Workforce Board -

Youthworks 2020 Summer Service Oral History Project

The Covid-19 Impact

Explore how this worldwide pandemic has affected our communities.


We are gathering the stories and perspectives of friends, family, and professionals to accurately assess the impact of COVID-19 in our communities.

Our Background

The MassHire Metro South/West Workforce Board YouthWorks 2020 Summer Service Oral History Project: The COVID-19 Impact was completed by 14-16 year olds in the MassHire/YouthWorks program. Many of the students who participated were previously assigned to work in hands-on professional environments, an experience that became unavailable due to the widespread pandemic. These students rose to their new assignment with passion and determination, interviewing their friends, family, and professionals to accurately assess the impact of COVID-19 in their communities. Each and every participant in this program gained vital skills that include, but are certainly not limited to: communication, responsibility, self/time management, organization, self advocacy, and personal branding. These skills will help these students set and achieve both their personal and career goals.


Oral History (n.) - the collection and study of information through audio interviews with those living during a historical time period (ex: MassHire Metro South/West Workforce Board YouthWorks 2020 Summer Service Oral History Project: The COVID-19 Impact !)

Interviewee (n.) - person being interviewed (ex: parent, friend, neighbor)

Preliminary Questions Document (n.) - Google Document that needed to be updated with the questions asked to the Interviewee and the answers the Interviewee gave; updated for each new Interview

Group Project Meeting (n.) - Weekly meetings of both the Film & Writing Teams to check-in and discuss upcoming deadlines and future due dates

Workshops (n.) - Meetings with either the Film Team or the Writing Team to teach specific video editing skills or writing skills depending on the Team convening at the time

Personal Branding (n.) - how an individual defines themselves (typically in a professional setting)

Our Process

Step 1

Students are assigned their task: Interview three different people and ask them questions to assess the impact of COVID-19 in their lives and communities.

Step 2

Students are assigned to the Film Team or the Writing Team depending on their preference. Later, the Mixed Media Team will be added to accomodate those Interviews that are personal reflections or audio recordings.

Step 3

Students begin Interviewing! On the Film Team, students are expected to film their Interview and update their Preliminary Questions Document. On the Writing Team, students are expected to take an audio recording of their Interview and update their Preliminary Questions Document.

Step 4

Students submit their Final Products. On the Film Team, participants uploaded their final video of their Interview as well as a Google Slide to serve as a cover page on the website. On the Writing Team, participants uploaded an article, explaining their Interview in words.

The Youthworks Impact

Below are two students' accounts of the impact that the MassHire Metro South/West Workforce Board YouthWorks 2020 Summer Service Oral History Project: The COVID-19 Impact had on their lives.

Oral history presentation

Yaidy Morales

Click the box to read Yaidy's reflection.

Luke Aldrich Reflection

Luke Aldrich

Click the box to read Luke's reflection.

Our Team

A summer with the MassHire Metro South/West Workforce Board and YouthWorks program equals a lifetime of professional skills. One the skills The COVID-19 Impact group delved into was Personal Branding; how an individual defines themselves. The group discussed the importance of maintaining individuality in the workforce while continung to be professional, also known as crafting a "professionality". Each student in The COVID-19 Impact group submitted a photo or a collage representing themselves and short blurb, both of which are shown below, as their final Personal Branding task of the summer.

Ashley Martinez

Writing Team
Ashley is a rising junior at Framingham High School, and she enjoys mental stimulation, introspection, and story-creation.

Christella Lomami

Film Team/Mixed Media
Christella goes to Framingham High School. She is in 10th grade. She uses she/her pronouns. She enjoys watching anime and reading manga.

Derrick Yancey

Film Team
Derrick is a recent graduate of Fuller Middle School, and he enjoys traveling, hanging out with friends and family, and playing Contest Of Champions.

Emile Antoine

Writing Team
Emile Antoine is a sophomore at Marlborough High School, and he enjoys playing basketball, making music, and hanging out with friends.

Eva Kusi

Film Team
Eva is a rising 10th grader at Framingham High School. Her pronouns are she/her. She enjoys cooking, being on social media, and exercising.

Gertrude Opoku

Writing Team/Mixed Media
Gertrude is a sophomore at Framingham High School. She likes to go out with friends, hairstyle, and read.

Luke Aldrich

Writing Team
Luke is a 10th grader at Marlborough High School, and he enjoys running, computers, and hanging out with friends.

Malcolm Kirkland

Writing Team
Malcolm is an incoming freshman at FHS. He enjoys baseball, fishing, working out, playing with his dogs, snowboarding, and staying in the Cape.

Nevaeh Kabba

Writing Team
Nevaeh is going to be a 10th grader at Framingham High School when school reopens, and she enjoys spending time with her family and friends. Her favorite sport is basketball. She likes to listen to music.

Francisco Omar Fernandez

Writing Team
Omar is a student at Framingham High School, and will be a sophomore in the coming school year. He enjoys writing, being with friends, and playing video games.

Vitoria DaSilva

Writing Team
Vitoria is in 9th grade at Framingham High School. She enjoys listening to music, writing music, and talking with friends.

Tracey Osei Tutu

Film Team
Tracey is a sophomore at Framingham High school, and she enjoys cooking, traveling, spending time with people, and listening to music.

Yaidy Morales

Writing Team/Mixed Media
Yaidy is a 10th grade student at Keefe Technical School, and she enjoys reading/writing, playing volleyball, and cooking.

Zyahra Delgado

Mixed Media
Zyahra is going into 8th grade. Her pronouns are she/her. Her favorite hobbies are going out with friends, doing cheer when its cheer season, and eating.

Valerie Valcin

Writing Team/Mixed Media
Valerie is a sophomore at Framingham High School, and she enjoys reading and spending time with her baby cousins.

Samantha Orn

Film Team
Samantha is an aspiring fashion designer and loves to listen to music and draw. She is a Freshman at Keefe Tech.

Fiana Herscovici

MassHire Metro South/West Workforce Board YouthWorks 2020 Summer Service Oral History Project: The COVID-19 Impact Project Manager
Fiana is a recent graduate of Framingham High School and will be continuing her education at the Isenberg School of Management at UMass Amherst. She enjoys travelling, hanging out with friends and family, and going to the beach.

Meghan Burke

Youth Programs Manager
Meghan has been with MassHire for a year and a half. She enjoys cooking, hiking, and spending time with her daughter Isabel and her dog Turner.


Contact the Project Manager for the MassHire/YouthWorks 2020 Summer Service Oral History Project: The COVID-19 Impact

Fiana Herscovici


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