"Undiagnosed: A-Side"


The clock reads: 2AM

Wide awake in bed,

Static electricity swirling in my bones

Wild heart, wide eyes

Cold blue shooting through my veins-

I sense the wild things that come out at night

I am part of the whole.

The longing to run, and devour the night air

The witness to sparks that radiate off of strangers

The smell of what the moon overstimulates

Stardust in my lungs

Passionate, vulnerable, static, intimacy

Sour-sweet candies on the tongue

Speeding car - empty street

Screams of humor and green.

The air pressure in my ears. 

I feel the trees creaking

The trees speaking promises of hope,

Of the future, of love, of commitment-

Of passionate, vulnerable, static, intimacy

And the stars smile.

But the whispers are louder now

High frequency radiation

My bedroom now watched my every move,

And the dark is now unwelcoming

The room gets larger,

Millipede eyes stare from the walls,


A thin layer coating me in suspicion

Striving to conceal me. 

The cold blue energy 

Now a thick black ooze slushing through me

Eyes wide, body still.

The clock reads: 5AM